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Daabaco Boggan | Print

October 19, 2011

Concerned Somali Diaspora
P.O. Box 11851
Alexandria, VA 22312

H. E. Ban Ki Moon
United Nations Secretary General
760 United Nations Plaza
New York, 10017, USA
Fax: 212 963-7055


Your Excellency,

We, the undersigned members of Concerned Somalis in the Diaspora and inside Somalia, are deeply concerned and troubled by the illegal incursion of Kenyan army into Somali territory. We believe Kenya is in violation of non-intervention and non-interference clause of the UN charter, and is in breach of Somalia’s sovereignty and internal affairs. The invasion of Kenyan army into Somalia on October 17, 2011 is wrong, unjustified and is similar to the invasion of Ethiopian army in Somalia back in December 2006 where Somalis rallied around Al-Shabaab to defeat Ethiopia. Kenya’s current invasion could potentially result suffering and unnecessary death of many more Somalis and will displace and cause yet another Somali exodus with undetermined consequences.

Regrettably, without regard of international humanitarian laws Kenyan Army decided to invade Southern Somalia at a time when the people of lower Juba are struggling to overcome the effect of ongoing famine. We do not want to see any more Somali lives lost as a result of this illegal Kenyan invasion, thus we ask the International Community to join us in condemning the incursion of Kenyan Army into Southern Somalia in the strongest terms.

With a false pretext of fighting the extremist group Al-Shabaab, Kenyan army crossed the border into Somalia for 100 kilometers as confirmed in a press release by Kenya’s Foreign Minister Mr. Moses Wetangula. This never-ending military adventures and political meddling in Somalia by neighboring countries are clear violations of international laws and in particular Article 2 (4) of the UN Charter, which states “All members shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or the political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purpose of the United Nations”.  In this context, we request the international community to act in unison by denouncing Kenya army’s blatant aggression of Somalia’s sovereignty. 

Your Excellency,

We, the Somali people, envision resolving Somali conflict by peaceful means and advocate Somali owned conflict resolutions is the best way forward. We see Kenya's illegal self-serving approach at the expense of Somali lives and sovereignty as counter-productive and clear violation of international laws. We expect the International Community to halt Kenya's treacherous and unilateral attack since this reckless approach could aid the resurgence of Al-Shabaab and prolong Somalia's conflict. This invasion is not in the interest of Somalis as Al-Shabaab has been losing recent battles fought against TFG and AMISOM.  In this context, it can be argued that Kenya’s heedless measures are not intended to defeat Al-Shabaab but to resuscitate and legitimize them, so that the destabilization of Somalia continues unabatedly.  It is our opinion that this aggression embodies Kenya’s intension to create buffer zones in Somalia or perhaps to annex parts of Somalia’s southern coastal territories – an idea rejected by the U.S. Department of State – as revealed by U.S. diplomatic cables.

Your Excellency,

We, the undersigned members of Concerned Somalis in the Diaspora with roots across Somalia, including activists, educators, and professionals request from the UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council, and the International Community to: 

·         Denounce the Kenya’s illegal invasion of Somalia as such a unilateral action violates the inherent right of a sovereign and an independent member state,

·         Assist the Somali people in “owning” the necessary means and solutions to our country’s conflict,

·         Respect the spirit of self-determination and the aspiration of the Somali people to defeat Al-Shabaab on our own terms without external involvements,

·         Send a Fact-Finding Mission, headed by neutral observers, to assess the violations and the extent of Kenya’s military incursion in Southern Somalia,

·         Demand immediately the unconditional withdrawal of the Kenyan forces from Somali soil.


List of Signatures:

