iyo Baarlamaanka DFKMG oo ka dooday 15 xubnood oo kamid ah xubnihii soo sameeyey dastuurka cusub iyo Khudbaddii Mahiga ee Madrid oo uu ku xusay in la sii wado nidaamka hirgelinta Dastuurka qabyada ah ee loo samaynayo DFKMG….
Sheikh Shariif iyo Shirka Madrid
Markii uu soo idlaadey kulankii Qaramada Midooby ee Magaalada Newyork waxaana kulankaas somaaliya ugu qaybgalay Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka KMG Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed wuxuuna halkaas ka jeediyey Khudbad Dhinacyo badan taabaneyso oo la xiriirta Arrimaha soomaaliya gaar ahan sidii wax looga qaban lahaa Arrimaha Nabagelyyada wuxuuna Madaxweynaha DFKMG Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed la sheegay in halkaas ka soo heley Balanqaadyo fara badan hase yeeshee Madaxweynaha KMG ayaa maanta ka qaybgalaya kulan ka dhacaya Magaalada Madrid ee Dalka Spain.
Kulankaan oo ay soo qabanqaabiyeen Kooxda xiriirka Soomaaliya ayaa wuxuu socon doonaa muddo laba maalmood waxaana looga arrinsanayaa arrimaha soomaaliya iyo sidii loo taageeri laaha Dowladda Federaalka oo ay dagaalo ku hayaan Xarakada Alshabaab Al Mujaahidiin iyo Xisbul Islaam kuwaas oo kaabiga u saaran Xarunta Madaxtooyada waxaana lagu waramey in kulankaan looga arrinsanayo sidii kooxda Contac Group ay wax ugu qaban lahayd Dowladda FKMG Soomaaliya waxaana la sheegey in kulankaas ay ka qaybgalayaan Dowladaha Mareykanka , Norwey, Tansaaniya , Jaamacadda Carabta iyo Itoobiya oo iyadu sannadkii la soo dhaafey lagu darey kooxdaas waxaana warbixin laga dhageysanayaa Dowladda Norwey oo iyadu si weyn ugu dhuun daloosha Arrimaha soomaaliya.
Madaxweynaha DFKMG Shiikh Shariif oo qoraal ka kooban dhowr bog uu u gudbiyey kooxda xiriirka soomaaliya oo uu kaga hadlayo Xaaladii ugu dambeysey soomaaliya waxaana lagu waramey in qoraalkaan oo dhowr bog ka kooban uu yahay midkii uu Madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif ka jeediyey Qaramada Midoobey oo uu kaga dalbaneye in beesha Caalamka ay taageero hiil iyo hooba leh la soo gaaraan Dowladda Federaalka oo la tacaaley dagaal kaga imaanay koxaha mucaaradka ku ah
Kulankaan waxaa kaloo Khudbad ka jeedin doona Wakiilka Qaramada midoobey ee Soomaaliya Mudane Mahinga oo ka warami doona Xaaladda Soomaaliya iyo sidii taageero balaaran loo siin lahaa Dowlada Federaalka oo Muddo yar ay ugu harsan tahay Xiligii ay hayn lahayd Xukunka (khudbaddii Mahiga oo Af ingriisi ah hoos ka akhri).
