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Daabaco Boggan | Print

Somaliland Water & Minerals Ministry Confirms Contact With Lundin Oil Company

I. Lundin

Shirkadda LUNDIN in uu madaxweyne ka yahay Ian H. Lundin oo ay walaalo yihiin Lukas H. Lundin oo ahaan jirey madaxweynihii CANMEX. Mase ogtahay in labadas shirkadoodba ay yihiin mataano asaaskooda loo tirinayo in uu lahaa Adolf H. Lundin (eeg hoose).

L. Lundin
Shirkadda CANMEX in markii shan (5) maalmood oo keliya [Oct 11 - Oct 17] laga soo wareegey markii ay heshiiska qabyada ah ee ku saabsan khayraadka Puntland la gashay Range Resources in uu is-casiley Lukas H. Lundin oo ahaa madaxweynihii shirkadaasi CANMEX ilaa 1996, waxaana lagu bedeley ninkii heshiiska la soo galay Range Resources ee magaciisa la yiraahdo Mr. Richard Schmitt. Sharraxaad lagama bixin sababta isku soo beegtay is casilaada madaxweynihii shirkadda CANMEX ee reer Sweden iyo heshiiska ay la gashay Range Resources. Mase Ogtahay in shirkadda CANMEX aysan ilaa hadda lahayn website u gaar ah oo laga heli karo akhbaarteeda ama taariikhdeeda.

A. Lundin
Lukas & Ian H. Lundin waxaa dhalay Adolf H. Lundin oo loo tirinayo in uu ahaa maskaxdii ka dambeysey shirkada macdan qodista ee CANMEX, iyo shirkada macdan/shidaal qodista ee LUNDIN waxana uu September 30, 2006 Adolf H. Lundin  ku dhintay magaalada Geneva ee dalka Switzerland halkaas oo uu deganaa. Lukas oo sida kor xusan uu dhalay Adolf ayaa ahaa madaxweynaha shirkadda macdan qodista ee CANMEX, waana ninka uu xusay Gaagaab mar uu la hadlayey baarlamaanka Puntland inkasta oo uusan xusin in mr. Lukas uu shirkadaas madaxweyne nimadeedii iska casiley shan maalmood oo keliya markii ay kasoo wareegtey  heshiiskii dhex maray Range iyo CANMEX ee kusaabsanaa khayraadka Puntland.

Somali Version: Ka akhri halkan....

Hargeysa, Somaliland, 9 February 2008 (SL Times) - The Director General of the Ministry of Water & Minerals (MWM), Mr Ahmed Ibrahim Sultan on Sunday acknowledged that his ministry has been approached by the Swedish registered Lundin Petroleum Company and that the company made inquiries with the MWM for exploration petroleum license.

Responding to last week’s media reports that the MWM was in the process of issuing Somaliland oil and gas concessions to the Australian based Range Resources and its partner company working in Puntland, Africa Oil and Lundin Petroleum, Mr Sultan, acknowledged, that his ministry has had contact with Lundin and that there was some truth in the media reports, in particular, that the MWM had written to Lundin and asked Lundin to clarify its position regarding Range and Africa Oil. However, Mr Sultan denied that his ministry has had any contacts with Range.

“Lundin had made it clear to us that it had no association whatsoever or links with these two mentioned companies. If it turns out that Lundin is associated with Range/Africa Oil or shareholders with interests in Puntland, the ministry will have nothing to with Lundin,” said Mr Sultan.

The DG said, “It’s part of the ministry’s normal formalities to make enquiries and checks on companies that want to operate in Somaliland and that the ministry has every right to know who they are dealing with.”

Mr Sultan further elaborated, "We did not get into an agreement with Lundin, nor have we issued them a license to operate in the country. Our contact with Lundin was just an exchange of formal introduction and information, and as a matter of fact, we have not heard from them for some time.”

Source: Editor's desk, Somaliland Times.

CHECK: MARCH 21, 2000: Lukas H. Lundin, President of Canmex.....  

Faafin: |  Feb 9, 2008

somaliaCashuurta Puntland oo la kordhinayo 10% si loogu ilaaliyo Shirkadaha Batroolka.. Guji..

Khilaafkan 5-Geesoodka ah ayaa u dhexeeya Madaxweyanaha DGPL, Wasiirka Maaliyadda, Wasiirka Amniga, Wasiirka Batroolka iyo Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska Puntland.... Waxaana bilowday waqti cusub oo raggii siyaasadda Puntland u xirayd ay sii kala fogaanayaan.

Akhri: Kordhinta Cashuurta 10%.... Guji..

Soomaaliya: Hadal-haynta Joogtada ah ee Shidaalka

Waraysi Radio Australia SBS ee Bile Qabawsade iyo C/shakur Mire Aden  audio ka Dhegeyso Halkan ama Halkan (mp3)



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