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Ethiopian massacre in Buhodle must be condemned and brought justice who is responsible

Today 21st of May 2010, Ethiopian forces who arrived in Buuhodle city of Cayn region in Northwest of Somalia has carried out inhumane and act of barbaric against defenseless civilian of the city. According to the eye witness in the city more than 14 people were killed and 50 others wounded and many of them may not survive for their injuries.
·         Buuhodle is located adjacent to  the porous unmarked boundary lines between Somali republic and Ethiopian Republic. Ethiopian forces made several incursions many times before. However what made this time to behave in this madness way is unknown although some rumors indicate the self-proclaimed republic of Somaliland has asked the Ethiopian forces to capture this city and hand over to them in order to hold the forthcoming election in June 2010 as the people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn region refused to join in any administration which intends to secede from rest of Somalia.  Today Early in the morning they closed all Road in the city and started to loot Vehicles belonged to local people and consequently made angry and frustrated by the local people.
Suddenly they started bombarding the city with artillery shelling that killed many defenseless people. Therefore this is not acceptable at the eyes of Somali people where ever they are and remind many people when Ethiopian forces invaded Mogadishu in 2006/07.
Ethiopian government led by Prime minster Males Senawi has been trying to improve his image as local peace broker in the horn of Africa and hosted many Somali conferences and holds meeting with regional Somali  leaders yet  his troops daily commit heinous crimes against Somali populated Ogaden region in the past twenty years and now crosses to Buuhoodle city and committed this crime against civilian people.
Buuhoodle is city has  a high population including elderly. Children and it will be catastrophic tragedy if it falls in the hand of Ethiopian forces who
committed today this unforgivable act of terror.
It is also important that other IGAD nations including Djibouti, Kenya and Sudan to condemn this act of terror and United nations representative Mr Walad Abdullah to be more active and use his diplomatic channels to stop and make accountable the Ethiopian aggression against civilians people of Buuhoodle city. Males Senawi and his henchmen must not got away this crime and many others they committed against the Somali nation and every evidence leading their persecution should be kept in safe and pursued accordingly 
I therefore call upon all Somali people regardless their political affiliation and regions to join in hand with the people of Cayn region of Buhoodle to defend this great historical city where many Somali freedom fighters were born and brought up including Sayed Moahamed Abdulle Hassan, Ismail Mire and countless others who devoted their life and soul for the sake of this country.
Engr:Mohamud Hersi

Faafin: SomaliTalk.com //

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