  • 1    Eng. Mahmoud Dahir Virginia, USA
  • 2    Abdirizak O. Mohamed, Ontario, Canada
  • 3    Eng. Ali Omar, North Carolina, USA
  • 4    Avv. Issa Ahmed Warsame London, UK
  • 5    Mohamud Uluso, Michigan, USA
  • 6    Abdulaziz  Hagi Mohamed Hussein
  • 7    Eng. Ismail Osman Ohio, USA
  • 8    Mahad Yusuf Sheekh Toronto, Canada
  • 9    Mohamed H. Hassan “Gudbaaye” Minnesota, USA
  • 10   Basto Ahmed, Virginia, USA
  • 11   Hassan Warsame, Virginia, USA
  • 12   Omar M. Abdulle, London, UK
  • 13   Mohamed Ali Hassan Washington DC, USA
  • 14   Abubacar Mahamed Alpha, Virginia, USA
  • 15   Mohamoud A Gaildon, Green Bay, WI
  • 16   Mariam Gulid, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • 17   Ali Omar Ghedi Mogadishu, Somalia
  • 18   Hussein Warsame, Virginia, USA
    19   Ali Said Haji Aliyow, Melbourne, Australia
  • 20   Eng. Mohamud Ali Mohamed, London, UK
  • 21   Nour Omar, Dallas, Texas
  • 22   Farhia Bashir Nur, Virginia, USA
  • 22   Axmednur Sh. Cali Virginia, USA
    24   Abdikani Raghe barrow Ottawa, Canada
    25   Ilyas hayuke Seattle, Washington USA
    26   AliNur Hussein Bodaye, Toronto, Canada
    27   Amira Addawe Minnesota,  USA
  • 28   Abdulkadir Ali Abdi, Ohio, USA
    29   Abdirahman Abdulle Siad Toronto, Canada
  • 30   Dr. Ali M. Tofow, London, UK
  • 31   Khadafi O. Mohamed Manchester, UK
    32   Mohamed Ali Aden Ontario, Canada
    33   Fadumo Awow Mohamed, Ontario, Canada
    34   Hassan, Ahmed, Ontario, Canada
    35   Mohamed M. Makaraan Ohio, USA
    36   Said Mohamed  (Gaab) Ontario, Canada
    37   Abdi Dirshe, Ontario, Canada
    38   Khadija D. Hassan, Ontario, Canada
  • 39   Musse A. Abdimah, Virginia, USA
  • 40   Prof. Hassan Mohamud (Jaamici), Minnesota, USA
  • 41   Mohamud Yussuf Makis Seattle, WA
  • 42   Mohamed Ali Hassan
  • 43   Eyni I. Wehliye, Virginia, USA
  • 44   Abukar M. Dahie, Virginia, USA
  • 45   Mohamed M. Abikar, Virginia, USA
  • 46   Mohamed Abshir Virginia, USA
  • 47   Ahmed Mohamed Virginia, USA
  • 48   Faisal M. Abdi, Virginia, USA
  • 49   Abdiqani Abdullahi, Virginia, USA
  • 50   Ahmed Hassan, Virginia, USA
  • 51   Mohamud Gacal Ali, Virginia, USA
  • 52   Salad Nur Abdi, Ottawa, Canada
  • 53   Sahra Mohamed Elmi, Toronto, Canada
  • 54   Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali, Ontario, Canada
  • 55   Fardowsa Mohamed, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 56   Saida D. Mohamed, Toronto, Canada
  • 57   Dahir M. Hassan, Toronto, Canada
  • 58   Habiba Ali Aden, Toronto, Canada
  • 59   Suad D. Hassan, Seattle, WA
  • 60   Sahra Musse, Minnesota, USA
  • 61   Kassim Busuri, Minnesota, USA
  • 62   Abdiaziz Omar Wehliye, Virginia, USA
  • 63   Abdulkadir Abukar, Virginia, USA
  • 64   Muhidin Hassan Islaw, Virginia, USA
  • 65   Abdullahi Yussuf Abdalla, Virginia, USA
  • 66   Mohamed A. Osman, Columbus, Ohio
  • 67   Dr. Ali Said Faqi, Michigan, USA
  • 68   Abdulkadir Jama, Seattle, WA
  • 69   Ahmed Moose, Virginia, USA
  • 70   Mohamed Gilao “Tennis”, Toronto Ontario
    71   Mohamed A. Gure Stockholm, Sweden
    72   Mohamed Y. Hassan London, UK
    73   Ali Gedi Farah Ontario, Canada
  • 74   Muse Abdi Muse, Alberta, Canada
  • 75   Hawa Abdi Yusuf, Cairo, Egypt
    76   Mohamed Abdillahi Birmingham, UK
    77   Abdirizak Farah Manchester, UK
    78   Mohamed Abdirizak Ontario Canada
    79   Farhia Haji Omar Stockholm, Sweden
    80   Abdullahi Farah Ahmed Toronto, Canada

La xiriir

Dahir Adani




Qoraalladii Wareeggii hore ee Difaaca Badda Soomaaliya
DIFAACA BADDA: WAREEGGII-1aad 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | WAREEGGA-LABAAD |


 Un Report Somalia

Kulaabo bogga ©

La soo xiriir:


Kenya oo Shidaal ka Baaranaysa 3900 Sq Km ee Gudaha Dhulbadeedka aagga Raas Kambooni ee Jamhuriyadda Soomaaliya

Taariikh Kooban: Geeska Afrika

1,500 BC Fircoonkii laoranjirey  Seankhane Menthuhoteps IV ee Thebes ayaa sahan safar badeed usoodiray xeebaha Soomaaliya, kuwaas oo loo aqoonjirey dhulkii uduga "The Land of Punt."

7-900 AD Carab  iyo Beershiyaan [Persians] ayaa xiriir layeeshay jaaliyaadihii kunoolaa xeebaha Saylac, Muqdisho, Marka iyo Baraawe.

1528-35 AD Ahmed "Gurey" ayaa dagaal lagalay Abyssinians isagoo siweyn isaga difaacay ilaa ay usoo hiiliyeen ciidan hubaysan oo Bortuqiis ah [Portugese musketeers].

1889 Kadib markii ay heshiis  galeen Suldaano iyo Ingiriiska  ayuu Woqooyiga Soomaaliya ka dhaqangeliyey Somaliland.

1894 ayaa heshiiska loo yaqaab saddex-geesoole "Tripartite Accord" waxaa wada garey Ingiriiska [Great Britain], Talyaaniga [Italy], iyo Itoobiya [Ethiopia], kaas oo kusaabsanaa dhulka Soomaaliya. Talyaaniga waxaa lasiiyey dhulka soo eegaya badweynta Hindiya oo waagii dambe loo bixiyey Italian Somaliland. Heshiiskaasu wuxuu aqoonsaday in Mililikh [Menelik] uu qaato dhulka galbeed ee Soomaaliya ee loo yaqaan Ogaden.