Sannadkii Hore ayaa Wadamada deeqda bixiya waxay kulan ku yeesheen Dalka Biljam waxaana Deeq bixiyayaasha Dowladda Federaalka ugu yabooheen lacag gaareysa 260 Milyan waxaana lacagtaas ka soo xaroodey wax ka yar 10 milyan oo Doolar iyadoo dhowr jeer Uu Madaxweynaha DFKMG Shiikh Shariif ku celceliyey in beesha Caalamka ka gaabiyeen wax u qabshada Dowladda Federaalka waana midda keentey in mushaar loo waayo Ciidamada lagu soo tababarey Dalalka deriska la ah Soomaaliya sidoo kale waxaa Mushaar loo waayey Hayadihii Dowladda Federaalka
Rag u dhuun daloola Arrimaha Siyaasada Soomaaliya ayaa sheegey in markii uu dhamaadey Dagaalkii qaboobaa ayaa Dowladhii wax ka heli jirtey Quwadihii is hayey ayaa maanta muuqata in Dowlada Mareykanka gaartey Go’aan ah in Qawda Maqashii Waxna ha u qaban waxa taageerada Beesha Caalamka ay ku soo hartey afka iyo waraaqo wax lagu qoray markii Dowladii ayey yiraahdeen wax ka sugeys Beesha Caalamka iyadaa ogaan doonta Goor Dambe isku soo duuboo dadka soomaaliyeed ayaa intooda badan Aaminsan in waxa soomaaliya ay ka degi la’ dahay ay tahay Beesha Caalamka
W/D Amiin Yuusuf Khasaaro
E-Mail amiinkhasaaro@hotmail.com
Baarlamaanka DFKMG oo ka dooday 15 xubnood oo kamid ah xubnihii soo sameeyey dastuurka cusub
Muqdisho: Kulan ay Isniintii Septmebr 27, 2010 isugu yimaadeen xildhibaanada DFKMG ayaa looga dooday 15 xubnood oo kamid ah xubnihii dastuurka cusub DFKMG ugu soo sameeyey magaalada Jabuuti. Doodaas oo qaar xildhibaanada soo jeediyeen in marka hore xubnaha la hor keeno baarlamaanka.
Inbadan oo shacabka ah ayaa is weydiinaya mar haddii hadda laga doodayo sharci-nimada xubnahaas, oo aan hore cidna ugu xilsaarin xilka in ay soo sameeyaan dastuurka, maadaama ay yihiin kala bar 30-ka (ama 29ka xubnood) oo dastuurka sameeyey, markaas dastuurka ay sameeyeen ma sidii uu Madaxweynaha DFKMG u sheegay ayuu u ahaanayaa sharci darro oo ay markaas tahay in dastuur cusub hadda la soo sameeyo?
Afhayeenka Baarlamaanka DFKMG Shariif Xasan ayaa la sheegay in uu xildhibaanadii kulanka ka soo qayb galay oo tiradoodu ahayd 305 xildhibaan waxa uu ka dalbaday in ay ansixiyaan 15-ka xubnood ee dastuurka usoo sameeyey DFKMG. Waxaana jira xildhibaano aan tiradooda la cayimin oo fikirkaas ka soo hor jeeda, waxaana la sheegay in kulanka la isugu soo laabanayo Arbacada.
Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo ka qeybgalaya Shirka Contact Group ee magaalada Madrid ee xarunta dalka Spain.
- Warbixintan iyo sawirada hoose waxaa faafisay DFKMG
Madrid: Kulankii Kooxda xiriirka Caalamiga ah ee Contacta Group ayaa ka furmay Magaalada Madrid ee caasimada dalka Spain, kaasoo looga hadlayo xaaladda Soomaaliya.
kulankan oo socon doona laba maalmood ayaa waxaa ka qeybgalaya Kooxda Xiriirka Caalamiga ah ee arrimaha Soomaaliya iyo dalalka daneeya arrimaha Soomaaliya, Diplomaasiyiin caalami ah, iyadoo ay Sidoo kale ka qeybgalayaan Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo Wafdi uu hoggaaminayo iyo Madax kale oo uu ka mid yahay Ergayga gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arrimaha Soomaaliya Dr. Augustina Mahiga.
Shirkan ayaa waxaa looga dooddi doonaan Qodobo kala duwan oo qaarkood looga hadlay shirkii gaarka ahaa ee ka dhacay Kulan waynihii Q/M, waxaa sidoo kale ka qayb galaya Ururo iyo Hay’addo Caalami ah, Waxaana la filayaa in Ay ka soo bixi doonaan Qodobbo muhiim ah oo ku wajahan Somaliya iyo xaaladaha ka jira.
