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Joint Statement on the attack on AMISOM in Mogadishu

Joint Statement on the attack on AMISOM in Mogadishu 

The European Union

The InterGovernmental Authority on Development

The League of Arab States

The United Nations


The United States of America 

Nairobi 17 September 2009: The European Union, the InterGovernmental Authority on Development, the League of Arab States, the United Nations, Norway and the United States all  condemn in the strongest terms today’s cowardly suicide car bombings on the AMISOM Force Headquarters in Mogadishu.  

This horrific attack is a further demonstration of the extremists’ complete disregard for human lives. It is not only an attack on the AMISOM peacekeepers, but also on the ordinary Somali population who they were helping.  

Along with the Somali population, the international community pledge that we will not be deterred by such criminal acts and will continue all our efforts to ensure the return of peace and stability in Somalia. We urge Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government to likewise continue its work for peace and reconciliation through the Djibouti Process. 

The EU, IGAD, LAS, UN, Norway and the US send their sincere condolences to the family and friends of the victims of this appalling suicide bombing, as well as to the Government and the people of Somalia.  

For more information please contact: Susannah Price or Donna Cusumano,

Public Information Officers, UN Political Office for Somalia (Nairobi, Kenya)

Tel: +254 20 762 1192/1625 or +254 733902020/737400133

Please visit: www.UN-Somalia.org

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