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Wasiirrada Caafimaadka DFKMG iyo DGPL oo wadajir usoo saaray Bayaan Istiraatiijiyada Nafaqeynta Soomaaliya

iyo Shir ay isugu yimaadeen Ururada Bulshada rayidka Somaliland iyo Puntland oo ka socda Hotel Kempinski ee  Jabuuti –

Waraysi Wasiirka Caafimaadka DFKMG….

Shir looga hadlayo  Istratijiyada Nafaqeynta Somaaliya   2011 – 2013 oo ay si wada jir ah iska kaashadeen Urur Goboleedka IGAD iyo Hay’adda WFP, islamarkaana ay ka soo qayb galeen xubno uu horkacayo Wasiirka Caafimaadka DFKMG Dr. Aadan Xaaji Ibraahim iyo Wasiirka Caafimaadka dowlad Goboleedka Putland Dr Ali Abdullahi Warsame ayaa lagu soo gebagabeeyey 14/12/2010.

Shirkan oo socdey muddo laba maalmood ayaa waxaa ka soo baxay bayaan ay si gooni gooni u sixiixeen laba mas’uul, islamarkaana 6 qodob, waxayna bayaankooda ku sheegeen in ay ka go’an tahay ka miro dhalinta, wax ka qabashada Nafaqoderida haysata shacabka Soomaaliyeed. (Bayaanka hoos ka akhri)

Markii la soo gebagabeeyey shirka ayaa waxaan wareysi dhinacyo kala duwan taabanaya la yeeshey Wasiirka Caafimaadka DFKMG Dr. Aadan Xaaji Ibraahim.

Dhegeyso ee waraysiga Qaybta 1aad


Dhegeyso Qaybta 2aad


Bayaanka oo dhameystiran halkan hoose ka eeg


Bayaan ee soo saareen wasiirdaha  Cafimaadka ee Somalia oo ku wajahan istratijiyada Nafaqeynta Somaaliya

2011 – 2013

a.      Kadib markaan garaney in nafaqeynta ay tahay aasaaska cafimaadka iyo wax soo saarka bulshada;

b.      Kadib markaan aragnay in Somalia ay saameeysay nafaqo dari ba’an oo qoto dheer tobankii sanno oo la soo dhaafay, taas oo wax yeeleeysay horumarkii dhaqaalaha ee hab wanaaga ummada Soomaaliyeed;

c.       Ka dib marka aan fahamnay xoogaga kala duwan ee ku hawlan nafaqyenta, iyo dowrkooda kala duwan iyo muhimada ay ku leeyihiin horumarinta tayada   adeegyada nafaqeeynta Soomaaliya;

d.      Kadib marki aan garwaaqsanay bahiida weyn ee loo qabo istratijiyad mideysan   ee lagaga hortagi karo nafaqa darida ka jirta wadanka Soomaaliya;

e.      Haddii aan nahay hogaanka wasaaradaha caafimadka ee Somaliya,waxaan si cad u qeexeeynaa in aan hormuud ka nahay la dagaalanka nafaqa darida;

f.        Waxaa naga go’an ah in aan isu keeno cid walba oo ku hawlan  ka mira dhalinta hadafka guud oo ah: Talabixinta, hagaajinta, horumarinta iyo meelmarinta loo adeegsanayo kobcinta xaalada nafaqada Soomaaliya.

Anagoo ah wasiirada caafimaadka ee somaaliya waxaan ansaxineeyna oo taagyeerenaa   istratejiyada nafaqeynta ee Soomaliya  2011-2013

Djibouti, 14th December 2010

Wasiirka caafimdka dowlada federaalka ee Somaliyeed
Mudane Dr Adan Hagi Ibrahim

Wasiirka caafimdka  ee dowlad Goboleedka Puntland ee Soomaaliya
Mudane Dr Ali Abdullahi Warsame

Labada wasiir ee caafimaadka: DFKMG /DGPL

Wasiirka Caafimaadka Putland

Sawir Guud: ka qaybgalayaasha Shirka Nafaqo darrida ee lagu qabtey Kempiniski

Dr. Aadan iyo xubin WFP oo kala qaadanaya qoraalkii ay kala sixiixdeen

Dr. Aadan Xaaji Ibraahim


Shirka Ururada Bulshada rayidka Somaliland iyo Puntland ee ka socda Jabuuti

Dhanka kale, Shir ay isugu yimaadeen Ururada Bulshada rayidka Somaliland iyo Puntland ayaa maalintii Afraad ka socda Hoteel Kempinski ee caasimada dalka Jabuuti, shirkan ayaa intii uu socdey waxaa laga soo saarey Warsaxaafadeed.

War-saxaafadeedka oo dhameystiran halkan ka akh-riso.

Maxamed Macallin Cismaan (All-man) jabuuti.