Warbixintan iyo sawirada waxaa faafisay DFKMG
FG. Warbixintan hoose waxaa soo saaray xafiiska SRSG Augustine P. Mahiga.
SRSG’s Statement to the International Contact Group:
Madrid, 27 September 2010
Mr. President,
Secretary of State de La-ig-lesia
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to welcome all of you to this, the 18th Meeting of the International Contact Group for Somalia. I warmly thank the Government of Spain for hosting this very timely meeting in their lovely capital city.
As many of you know, this is not my first participation in a meeting of the International Contact Group. I had, in fact, the privilege of attending several previous meetings in my former capacity as the representative of Tanzania. But this, of course, is the first time I have the honour of chairing this meeting as the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Somalia. It is nice to see many friends gathered here again and I look forward to your cooperation and support to sustain the Somali peace process. I wish to make tribute to my predecessor Mr. Ould-Abdallah for his dedicated efforts and lend his service to this group.
This meeting comes at a critical time as we have to make crucial decisions less than a year until the end of the transition in August next year. As we reaffirm our support to the Transitional Federal Government amidst political and security problems which the TFG is currently grappling with; we must also find during this meeting concrete and focused responses to the challenges ahead of the Transitional Federal Government. At the same time, we must convey to the Somali leaders our concerns, but also recommendations for the effective and efficient implementation of the transitional tasks leading to a new representative political dispensation in Somalia, after August 2011. I believe these should be the main thrust of this session of the ICG. Reaching such common ground would help facilitate our engagement and practical support to the Somali peace process.
In this respect, it is a privilege for us to have here President Sheikh Sharif. I believe this is the first meeting of the International Contact Group that he is attending. I would like once more to congratulate him and his Government to have peacefully and friendly addressed the crisis within the TFIs. I commend Prime Minister Shermarke for stepping down for the sake of peace and in the interest of unity within the Transitional Federal Institutions. We look forward to a speedy appointment of a new Prime Minister and his Cabinet and hope that we will see a more united and cohesive Transitional Federal Government. We trust this will enable the TFIs to focus on work that needs to be done by the end of the Transition in August 2011. This is also the sentiment which was echoed at the Mini Summit in New York last week by the UN Secretary-General and
representatives of the International Community. We wish President Sharif and his Government good luck and success in undertaking this obligation.
Dear Friends,
The Transitional Federal Government is facing two pressing challenges: Political and Security. Both are interlinked. Tasks leading to the completion of the Transitional period can only be achieved if a secured and stable environment is established. Likewise, we will not achieve minimum stability in the country unless we make substantive progress on the political front. We must therefore focus our discussions on the following issues:
Allowing a broad based and more representative Institutions:
To achieve this, we need to assist the TFG to move the Constitution making process forward. The Consultation on the Draft Constitution is the opportunity for us to engage in a meaningful way. It is also the framework within which the TFG could involve groups that remain outside the peace process. I am comforted by all ongoing initiatives aimed at engaging groups opposed to the TFG and willing to pursue the path of peaceful reconciliation. I look forward to working with the Transitional Federal Institutions and the members of the International Contact Group to strengthen these initiatives. The March 2010 agreement with Ahlu Sunna wal Jama’a was a good start and the inclusion of five ministers in the cabinet is an important gesture. I consulted with the President this morning as I had heard that ASWJ is reneging on the agreement reached with the TFG. The President assured me that the issue will be resolved quickly. However, more needs to be done to consolidate this agreement and the international community must provide the necessary support. The Galckayo Agreement with Puntland on political and security cooperation and the Kampala Framework on piracy that include authorities of Puntland, Somaliland and the TFG also need to be implemented. In the meantime, the TFG must continue efforts to enlarge its legitimacy by reaching out to community leaders and elders beyond Mogadishu, populations in the south central such as Galmuduug, the business community and the Diaspora. The TFG must also be assisted to build civilian institutions for good governance including the provision of basic services to the Somali people.