1899 Maxamad Cadulle xasan ayaa la dagaalamay wadaamada Ingiriiska [British], Talyaaniga iyo  Ethiopia.

May 5, 1936 Talyaaniga ayaa qabsaday magaalada Addis Ababa, kaddib markii halkaas uu ka cararay Xayle Selasi. Waxaana markaas Talyaanigu gumaysatey Itoobiya intii u dhaxaysay 1936-1941.

1940 Talyaaniga ayaa qabsaday dhulkii ingiriisku qaatay ee Somaliland, qabsashadaasi muddo badan masii jirin.

1947 Waxaa la asaasay xisbigii dhallinyatada Soomaaliyeed ee SYL [Somali Youth League], oo ahaa xisbigii siyaasiga ahaa ee ugu horreeyey Soomaalida cusub.

1950 Qaramada Midoobey [UN] ayaa dhulkii talyaanigu haystey ogolaatay xorimo gaarsiin oo uu talyaanigu sii hayo.

1955 Ingiriiska ayaa gobolka loyaqaan Reserved Area(Ogaadeenya) iyo Hawd kuwareejisey Itoobiya.

1960 bishii  June 26keedii ayaa Somaliland kaxorowdey xukunkii Ingiriiska. bishii   July 1deedii isla sanadkaas ayaa Soomaaliya intii uu Talyaanigu siihayey xorowdey oo ay labadaas qaybood midoobeen.

1960: Kahor xoriyadii Soomaaliya, July 1960, Fransiiska iyo Talyaanigu oo ahaa kukii siihayey dhulka Soomaaliya waxa ay ku guul-daraysteen in ay xad sugan oo Soomaaliya leedahay suntaan

1 Jul 1960 - 10 Jun 1967
Aadan Cabdullah Cusmaan 
ayaa noqday madaxweynihii u horeeyey ee Soomaalida xorta ah

7/1960: Rabshado kadhacay xadka Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya ayaa labada dhinacba adkeeyeen ammaanka. Soomaaliya waxa ay dhiirigelisey NFD xoriyad gaarsiinteeda, Ingiriiskana xiriirkii ayey u goysey kadib markii Ingiriisku go'aansaday in uu NFD kudaro Kenya. Madaxdii Afrikaankuna Soomaaliya gacankuma siin Qadiyada NFD. 13beri kadib markii Kenya Xoriyada qaadatay, December 1963, waxa ay NFD kusoo rogtey xaalad degdega.

1/1964: Waxaa dagaal ka dhexqarxay Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya, dagaal la xiriira dhulka Soomaaliyeed ee Itoobiya gumeysato .

4/1/1964: Waxaa hirgalay xabadjoojin dhexmartay Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya

10/15/1959:Waxaa la diley Cabdirashiid cali Sharmaarke, oo ahaa Madaxweynihii Soomaaliya, oo safar kumaraya Gobolada dalka.

Oct 28, 1967 waxaa Is-Afgaradkii Caruusha ee 1967 (Arusha Memorandum of Understanding) uu dhexmaray xukuumaddii Soomaaliya iyo Kenya, kuna saabsanaa NFD.

21 Oct 1969: Waxaa wadanka inqilaab ku qabsaday ciidan militari oo uu hogaaminayey Maxamed Siyaad Barre. 1/1977:Waxaa kor u kacay xiisada dhulka ee Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya.

July 23 1977: ciidanka Soomaaliya ayaa galay dhulka Soomaaliyeed ee gobolka Ogaden. Ethiopia waxa ay taageero militari ka heshay dalalka USSR, Cuba iyo Libya. Dagaal khasaare badan geysey ayaa dhexmaray Somali iyo Itoobiya. 

November 1977 Soomaalidu waxa ay eryeen ruuskii ku sugnaa cariga Soomaaliya. Waxana ay Soomaaliya markaas mucaaniwo weydiisatey USA iyo UK. USA waxa ay ogolaadeen oo qura taageerida aadaminimo, halka UK ay Soomaaliya siisay mucaawino aadamino iyo hub intaba. OAU ayaa isku deyey in ay wadahal soo qabanqaabiyaan laakiin waftigii Soomaaliya ayaa kabaxay wadahadalkii. Itoobiya waxa ay bilowdey habkii lamagbaxay"scorched earth" oo afsoomaali ahaan u dhiganta "u cadayn dhulka sidii laf hilibka laga xaquuqay" kan oo ahaa in lasumeeyo biyaha, la laayo xoolaha, dhulka ladeganyahay lagabarakiciyo, taas oo dhanka ahayd  (SALF). Taageero ay Itoobiya ka heshay Ruuska awgeed waxa ay dib u qababsatay  Somali galbeed (ogaden) markey taariikhu ahayd March 15 1978. Reference: Somalia History


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