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Sheikh Shariif oo la hadlaya Soomaalida Washington iyo Minnesota

Goobta iyo xilliga uu Sheikh Shariif la hadlayo Soomaalida Washington DC hoos ka akhri (English)..

Sidoo kale:

Madaxweynaha DFKMG waxaa la filayaa Axadda October 4, 2009 in uu Jaamacadda Minnesota kula hadlo jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee reer Minnesota.

Goobtu waa jaamacadda Minnesota.

Waqtigu waa 3 pm (AXAD OCTOBER 4, 2009)

flier-ka hoose ka eeg.


Washington D.C Metropolitan Area Somali Community welcomes the Somali delegation led by President Sh. Sharif Sheikh Ahmed 



Jamal Sh. Said (703) 703-870-5853

Hassan Warsame (703) 623-5273


Fairfax, Virginia, USA, 29 September 2009: The Somali community in the Washington D.C Metropolitan Area is delighted to announce a welcoming event for H.E Sh. Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the president of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia and his delegation.

The event will be held at: 

The Waterford in Springfield

6715 Commerce Street

Springfield, VA 22360

Thursday, October1, 2009 @ 6:00 PM 

President Ahmed came to the U.S to address the United Nations General Assembly in New York and will subsequently tour several cities in the U.S with large Somali community. President Ahmed and his delegation will hold talks with the Somali Diaspora communities about the prevailing situation in the homeland; the TFG’s  efforts to engage in reconciliation dialogue with the armed groups who oppose the government; the strategies for brining security and stability to  the country; the humanitarian situation in the country, good governance and transparency; the efforts of the international community to help the TFG and the Somali people; and the constructive role that the Somali Diaspora communities can play in resolving the political and humanitarian situation in Somalia. 

While there is daunting challenges that the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia faces, there is a tremendous optimism inside the country and within the Somali Diaspora communities that President Ahmed’s government is the best hope for Somalia and should be able to bring lasting peace and stability in Somalia.  


Hassan Warsame


Minneapolis oo ku Mudaharaadaysa Sheikh Shariif, Goorma iyo Goobtee?

Goobaha lagu qabanayo Mudaharaadka looga soo horjeedo Sheikh Shariif oo Minneapolis lagu wado in uu yimaado, mudaharadaaka oo la qaban qaabinayo Axadda Oct 4, 2009, meelaha aan la ogolayn iyo akhbaar ku saabsan waqtiga mudaharaadkaas la isugu imanayo, ayaa waxaa waraysi arrintaas ku saabsan waxaa bixiyey Cusmaan Axmed Sheikh.

Halkan ka dhegeyso Waraysiga..

MAP-ka goobta mudaharaadka Halkan ka eeg (Google Maps)

Faafin: SomaliTalk.com // Halkudheg:

. Afeef: Aragtida maqaallada iyo faallooyinka waa kuwo u gaar ah qorayaasha ku saxiixan. E-mail Link Xiriiriye weeyey

1 Jawaab " Sheikh Shariif oo la hadlaya Soomaalida Washington iyo Minnesota "

  1. maria says:

    aniga oo kamid ah ardy somaliyed oo wax kabarta magalada mugadisho jaamacad kutaal waxaan aad utaageersanahay dadka qabanqabinayi mudaharadka looga soo horjeda shariifka taasoo aan usababebeeynayo in shariifku uu aad utaageero ciidamada cadowga ee nagu xasuuqay dalkeena taas maahan in aan aniga taageero dadka kahorjeeda dowlada lakinwaxaa jirta in dhibaato nalogeeysto saacadkaste taasna waxaa masuuliyadeeda qadaya dadka madaxda ah hadii aan helaayo mustaqbalka furasd isisneeysa waxaan maxkamad ama dacwadd kufirilaha dad farabadan

    somali wxaan leeyahy hanoolato nabad iyo cadaald mustaqbalka dhow iyo iyadoo laladagaalamo dambniilayaasha ha ahaadan dowlad ama wadaado inta dhibaatada nogeeysaty inshaa alaah