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The President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud today commented that the correct channels should be followed as the provisional Federal Constitution stipulates.

Mogadishu, 8 May 2014: Today the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, received a delegation of Members of Parliament at the State House. They presented to him a statement made earlier this week.

The President acknowledged the written statement and confirmed his respect for the right of every citizen to freely express their opinion: from politicians to the general public. He added that he is ready to sit and listen to anyone who has a constructive opinion.

He reminded the delegation that they among those who wholeheartedly elected him and gave him the Presidential mandate and urged them to follow correct procedural channels, as per those provided for in the provisional Constitution.

“It is good that a person in Somalia is free to express his opinion. I’m pleased that this indicates how far we have come in establishing and protecting people’s rights through our state-building processes,” the President said.

Concluding the meeting, the President called for all to observe and respect the laws of the land and the culture of statehood. He urged that the culture of statehood be protected in state circles.

For more information please contact: 

Shador Haji Mohamud, Senior Press Officer, Office of the Somali President

E 1: shadorhaji@presidency.gov.so, E 2: shadoor150@gmail.com
Tell:- +252615522051

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