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Puntland oo ka soo horjeesatey Dastuurka Qabyada ah ee DFKMG

– Maamulka Puntland oo ku baaqay in aan la ansixin dastuurka qabyada ah oo ay sheegeen in uusan ku haboonayn Soomaaliya, awooduna aysan si siman ugu qaybsanayn Dawladda dhexe iyo goboladda, yahayna dastuur ku xad gubbaya federaalnimada..

– iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland oo u dhoofay Itoobiya….

Qoraal May 11, 2012 ka soo baxay xafiiska madaxweynaha Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland ayaa si kulul uga soo horjeesey qaabka uu u qoran yahay dastuurka qabyada ah ee shirkiisu ka socdo magaalada Muqdisho.

Waxaa qoraalkaas oo ku qornaa luqadda Ingriisiga ku xusan sidan:

“Puntland waxaa nuqulka dastuurka qabyada la soo gaarsiiyey 30-kii April 2012, markaas ayey waxay u saartay guddi ka kooban lix xubnood oo isugu jira wasiiro iyo xildhibaano oo ka soo baaraan dega dastuurka qabyada ah.”

“Guddigaasi waxa uu warbixintiisii ku gaarey in dastuurka qabyada ah uu ku xad gudbayo asaaska federaalnimada. Waxaa taas dheer in dastuurka qabyada ah uusan ku haboonayn ama u qalmin Soomaaliya”.

“Waaxda fulinta ee DFKMG ayaa masuul ka ah in ay ku guulaysan weydey in ay soo bandhigto qabyo-qoraalka dastuur oo lagu kalsoonaan karo, una soo bandhigto dhammaan qaybaha Soomaaliya ee ay khusayso, ayadoo 8 bilood ay ka soo wareegtey markii la saxiixay Radmapka.” Waa sida  ku xusan qoraaalka ka soo baxay Puntland.

Waxa kale oo qoraalkaas ku xusan in hadda ay odayaal dhaqameedyo ka yimid Puntland ay ka qayb gelayaan shirka dastuurka ee Muqdisho, laakiin ay arrin laga xumaado tahay in DFKMG ay maamul xumo iyo faragelin ku samaysay odayaasha ka qayb gelaya shirka (Muqdisho).

Sidaas daraadeed Puntland waxay digniin ku bixineysaa in dastuurkaas qabyada ah aan loo soo bandhigin guddiga qaranka, waana in aan la ansixin, haddii aan isbedel xooggan lagu samayn dastuurkaas qabyada ah, oo aysan isku raacin qaybaha (somali istekeholders).

Puntland waxay sheegtay in Soomaaliya u baahan tahay dastuur Federaal ah oo qeexaya in awoodda iyo khayraadka ay u qaybsan tahay Federaalka (dawladda dhexe) iyo Gobolada (states).

Waxa kale oo qoraalka Puntland tibaaxay in dastuurka qabyada ah uu xoogga saarayo dawlad dhexe.

Qoraalka Puntland ayaa soo baxay xilli uu shir ka socdo magaalada Muqdisho la isugu keenay odayaal laga soo ururiyey qabaa’il si ay usoo xulaan ciddii ansixin lahayn dastuurka Soomaaliya, arrintaas hore ay uga soo horjeesteen qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada Soomaaliyeed.

Waxa kale oo qoraalkani kusoo beegmay xilli madaxweynaha maamul goboleedka Puntland uu Jimcadii u dhoofay magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya, halkaas oo la sheegay in uu casumaad ka helay.

Qoraalkii ka soo  baxay Puntland hoos ka akhri:


11 May 2012

Puntland State of Somalia Garowe

Puntland Government Response to Draft Federal Constitution of Somalia

Puntland Government received a copy of the Draft Federal Constitution for Somalia on 30 April 2012, sent jointly by the Independent Federal Constitution Commission (IFCC) and the Committee of Experts (COE).

The Government appointed a six-member Review Committee consisting of Ministers and Parliamentarians to review the new Draft Federal Constitution.

