Mogadishu, 21 October 2014 – H.E. Mustafa Duhulow, Minister of Information today hosted an important meeting between AMISOM and Somali Police forces and Civil Society groups in Mogadishu. The aim of the meeting was to better coordinate between AMISOM and the Federal Government institutions as well as on how best to engage with public in order to bring peace and stability. AMISOM Police Force Commander and the Deputy Somali Police Commissioner and Civil Society representatives were among those present today’s meeting.
Minister Duhulow opened the meeting and said: “I would like to thank organizers of this important meeting and the ministry of information is ready to work with AMISOM and Somali Police forces with a view to engage with communities so that public can take part in the peace process and the stabilization plan. The presence of Civil Society groups, such as youth, women, and other segments of the society is vital to the engagement of the public. The Ministry of Information is keen to advance the public awareness campaign that is essential to the stabilization process and Confidence building with communities is key to the progress of brining peace and stability in Somalia”
The Minister of Information continued to say “It is imperative for AMISOM Police Force and Somali Police Force to enhance their partnership working so that the implementation of the stabilization process will be easier to implement. Today’s discussion with civil society representatives also provides an opportunity for security forces to engage with communities that is so vital to the confidence building that is essential to bring peace and stability. I strongly encourage continuing regular meetings with all key stakeholders. Civil Society groups have huge role to the stabilization process and to convince public’s role to support security forces.”
AMISOM Police Commissioner Annad Pillay and the Deputy Somali Police Commissioner stressed the importance of engaging with communities, which in turn increases the confidence of the people to the Police Forces. They continued to say that Police Forces can not work effectively without the full support of public, which in turn will enhance the accountability and transparency.
The Minister of Information concluded: “AMISOM and Somali Police Forces are doing excellent job in bringing peace and stability despite the challenges that we face such as asymmetric warfare from terrorists that has no regard to the people. However, we should all support security forces so that they can do their work with the legitimacy and confidence from the public. The Ministry of Information is ready to work with Police forces and civil society groups so that we can show our people the commitment and desire to brining peace and stability in Somalia. ”
ENDS – Ministry of Information, Somalia,
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