2 Structuring and sustaining the Security Sector
While the political process should map out the way, security remains the key issue. The foreign-backed insurgents are determined to destabilize all efforts by the Somalis and the international community to ensure peace and security in Somalia and the region. The suicide bombings in Kampala on 11 July demonstrated their ability to carry out violent acts outside Somalia’s borders.
The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) continues to play a crucial role in Mogadishu, where it safeguards the Transitional Institutions and vital installations. AMISOM is discharging its responsibilities under very difficult conditions, often with limited resources. We support the decision taken by the AU Summit to increase the strength of AMISOM to its mandated capacity of 8,000 troops as soon as possible. We also support the decision by the IGAD Heads of State authorizing 20,000 troops to meet the growing threat of the insurgents and to stabilize the country as a whole. We now need
to ensure that both military planning and political strategy are matched and support the plans and requirements for the remainder of the transitional process. The envisaged political outreach beyond Mogadishu will require a secure territorial environment which the TFG forces and AMISOM need to provide. We look forward to proposals by the AU Peace and Security Council being brought forward to the UN Security Council next month. We hope the Council will also consider enhancing AMISOM’s capability to protect civilians.
As you may be aware, AMISOM alone would not provide the needed stability. We need the involvement of the Somali Security Forces. The latter, needs to be structured and sustained. I commend partners who have helped to train and equip the Somali security forces. However, the Somali security forces need additional support, in terms of command and control, medical and structural support as well as regular payments of stipends. I encourage the TFG to consider and adopt at the earliest opportunity, the National Security Strategy, the National Security and Stabilization Plan and to approve the Security Sector Assessment which our partners need in order to begin the work set out by the Joint Security Committee in August.
All these efforts require our political and financial support. One way of doing this is through ongoing programme and projects. But lessons learned in the past suggest that our processes could unnecessary delay a process that is running out of time. We must then explore the best way to provide this assistance to the TFG. I also call upon those partners with the necessary capabilities to increase their support to AMISOM.
I met with President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda, President Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania, President Isaias Afwerky of Eritrea, and Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia. All emphasize the need to strengthen political dialogue as well as to provide adequate support to the Somali Security Forces. I have been instructed by the SG to work closely and to strengthen the partnership with the AU and IGAD. The Secretary General also underscored three points including:
(i) support to the Somalia Government and the African Union Mission in Somalia, AMISOM;
(ii) the implementation of humanitarian and recovery activities followed by the establishment of the light UN footprint;
(iii) and finally the deployment of the UN peacekeeping operation at the appropriate time, subject to a decision by the UN Security Council.
Dear Friends,
Our successful efforts in rebuilding Somalia would allow preventing a further deterioration of the humanitarian situation. The extended political space and a more secure environment will facilitate the humanitarian access throughout Somalia, especially in areas where they suffer deprivation from basic necessities and widespread violation of human rights.
Follow-up arrangements have been made for the Istanbul Conference on Somalia, held in May 2010, at which the international community and the TFG reiterated the commitment to improve the lives and security of the Somali people, foster reconciliation, increase access to basic services, initiate reconstruction activities and set Somalia on the path of sustainable peace and development. This initiative will also permit tapping the resources and creativity of the vibrant Somali private sector.
I welcome the recent elections in Somaliland, which were very encouraging. I look forward to working with the Somaliland authorities to help them in their efforts to consolidate stability. The instability in the disputed region of Sool and Sanaag continues to be an issue of concern and I look forward to engaging all sides with a view to finding a political solution. While Puntland continues to face security and economic challenges, I look forward to engaging them on a variety of issues with a view to helping improve the situation on the ground.
The TFG remains the main partner with which the international community can work with to advance national reconciliation, peace and stability in Somalia. We have all seen how the international community has rallied behind the governments in Iraq and Afghanistan. Somalia is no exception; it requires similar massive interventions. The TFG and the international community must work closely together if Somalia is to emerge from the present crisis.
