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Daabaco Boggan | Print

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Xogta ay maalmahan is weydaarsanayaan Dadka Saamiyada ku leh ASX

  • Sawirkii DFKMG iyo DGPL oo kala saxiixanaya Heshiis ayaa ka mid noqday waxa loogu hadal haynta badan yahay  suuqa ganacsiga ee Australia....

Shabakada oo meesha ay xogta isku dhaafsadaan dadka saamiyada ku leh suuqa ganacsiga ayaa beryahan waxaa sawirada ugu badan oo laga hadlo waxaa ka mid ah sawirka hoose oo ah saxiixii heshiiskii Muqdisho ku dhex maray DGPL iyo DFKMG.

Waxaana sawirkaas dhinac socda qoraal ay warbaahinta DGPL ku qortay afka Ingriisiga, kaas oo sheegay hadalkan:

"Kaddib markii wada xaajood dheer iyo dood ay dhex martay labada dhinac (DGPL & DFKMG) waxay wada saxiixden heshiis is afgarad (MOU = memorandum of understanding). Heshiiskaasi waxa uu ansixinayaa xuquuqda ay Puntland u leedahay wadaxaajoodyada qandaraasyada/heshiisyada khayraadka dabiiciga ah ee dhulkeeda, xeerkaas oo u gogol xaaraya maalgashiga mustaqbalka ee ku saabsan qaybtaas.

After long discussions and debate both parties signed a MOU agreement. This agreement will validates the right of the State of Puntland to negotiate the natural resources contracts for their territory, this will also clear the way for any future investors for this sector.

Xogtaas iyo sawiradaas la isla dhex marayo suuqa ganacsiga Australia waxaa laga soo xigtey warar ku qoran Af ingriisi oo ay qortay warbaahinta maamulka DGPL kaddib markii uu madaxweynaah DGPL, Cadde Muuse, ka soo laabtay Muqdisho (Aug 15, 2007).

  • Wararka DGPL ee Af-Soomaaliga ku qoran ama looguna talo galay Soomaalida waa kan...

Madaxweynaha DGPL iyo wefti uu hoggaaminayo ayaa ka soo degay Garoonka Kanoko ee Caasimada DGPl ee Garowe.

Wednesday, 15-Aug 2007

Madaxweynaha iyo weftigiisa ayaa waxaa si diiran u soo dhoweeyey ku simaha xafiiska Madaxweynaha ahna Wasiirka Cadaalada Cabdirisaaq Cabdulle Geesood, guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada Axmed Cali Xaashi, Xildhibaano, Wasiiro, Taliyayaasha Ciidamada Booliiska iyo Daraawiishta, Islaan Ciise Islaan Maxamed iyo dadweynaha Magaalada Garowe.

Madaxweynaha DGPL Mudane Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi iyo weftigiisa ayaa waxaa garoonka Caalamiga ah ee Caasimada Muqdisho ee Aadan Cabdulle international airport ku soo sagootiyey Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah Mudane Cabdillaahi Yuusuf Axmed, golaha wasiirada ee DFKMG ah iyo Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir.

Madaxweynaha DGPL iyo weftigiisa ayaa waxa ay in muddo ah ku sugnaayeen Caasimada Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho halkaasi oo uu kulama kala gooni gooni ah kula soo yeeshay Madaxda sare sare ee DFKMG ah, Saraakiisha iyo qabaa’ilada ku nool Muqdisho, guddoomiyaha shirka qaran ee beelaha Soomaaliya Mudane Cali Mahdi Maxamed.

Hadaba weftigan Madaxweynaha DGPl la socday ayaa waxa ay kala ahaayeen Wasiirka Kalluumaysiga, Khayraadka Badda iyo Gaadiidka Badda Siciid Maxamed Raage, Wasiirka ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha Cabdisamed Yuusuf Maxamed, Wasiirka warfaafinta, isgaarsiinta, dhaqanka iyo dalxiiska Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Saalax, Wasiirka shaqada iyo shaqaalaha, Isboortiga iyo dhallinyarada Cabdinuur Cilmi Qaaje (Bindhe), Xildhibaan Saadiq Abshir Garaad, Xildhibaan Ibraahim Cilmi, Xildhibaan Cabdirashiid Firdhiye, Xisaabiyaha Guud ee Dowladd Jaamac Maxamed Cismaan, Agaasimaha waaxda qorshaynta ee wasaaradda Maaliyada,

Isha: Wararka DGPL | Puntlandgov

  • EEG: iska warkaas oo ay DGPL ku qortay Ingriisi oo loogu talo galay dadka Akhriya Ingiriiska....

The President returns to Puntland after a succesful trip to Mogadishu

Wednesday, 15-Aug 2007

President of the Puntland State of Somalia H.E. Mohamud Musse Hersi return to Puntland after a highly successful visit to Mogadishu, Somalia

The Speaker of the Puntland Parliament, Puntland Ministers, Traditional Community leaders, regional and local government officials were at the Garowe Airport, to greet the President and his delegation.

The President and his delegation were in Mogadishu for a total of 12 days. The main objective of the visit was to develop a framework on how the two governments will work together in the future. Several round of talks were held with the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia to discuss key issues regarding security, natural resources,fishing and revenue (taxation) sharing between Puntland and TFG.

After long discussions and debate both parties signed a MOU agreement. This agreement will validates the right of the State of Puntland to negotiate the natural resources contracts for their territory, this will also clear the way for any future investors for this sector.

