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Somalia: Puntland Government Denounces Unilateral Term-Extension of TFG Parliament

Puntland State of Somalia



February 5, 2011

Somalia: Puntland Government Denounces Unilateral Term-Extension of TFG Parliament

The Puntland Council of Ministers, in an extra-ordinary meeting on 5 February, 2011, has unequivocally rejected the confusing term-extension of the Parliament of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia, which was hastily extended for three-years on 4 February, 2011.

After a long debate and deliberations, the Council of Ministers has reached the following decisions:

  1. Considering the critical difficulties Somalia is presently undergoing, Somalia does not need a term-extension that exacerbates the complex situation, which does not serve the interests of the Somali people;
  2. This new term-extension diverts the attention of the Somali people from the preparations for the procedure of a smooth transition;
  3. The Puntland Government will not accept any decision adopted by the TFG Parliament.

Therefore, the Puntland Government condemns and opposes the unreasonable term-extension by the TFG Parliament, which leads to a new political disorder in Somalia.

In the same meeting, the Council of Ministers discussed the Draft Federal Constitution being prepared for the Federal Republic of Somalia and has decided the following:

  1. In principle, the Puntland Government supports the completion of a Federal Constitution for Somalia, and the President of Puntland previously launched in Garowe the Draft Federal Constitution in mid-2010;
  2. The Council has recognized that the core of the Draft Federal Constitution is not one that clearly spells out the Federal System that the Puntland Government has pioneered in Somalia since 1998.

However, the Puntland Government is committed to fully work with and put forward its position and advice to the Interim Federal Constitutional Committee (IFCC) regarding the Draft Federal Constitution.

Communications Office
The Puntland Presidency
Puntland State of Somalia

Faafin: SomaliTalk.com // Halkudheg: ,

. Afeef: Aragtida maqaallada iyo faallooyinka waa kuwo u gaar ah qorayaasha ku saxiixan. E-mail Link Xiriiriye weeyey

1 Jawaab " Somalia: Puntland Government Denounces Unilateral Term-Extension of TFG Parliament "

  1. Bashir says:

    Dalka iyo Dadka Soomaaliyeed waxaay u baahanyihiin in la badbaadiyo,
    Arrinta kaliya oo lagu badbaadinkaro waa in CIIDAMMADII XOOGGA DALKA SOOMAALIYEED dib loo soo aruursado. Waxaan qabaa haddii arrintaasi aay Dowlad goboleedka Puntland aay horseed u noqoto in aay helayaan codka shicibka Soomaaliyeed iyo taakulada dowladaha deeqda bixiya, aydoo si tartiib ah aay ciidamada shisheeye isaga baxaan DALKA.
    Waa rajada kaliya oo wadanku xor ku noqonkaro.
    Garoowe hallaga dhigo meeshii Ciidanka Soomaaliyeed ku kulmi lahaa.