Thank you.
Contac: Public Information Office (PIO)
United Nations Office for Somalia (UNPOS)
Maan garan, Soomaaliddii waxa ka soo hadhay dawlad baynu ahayn, waxa aan qabaa in Soomaali runta abaarto ay sheekada iska dhaafto qof kastana masuuliyada saaran horta ka soo baxo. Ummad kasta way kacaa kuftaa waxa ay se ku toostaa marka ay abaarto barta bugta, ogaatana xanuunka hayaa waxa uu yahay. Waxa ay illa tahay Soomaali inay cidla 5(FIVE) ku hayso. Waayo runta isuma sheegto, waxa ay ku andacootaa qabyaalad baa ina kala firdhisay, shisheeyaa inagu dhex jira, maamul aynaan aqoon u lahayn baa ina haysta, markeenii horaynu dad cawaana ahayn. Waxa ay iilla muuqataa marka aynu tagtadeenii barano, xumaha iyo samahana kala barano ayaynu dadoobaynaa.
Waxa ay illa tahay aan runta abaarno oo qof waliba ha ka bilaabo naftiisa, dabadeed cidda isaga ku xidhan, cidda jaarka la ah, ilaa uu ummada gaadhay. Horay Soomaalidu u tidhi; “Oodo dhacameed siday u kala sareeyaan ayaa loo kala guraa”. Waa in arrimaha ama bulshadu sida ay isula qabsan karaan loo wado, ciddii dambi gashayna lawada qiro, lana barto qofka xun oo CV-giisa la hordhigo, dadkana lagu waaniyo inay wada noolaadaa. Nabadana iyo maamulka aan laga raadin debedda iyo dhul shisheeye ee ciida laga raadiyo. Maamulada qurbaha lagu magacaabayana la joojiyo oo cidda feker fiican u haysaa degaan ay marka hore tagto degaankaa kana hawl gasho siddii ay dadka uga dhaadhicin lahay kuna hanan lahayd bulshadaa, haddii kale waa biyo col dhaanshey sidaasay 30 sano oo kale dadku jahawareerkaas ugu jirayaa.
Allaa Weyn.
Somalia inti aysan imaan gumaystayaashi,waxay u badnayd dad reer guuraa ah oo miyiga deggan.dawladnimadooduna tahay boqorro iyo ugaasyo haysta magaalooyin waaweyn sidi berbera saylac(Awdal).muqdisho, marka,iwm.
Ma lahayn xuduuda degaamadooda kala xira daaqa,deegaanka iyo ganacsiguna waxay ahaayeen kuwo hal dal ka ah oo siu furan.ma jirin dawlado kala qoqoba iyo xuduudo calamo leh.
Gumaysigi ayaa keenay xuduudo koonfur Somlia Br.Somaliland(waqooyi) jabuuti, itoobiya iyo Kenya u kala dhexeeya oo kala xayirey dadkii.una sameeyey qayb kasta maamul aan tan kale shaqo ku lahayn.
kaddib 1955 ayaa qayb lagu wareejiyey ityoobiya. 1960kii ayay xoroobeen labadi gobol ee koonfur iyo waqooyi kuna midoobeen qaran madaxbannan oo calan leh loona aqoonsadey dawlad xor ah oo xaduudo leh.kana diiwaan gashan jamciyadda quruumaha ka dhexeeysa.1963 ayaa qayb kale oo dhulki Somalidu degeysey ee gumaysiga ingiriisku maamulayay la raaciyey Kenya.
1977 ayaa france oo ku xirtey inysan xornimo siinayn jabuuti haddi aysan ka harin Somalia inay tahay dhul ka maqan ayada.taasna ay somalia ka door bidday inay jabuti xor noqoto inti xujo looga dhigi lahaa Somalia ayay raacaysaa..sidaasna Jabuti ku noqotey dal xor ah oo Somalia ka madax bannan.
