Note: TVC Kenya published this news:
TVC NEWS, KENYA – Kenya’s Attorney-General Githu Muigai has assembled a team of international maritime lawyers to defend Kenya in a long-running border dispute with Somalia as Kenya prepares for a meeting with the UN’s top court next week.
Somalia on August 28 asked the International Court of Justice in The Hague to determine the maritime boundary between the two nations in a row that could decide the fate of potentially lucrative oil and gas reserves off the East African coast.
Prof Muigai said Wednesday Kenya has formed a team of both local and foreign lawyers to defend the case after Somalia’s parliament rejected a deal reached between Kenya and the internationally backed government in Mogadishu.
“Kenya has put together a team of local and international maritime lawyers and other experts ahead of filing documents in response to Somalia’s claim in coming weeks,” said the Attorney-General.
“A preliminary meeting at the International Court of Justice is expected by the end of the month. But we are flying out next week on Wednesday for consultations with our international experts.”
At stake are legal claims by the two nations to sell rights for exploration and collect revenue from any discovery.
Somalia wants the maritime border to continue along the line of the land border, to the southeast diagonally and says a horizontal border would be unfair. Kenya, however, wants the sea border to go in a straight line east, giving it more sea territory.
Fiiro Gaar ah:
Ufiirso kelmedaha la adeegsanayo, sida long-running dispute oo la macne ah muran soo jireen ah ee badda, ayadoo la ogyahay murankaasi in uusan ka horey 2009 xiligii xukuumadii ay gar wadeenka ka ahaayeen Sheekh Shariif iyo Cumar Sharmaarke, waa oraah tabco la isugu dhigaayo.
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