15, February 2010
The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) strongly condemns theunlawful arrest and illegal handover to Ethiopian regime authoritiesof Bishaaro Wa’adi Shaqlane a senior member of the Ogaden WomensDemocratic Alliance (OWDA) and respected businesswoman who had beenresiding in Hargeisa in northern Somalia. Bishaaro was arrested byauthorities of the so-called Somaliland administration on 10 Feburary2010 and handed over to security officers of the Ethiopian regimeshortly thereafter. Bishaaro had fled Ogaden due to the constantharassment of the security services of the Ethiopian regime whotargeted her for her activities empowering women in Ogaden. She hadbeen arrested by the Ethiopian regime three times and tortured inprison on both occasions. She was first arrested in July 2000 for heractivities associated with OWDA and beaten in prison.
No charges werebrought against her and she was denied legal representation. She wasreleased a few months later only to be arrested again in October of2001 and was beaten again in prison. After several more months inprison denied access to her family or counsel, she was arrested againon October 20, 2006 and was severely tortured having both her armsbroken during violent interrogation by security forces before beingreleased from prison for a third time on 31 January 2007.
Bisharo fled to Northern Somalia and resided peacefully with her children inHargeisa before being picked up from her home by the security servicesof the so-called Somaliland administration on 10 Feburary 2010. Shewas quickly handed over to Ethiopian authorities soon afterwards.
Bishaaro has escaped persecution in Ogaden and fled to northernSomalia where she registered with the UNHCR under an alias (ShamsaAbdullaahi Hersi) for her own safety given the extensive securitycooperation between Ethiopian authorities and the so-called Somalilandadministration.
The unlawful detention and illegal rendition of Bishaaro Wa’adiShaqlane is in line with a recent security cooperation agreementbetween Ethiopian authorities and the so-called Somalilandadministration concluded at the Semrat Hotel in Dire Dawa city inNovember 2009. The agreement stipulated that those percieved to be ‘political opponents’ of the Ethiopian regime who fled to NorthernSomalia would be detained and immediately handed over to Ethiopianauthorities. The Ethiopian security team at the meeting was headedby General Abraham Woldhe Maryam and the security forces of theso-called Somaliland administration delegation was headed by NuurIsmail Taani (commander of the armed forces) and Mohamed Saqadhi Dubad(police forces) and Hassan Abdi Yusuf representing the intelligenceservices of the so-called Somaliland administration.
This unlawful arrest and illegal rendition of a civil society leaderand woman activist in Ogaden is the first operational implementationof the new security arrangement between the Ethiopian authorities andthe so-called Somaliland administration. It represents a violation ofinternational law and is a testament to the blatant abuse of humanrights by the authorities of the so-called Somaliland administration.
The ONLF will not tolerate the targeting and illegal renditions of ourcitizens in northern Somalia fleeing persecution. The so-calledSomaliland administration will solely be responsible for theconsequences of this action.
Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF)
Sidii dhaqanka idiin aheyd ha u doodina si sharaf badan u dooda,meesha QABIIL la iskuma haysto OGAADEEN waxa ay Hargeysa ku leeyihiin xaafad dhan,ganacsina waa ay ku leeyihiin iyaga iyo ISAAQ meel ay kala tagayaan ma ay jirto,dhinaca ismamulka Somali galbeedna waa ay wada degan yihiin,arinkan waxa sameeyey waa niman siyaasiin ah,taas ka dooda.
Anigu qoralkeyga hore waxa an ku cadeeyey in ay joojiyan labada meelood Hargeysa iyo Garoowe in ay joojiyaan dadka ay Xabashida u dhiibayaan waana sida dhexdhexaadka ah sharaftuna ku jirto,idinkuna waxa aad qoreysaan wax lala yaabo,doodu waxa weeyaan ma haboontey in dad Somali ah Xabashi loo dhiibo,,,Jawaabtu waa maya,sideebeynu u joojinkarnaa ugana hortagi laheyn weeyaan dooda meesha taalaa,,waa hadeynu wax ku wada qoreyno AF-SOMALI.
A/C waa arin xun asal naceyb iyo cawaanimo ku saleysan in gabadh loo dhiibo ama loo gacan galiyo cadow, sidoo kale waxey lid ku tahay dhaqanka soomaaliyeed iyo Diintayada baraxtiten. maamulkka horjooge riyaale waa lagula xisabtami waxey geystaan reerka isaq la yiraa dacwada ay ku wadaan ali samater ta ay geysanayaan baa ka weyn ee hala socdaan. Hambalyo waxaan leeyahay puntland iyo horjooge faroole sidii ay uga qayb galeen shirkii nayrobi kenya waa ee ku saab sanaa in aan muwaadin soooomaaliyeed cadowga loo dhiibin waa ay fuliyeen shirku wuxuu dhacay dabayaaqadii sanadkii tagey
wabilah towfiq
Ma ahyan arrin lala yaabo ficillada foosha xun ee ay dadka reer Woqooyi Galbeed kula dhaqmaan Shucuubta Soomaali Galbeed,Xusuuso in ka badan 30 kun oo Qoxooti ahaa oo UBku ay ku magan-galisay Gobollada Waqooyi waxaa si bareer ah u xasuuqay SNM iyo taageerayaasheedii,markii denbena waxay ku sheegeen lafihii dadka ay xasuuqeen in ay dadkoodii yihiin,Ciidamadii Soomaaliyana ay laayeen.
Xusuuso,inta qof ee ay sir iyo saacba u gacan-galiyeen Ethiopia,lama soo koobi karo,waa arrin salka ku haysa nacayb iyo cadawtinimo fog,haddaba maxaa la gudboon Shacbiga Ogaadeenya,ma in ay indhaha ka dhawrtaan ficillada axmaqnimada ah ee ay fuliyaan Isaaqu,mise qaniinyo qaniinyo ayaa kaa ujisee waxaa la joogaa xilligii jawaab laga bixin lahaa arrimaha noocan oo kale ah.
Sultan: Bashir Abdi Mohamed
Bosaso,Puntland State of Somalia
Arinkan wa mid u baahan in laga doodo,waaba hadii ay dhab tahay in dawlada RIYAALE qof dumara u gacan galisey xukumada XABASHIDA,anigoo ah shaqsi reer SOMALILAND ah waxaan leeyahay hadii dawladeydu arinkan ku kacdey waa ay ku khaldantahay hana la baadho sida wax ay u dhaceen.
SOMALILAND IYO PUNTLAND ha joojiyaan siyaasada ah in ay dad u gacan galiyaan dawlada XABASHIDA qawmiyada OGAADEENA waxaan leeyahay yeesha meel la idinku soo hagaago,dadkiina badankiisa waxa ay ka tirsanyihiin ismaamulka xabashida,markaas ogaada kuwiina danbi soo gala in aaney habooneyn in ay u soo cararaan deegaano kale,siyaasadiina wax ka bedala,boqol sano ayeydun jabhad aheydeen,walina dhul ma aydaan xoreynin,markaas siyaasada wax ka bedal,deegaankaas aad ku nooshiina dhista oo wax la qaba XABASHIDA.