Baaqii Wasiirada caafimaadka oo Ingiriisi ah


Statement of the Health Authorities of Somalia

On the Somali Nutrition Strategy 2011-2013

a)      Recognising that good nutrition is the foundation for a healthy and productive life;

b)      Recognising that Somalia has suffered alarming levels of acute and chronic malnutrition for the past decades, which have impeded the economic development and well-being of the Somali population;

c)      Recognising the diversity of actors, their respective role, and their usefulness in improving the quality and the availability of nutrition services in Somalia;

d)      Realising the need for a unified and coherent strategy to tackle malnutrition in Somalia;

e)      Reaffirming our leadership in spearheading the fight against malnutrition;

f)       Committing ourselves to bring all stakeholders to work towards achieving a common goal: To contribute to the improved survival and development of Somali people through enhanced nutritional status

We, the Health authorities of Somalia, endorse the Somali Nutrition Strategy 2011-2013

Djibouti, 14 December 2010

H.E. Hon. Dr. Adan Hagi Ibrahim, Minister of Health of the Transitional Government of Somalia

H.E. Hon. Dr Ali Abdullahi Warsame, Minister of Health of the Puntland State of Somalia


Warsaxaafadeedkii Ururada Bulshada SL/PL oo Ingiriisi ah:



Djibouti, December 13, 2010: Academicians and peace activists from Puntland and Somaliland met here today to draw a road map for cooperation and collaboration between the two and in the process pave the way for socio-economic development and lasting security for both.

Sponsored by Inter-Governmental authority on Development (IGAD) office of the Facilitator for Somalia peace and national reconciliation, and facilitated by the Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute (HESPI), the five-day Consultative Meeting is the first of its kind since the implosion of Somalia in 1991.

“Both Somaliland and Puntland and their people should be encouraged to establish a forum to openly discuss common issues and resolve any disputes”, said H.E Kipruto Arap Kirwa the Facilitator for Somalia peace and national reconciliation. He added that by strengthening and supporting this states in terms of socio-economic development as part of a larger approach to ensure stability in Somalia as whole is an imperative that cannot be ignored.

Ali Issa Abdi, Managing Director of HESPI, observed: “By any measure of the Millennium Development Goals and human development indices, Somalis are some of the most disadvantaged human beings as their basic education, health, water and sanitation needs remain only a pipe-dream”.

The meeting will underscore the following sign-posts in the roadmap:

  • In education the meeting will design a formula for a unified education system that caters for a common curriculum, students and education professionals exchange programs, and teachers’ training;
  • Environmental degradation has taken its toll on forest and water resources of both Puntland and Somaliland. It needs to be tackled in earnest. In the same way Puntland and Somaliland fishing resources are well underway to extinction in the absence of protection from foreign fleets. They ignore depletion of this most important resource at their peril;
  • Puntland and Somaliland need to address common external threats the chief of which is Al Shabaab. They will also have to revisit their age-old traditions to contain internal territorial disputes. Traditional Somali peace-making is an unbroken track-record of success;
  • Puntland and Somaliland do themselves no favor hurling mutual accusations in the media. A policy of encouraging give and take in programming media output would help to encourage mutual respect and understanding;
  • Trade facilitation and the movement of people and goods across Puntland and Somaliland would not only break psychological barriers but would benefit the living standards of both;
  • Also in the interest of national and international trade Puntland and Somaliland should contain the rampant piracy along their shores and beyond.

The roadmap, once adopted by the Consultative Meeting will have to be embraced by the people of Puntland and Somaliland and submitted for the approval of their respective authorities

  • FG: Qoraalka IGAD kuma aysan soo saarin AfSoomaali, waxay ku soo qoreen English sida kor ka muuqata.

Faafin: SomaliTalk.com // Halkudheg:

. Afeef: Aragtida maqaallada iyo faallooyinka waa kuwo u gaar ah qorayaasha ku saxiixan. E-mail Link Xiriiriye weeyey

2 Jawaabood " Wasiirrada Caafimaadka DFKMG iyo DGPL oo wadajir usoo saaray Bayaan Istiraatiijiyada Nafaqeynta Soomaaliya "

  1. abdqani says:

    asc waan ku farax sanahaya shirkaan madaab uu ka hadalayo nafaqada soomaliya mida kale waxan hanbalyo u diraa puntland and soomaliland waxan leeyahay halkaas ka sii wada horu marka mida kale koonfur waxan leeyahay ku deyda walalaah kale pun iyo sland

  2. Magan says:

    Anigu waxaan la yaabanahay is dhex yaaca Dawlad kaliya oo dhawr wasiir caafimaad ay matalayaan oo shir ka wada qayb galaaya Cajiib, waxaa halkaa ka muuqda in lasii kala socdo oo qabiil walba uu samaystay Wasiiro u gaar ah. Markaa waxaa is waydiin mudan yay dani ugu jirtaa in qabiilwalba oo somali ah inuu dawlad noqdo iyadoo Afrika ay maanta raadinayso inay ku midawdo dawlad qura.