Maanta 2010 ayaa labadi 60kii calanka isla qaadatey u kala jabsan yihiin laba dal oo aan shaqo isku lahayn.
Konfurti soo hartey ayaa waxa loo kala qoqobay maamul goboleedyo ama dawlado goboleedyo ay xukumaan madaxweyneyaal ciida ka badan kuwo hor lehna waa soo socdaan, kuwana labo iyo saddex dawlad goboleed yar yar inay usii kala jajabaan ayaa looga baqaa.
miyaan la dhihi karin taas waxay gogol dhig u tahay tirtiridda magacii Somalia ee jamciyadda qurrumaha ka dhxeeya ka diiwaan gashanaa oo loo aqoonsadey dowlad xor ah(Sovreign state) oo xaduudeheedu caalamka oo dhan aqoonsanyahay lahayd, ciddi ku soo xadgudubtana ay jabisay qawaaniinta wada noolanshaha nabadeed ee caalamka.
Waxaa taas ay hor dhac u tahay in marka ay sidaas u kala burburto Somalia oo dib ugu noqoto dawlado magaaleedkii boqorrada,suldaannada iyo madaxweynayaalka faraha badan kala xukumayeen in meesha ay ka baxdo qaran Somaliyeed.
Marka taasi dhacdo waxa madaxweryne walba uu xaq u yeelan doonaa inuu xiriir wada shaqayn iyo heshisyo la galo dawlado caalami ah ayada oo aysan jirin dawlad dhexe ama qaran oo protocol ahaan loo soo maro ama ka xaddidda waxa u bannan maamul hoosaadka iyo waxa qaranka guud uu xaq u leeyahay. Aakhirka waxaa imaan doonta qolo waliba in ay heshiis maamul ama ku biiritaan buuxa la yeelato dawladday doonto oo golayaashaadu meel mariyaan ama dadweynahooda afti ama doorasho ku sameeyaan halkaasna u ku kala tago dalki Somaliya. waxa iyana suuroobi karta in qaybo ama dhaamna dalkaba ay qabsadaan dalal kale ama xoog ha ku qaataan ama xeelad iyo heshiisyo gaar gaar ahe.halkaasna lagu wayo Somaliya xor ah oo madax bannan oo qaran caalmka ka jira ah.
waxaan haddaba u sheegayaa dadka Somaliyeed maanta anigu waa ii muuqataa in dalkeenni aan annaga oo aan cidina na qasbayn kala burburinnay,shalayna qarannimadeenni qabiilooyin iyo jabhado qabiil ka doorannay,ciidankeenni qaranka kala dirrey,maamuulo qanbiil ka doorannay qarankeenni.berrito aniga iyo carrur aan dhalay laguma siri doono xornimo ayaan u dagaallamaynaa oo gumaysi baan iska kicinaynaaye kaalaya u dhinta dalka.ogaada in aan calool xumo iyo ciil dhammaystey wax dambe oo dhacana aanan dan ka lahayn markaan wixi ka dambeeya.Waayo indhahayga oo shan ah ayaan arkaa sidi nin badi qadday oo kale tartiib tartiib dalkaygi oo usii libdhaaya.halki laga damqan lahaana lagu sii faraxsanyahay in lasii libdhiyo dano maalin joog ah iyo jago aan jirin awgeed iyo qabiil reer hebel uga hormar caalmka keliya.wax badan oo dambe masii qori doono.Waxaanse kula dardaamayaa qurbo joogta Somaliyeed iyo aqoonyahanka in ay carrurtooda ka ilaaliyaan in ay u fekeraan sida ay u fekerayaan kuwa hadda Somaliya ku nool. kana fekeraan meeshi ay mustaqbal uga radin lahaayeen.waano iyo qaylo waa daalnay.allahow inta dalkooda samaha la jecel guul sii oo nabad geli.