Madam President
Thank you for the opportunity to brief the Council. I am particularly pleased to be doing so alongside the new Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission and Head of the African Union Mission in Somalia, Dr.
Maman S. Sidikou.
When I briefed you in July I focused on the threat posed by Al Shabaab. Since then I am pleased to report that Al Shabaab has suffered significant reverses and the political process has moved forward. The Council’s landmark visit in August was a signal to Somalis and Al Shabaab that the international community remains committed and that more progress is needed. Somalia’s challenges remain significant. Urgent and coherent action by the Federal Government and international partners is needed in security, development, political and humanitarian fields. For this we need unity of purpose from Somali politicians and leaders. Neither Somalia nor the international community will have patience for anyone who deliberately stands in the way of peace, reconciliation and stability.
Please find pdf version of Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG), Nicholas Kay’s Briefing to the UN Security Council (As Delivered) – 14 October 2014.
2014-10-14 SRSG’s SC briefing Oct 2014 v4 (2)
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