The Committee’s report concluded that the Draft Federal Constitution violates the fundamental principles of federalism. Furthermore, the Draft is both unrealistic and unsuitable for Somalia. The TFG executive branch shall bear the responsibility for being unable to present a reliable Draft Federal Constitution to Somali stakeholders in time (it has been 8 months since the Roadmap was signed by Somali stakeholders).

Puntland Government has played and continues to play an important and constructive role in advancing the Somali national peace and reconciliation process. Puntland has hosted two Somalia National Constitutional Conferences (Garowe I and II) and hosted Somali leaders in Galkayo for further discussions on the Roadmap and the constitutional process.

Currently, a delegation of Puntland traditional elders is in Mogadishu attending an Elders’ Conference. However, it is regrettable to learn of the mismanagement and interference at the Somali Elders Conference by TFG officials.

Puntland Government noted, in numerous communications and public occasions, growing frustration with the process under which the Somali Federal Constitution was being carried out. For example:

  • • Letter to E.U. Special Envoy to Somalia and U.S. Ambassador to Kenya, dated November 13, 2010, whereby Puntland expressed its deep concerns about the TFG leadership’s commitment to finalizing a Federal Constitution for Somalia;
  • • Letter to TFG leaders (copy SRSG), dated 26 September 2011, recommending Puntland nominees to join the Committee of Experts (COE), in accordance with the Roadmap, and this proposal was unanswered;
  • • Letter to TFG Prime Minister (copy SRSG) regarding addition of one Puntland nominee to the Committee of Experts (COE), dated 23 January 2012, which was also ignored;

• The Puntland President’s speech at London Conference on 23 February 2012, calling for IFCC mandate to be terminated and the COE to be reformed, based on expertise, and calling for the COE to include constitutional experts from mature federal democracies.

Puntland Government warns this Draft Federal Constitution should not be presented to National Constituent Assembly (NCA) for adoption, unless major changes to the Draft are applied and agreed upon by Somali stakeholders, with the technical assistance of international partners.

Somalia needs a Federal Constitution that clearly defines the distribution of political power and resource between Federal and State institutions, in accordance with international federal standards, and defines competency in the delivery of public goods to citizens of Somalia, at Federal and State levels, as is defined in the Puntland State Constitution.

Moreover, this Draft Federal Constitution is seemingly designed for a country with a highly centralized system of government, and many articles of the Draft are confusing and contradictory.

Finally, Puntland Government believes that Somalia needs a well-tailored Federal Constitution that is suitable to political realities in the fragmented nation of Somalia, and which satisfies the people’s aspirations for the restoration of an effective, efficient and accountable government in Somalia.

— END —

Faafin: SomaliTalk.com // Halkudheg:

. Afeef: Aragtida maqaallada iyo faallooyinka waa kuwo u gaar ah qorayaasha ku saxiixan. E-mail Link Xiriiriye weeyey

2 Jawaabood " Puntland oo ka soo horjeesatey Dastuurka Qabyada ah ee DFKMG "

  1. Garsoore says:

    Asc, 1- waxaa isweydiin mudan sababta caalamka iyo qolyaha dustuurka la sheego wada ama gacanta ku hayaahi ay dhaqso ugu soo joogsadeen cabashada 5ta gobol ee isu bixiyey Puntland oo ay isaga indha-tiraan gobollo intaas ka badan cabashadooda looguna tilmaamay “qaswadeyaal”.
    2- Dustuurkaas la sheegay waxaa la leeyahay weli lama faafin copy-gii rasmiga ahaa ama nuqulka saxda ah haddana waxaa loo fadhiyaa ansixintiisa; waa yaabe haddaba marka la ansixiyo kaddib ayaa la rabaa in sida la doono loo qoro???? oo hadhow laga dhigo wixii la rabo???? sideese loo ansixinayaa dustuur aanba qornayn ama aan la akhrin???

  2. al Waliid says:

    Waaw .. waa illaah mahadii mar haddii Puntland ay tahay diidayasha dastuurka , laakiin sorry waa ay soo daaheen markii ay wafdigii direen yey hadana diideen .. god sireed ha qodin ku dhici doontid lama ogee..