In this MOU agreement Puntland will give portion of their tax revenue to the TFG. The MOU also clears the way for the State of Puntland to continue managing the fishing sector within their own border (issue fishing licenses, protect the whole coastline of Puntland). Puntland will share a portion of its revenue from the fishing sector with the TFG.

Isha: Wararka DGPL. Puntlandgov iyo

Heshiis ay dhaqaalaha ku qayb-sanayaan oo ay wada gaareen Dowladda Federaalka iyo Maamul Gobaleedka Puntland..

Waxaa maalintii Agoosto 13, 2007 ahayd heshiis wada saxiixday Dowladda Federaalka iyo Maamul Gobaleedka Puntland kaas oo ku saabsan sidii ay u qaybsan lahaayeen canshuuraha ka soo xarooda gobaladaasi, waxaan heshiiskaasi labad dhinac u kala saxiixay Wasiirka War-faafinta Dowladda Federaalka Madoobe Nuunow Max’ed iyo Wasiirka War-faafinta C/raxmaan Max’ed (Bankax).

Heshiiskaan ayaa waxa uu dhigayaa in dhaqaalaha soo gala maamul gobaleedkaasi ay qaybsadaan Dowladda Federaalka iyo maamulka Puntland.

Madoobe Nuunow oo halkaasi ka hadlay waxa uu sheegay in maamul gobaleedka Puntland ka go’an tahay in ay mar kasta taageeraan Dowladda Federaalka, sidoo kale C/raxmaan Bankax oo halkaasi ka hadlay waxa uu sheegay in loo baahan yahay in gobalada kale ay ku daydaan taageerada ay siinayaan Dowladda Federaalka.

Heshiiskaani waxa uu ku soo beegmay xili dadweynaha ku nool gobalad Puntland uu saameeyey sicir barar, sidoo kalana ay jiraan dad fara badan oo duruufo dhaqaale ay aad u hayso, iyadoo la og yahay in maamulka Puntland uusan weli waxba ka qaban sicir bararkaasi, waxa uuna sicirbararkaasi ka dhashay markii uu maamulku keensaday makiinado lagu daabaco lacago, kuwaas oo dadka qaar sheegeen in ay lagu uruursaday hantidoodii - Warbixin dheeraad ah heshiiska hoos ka akhri.

Amiin Yuusuf

Ciidamada Daraawiishta, Sirdoonka iyo Badda ee DGPL oo lagu wareejinayo DFKMG

Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland iyo DFKMG aya Isniintii (Aug 13, 2007) waxay magaalada Muqdishu ku kala saxiixdeen heshiis ka kooban dhawr qodob.

Heshiiskaas waxaa DGPL u saxiixay madaxweyne Cadde Muuse, dhanka DFKMG ahna waxaa u saxiixay ra'iisul wasaare xigeeneka DFKMG Saalim Caliyow Ibroow. Waxaana goobta heshiisku ka dhacay joog-googe ka ahaa madaxweynaha DFKMG, C/Laahi Yuusuf.

Heshiiskaasi waxa uu dhigayaa:

1. In Dowlad Gobleedka Puntland ay ciidamadeeda Daraawiishta, ciidamada sirdoonka, iyo Ciidamada Badda ee Puntland ay ku wareejiso DFKMG, sidaasna ay DFKMG kula wareegto.

2. In Lacagta cashuuraha dadban ay dhaqaale ahaan Dawladda Federaalka KMG qaybteedu tahay boqolkiiba 40%.

3. In Maamulka Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland uu qaybtiisa ka helo khayraadka dalka iyo dhaqaalaha soo gala DFKMG.

4. In DGPL ay sii maamusho ciidamada Booliiska intalaga dhisayo Booliis Federaal ah.


Canmex to Commence Trading as Africa Oil Corp. Effective August 20, 2007

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 17, 2007) - Canmex Minerals Corporation ("Canmex" or "the Company") (TSX VENTURE:CXM) is pleased to announce that effective at the market opening on August 20, 2007, the Company will commence trading under its new name, Africa Oil Corp. The new trading symbol of the Company will be "AOI". The new CUSIP number will be Q08 29Q 101. The name change is to better reflect the focus and direction of the Company.

The Company holds an 80% interest in two licenses encompassing the highly prospective Dharoor and Nogal Valleys in the state of Puntland in northern Somalia. Both blocks are considered world-class exploration plays with petroleum systems geologically similar to and formerly contiguous with those in the prolific oil producing Republic of Yemen.

A comprehensive exploration work program is underway on the Nogal and Dharoor Valley Blocks, including geological fieldwork, reprocessing of prior 2D seismic and review and integration of all geophysical and geological data. A drilling rig will be mobilized to the area late in 2007 with the anticipation of spudding the first well in early 2008.

Forward-looking statements: This press release contains statements about expected or anticipated future events and financial results that are forward-looking in nature and, as a result, are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, such as political risk, general economic, market and business conditions, the regulatory process and actions, technical issues, new legislation, competitive and general economic factors and conditions, the uncertainties resulting from potential delays or changes in plans, the occurrence of unexpected events and management's capacity to execute and implement its future plans. Actual results may differ materially from those projected by management.


Rick Schmitt, President

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

For more information, please contact

Canmex Minerals Corporation
Sophia Shane
Corporate Development
(604) 689-7842
(604) 689-4250 (FAX)





Kulaabo bogga 