Republic of Somalia
The Presidency
Directorate of Communications
JS/XM/DOC/ 585/13 Date:23/01/2013
Press- Release
(Wednesday, January 23, 2013, Mogadishu, Somalia) The President of the Federal Republic of
Somalia, H.E Hassan Sh. Mohamud has met with Ambassadors representing the donor countries,
to discuss the creation and the improvement of the Somali Financial Institutions.
The President was accompanied by Minister of Finance H.E Mohamud H, Suleiman, And the
Governor of Central Bank Abdi Salaam Omar.
Ambassadors and representatives of USA, UK, EU, Japan, Italy, Turkey, Denmark, Norway,
Sweden,Findland,World Bank, G7+and DFID were present. The President thanked the
Ambassadors and the representatives, welcomed them to Mogadishu and clearly set out the
importance of a functioning public finance system for the government of Somalia. He said “One
critical policy of our Six Pillar Plan is to create an effective system”. With the creation of a
special financial facility (SFF) and public financial management (PFM) structure Somalia will
start to move from relief to recovery. Corruption should not, be tolerated in Somalia”
The President also confirmed that he will hold bilateral discussions with donors centered on the
work and resources required to implement this policy.
The President concluded, to secure Somalia’s public resources there must be effective,
accountable, and transparent financial institutions, and Somalia needs to be supported in the
creation of these institutions.
JS/XM/DOC/ 585/13 Date:23/01/2013
Press- Release
(Wednesday, January ,23 ,2013Mogadishu, Somalia) The President of the Federal Republic of
Somalia, H.E Hassan Sh. Mohamud today received in Villa Somalia the newly appointed
Kenyan Ambassador to Somalia Hon:Josphat K. Maikara After accepting the credential letters from the Ambassador,the President said “Kenyans are our brothers and we welcome you back to Mogadishu in this vital time.
Our governments must work together to tackle the immense challenges that face us, and we gratefully acknowledge your
unconditional support.” At the end, the President stated” more and more countries are now opening Embassies in
Mogadishu and that’s the direct result of the stability achieved by our forces and AMISOM.”
Malik Abdalla
Director of Communication
Office of the Somalia President
Villa Somalia, Mogadishu
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