w w w . S o m a l i T a l k . c o m
March 14, 125

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Ministry, Lundin East Africa BV sign accord

L. Lundin

Shirkadda CANMEX in markii shan (5) maalmood oo keliya [Oct 11 - Oct 17] laga soo wareegey markii ay heshiiska qabyada ah ee ku saabsan khayraadka Puntland la gashay Range Resources in uu is-casiley Lukas H. Lundin oo ahaa madaxweynihii shirkadaasi CANMEX ilaa 1996, waxaana lagu bedeley ninkii heshiiska la soo galay Range Resources ee magaciisa la yiraahdo Mr. Richard Schmitt. Sharraxaad lagama bixin sababta isku soo beegtay is casilaada madaxweynihii shirkadda CANMEX ee reer Sweden iyo heshiiska ay la gashay Range Resources. Mase Ogtahay in shirkadda CANMEX aysan ilaa hadda lahayn website u gaar ah oo laga heli karo akhbaarteeda ama taariikhdeeda.

A. Lundin
Lukas H. Lundin waxaa dhalay Adolf H. Lundin oo loo tirinayo in uu ahaa maskaxdii ka dambeysey shirkada macdan qodista ee CANMEX, waxana uu September 30, 2006 Adolf H. Lundin  ku dhintay magaalada Geneva ee dalka Switzerland halkaas oo uu deganaa. Lukas oo sida kor xusan uu dhalay Adolf ayaa ahaa madaxweynaha shirkadda macdan qodista ee CANMEX, waana ninka uu xusay Gaagaab markii uu la hadlayey baarlamaanka Puntland,  inkasta oo uusan xusin in mr. Lukas uu shirkadaas madaxweyne nimadeedii iska casiley shan maalmood oo keliya markii ay kasoo wareegtey  heshiiskii dhex maray Range iyo CANMEX ee kusaabsanaa khayraadka Puntland.

Addis Ababa – The Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Lundin East Africa BV, a Netherlands-based company, signed accord to enable the latter carry out exploration and development of petroleum basin in Somali State here yesterday.

The company has allocated 10.8 million birr to exploration and development of petroleum basin in the first four years alone.

Minister of Mines and Energy, Alemayehu Tegenu and Chairman of the Company, Ian H. Lundin and Acting General Manager Lundin East Africa BV, James Phillips signed the accord.

According to the agreement, the development and production period would be 25 years and may be extended, a press release made available at the signing ceremony said.

The initial term of exploration period would be four years, and may be extended as appropriate, the release said, adding the exploration area covers 24,420 sq. kms.

According to the release, the company would provide preference to the employment of Ethiopian nationals and utilize domestic goods and services as long as they are readily available at competitive prices and of comparable quality.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Alemayehu said Ethiopia has been exerting utmost efforts in fighting poverty and backwardness through exploration of natural resources.

The ministry is ready to provide assistances toward the success of the company, he said.

Speaking on his part, Lundin said Lundin East Africa BV has rich experience in exploration of petroleum, adding Lundin Petroleum AB is currently engaged in petroleum exploration and development activities in France, the Netherlands, Norway, UK, Tunisia, Nigeria and Sudan, among others.


ONLF requests Lundin to distance its self from Ethiopia’s oil

November 12, 2006
From: Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF)

TO: Ian H. Lundin Chairman
Ashley Heppenstall Managing Director
Alexandre Schneiter, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Geoffrey Turbott Finance Director

Copies: International Media

RE: Production Sharing Contract With The Ethiopian Government For Exploration Activities In Ogaden

Our organization has been made aware of the signing of a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) between Lundin Petroleum and the Ethiopian government on November 7th 2006. The exploratory activities planned specifically by Lundin East Africa BV in designated areas of our homeland which you refer to as "blocks 2 & 6" are both unrealistic and unwelcome by the people of Ogaden.

While you may have been given security guarantees by the Ethiopian government it is imperative that you understand that the regime is not now nor has it ever been in effective control of the Ogaden. The Ogaden has been the scene of armed conflict for a number of decades between the central government of Ethiopia and ethnic Somalis. This conflict makes for an insecure environment for any mineral exploration to occur. Our organization, the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) and the armed forces of the Ethiopian regime engage on a regular basis throughout Ogaden. The areas covered by the PSC signed between you and the Ethiopian regime are well within our scope of military operations and as such the security of your operations cannot be guaranteed. We therefore strongly advise you against this planned investment given the current conflict which exists between our troops and those of the Ethiopian regime.

While we have no dispute with Lundin Peteroleum, The ONLF as a matter of policy cannot permit the exploitation of mineral resources in Ogaden until such time that a legitimate form of self-government exists in Ogaden.

We have made this clear to several companies which have expressed a similiar interest in Ogaden including Petronas of Malaysia as well as Gail and the Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation of India among others.

While we have made shown our willingness to negotiate with the Ethiopian regime in the presence of a independent third party and in a neutral third country venue with no pre-conditions placed on such talks by either side, the regime has repeatedly refused. The Ethiopian regime has chosen instead to continue the systematic persecution of ethnic Somalis in Ogaden including the arbitrary arrest and physical abuse of women, children and the elderly. We hope that you will reconsider your planned activities and choose not to be a party to a long standing armed conflict between the Ethiopian regime and the Somali people of Ogaden.

We also hope that you will seek to diassociate yourself from a regime that is currently engaged in gross violations of human rights in Ogaden.

Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF)

JWXO oo Lundin weydiisatey in ay faraha kala baxdo Batroolka Ogaadeenya


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