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Kenyan’s Interest in Somalia

late last year, Kenya, a very unlikely country took the war to the Al Shabaabs inside Somalia. The Kenya government had gotten tired of criminal incursions of Al Shabaabs on its territory.

These activities included piracy on its waters, kidnapping of tourists and other Kenyans across the border and of course attacking internal security posts and killing ordinary innocent Kenyans in these cross border raids.

Kenya sacrificed the lives of many of its soldiers in the battle against Al-shabab in Somalia.

The question that has being asked by many is what is the interest of Kenya in port city of kismayu and other Jubba region districts, and the real answer to that question still remains only in the heads of the Kenyan politicians who are playing the game with their counterparts of Somalia.

Some believe that Kenya would want to set up a kind of regional administration for lower jubba region that will serve according to the interest of Kenya which some also believe that the main interest is the coast line.

Today high Somali delegates lead by the Newly appointed Somali deputy prime minister and Foreign minister went to Kenya after they were invited by the government of Kenya to discuss certain issues concerning both the two countries even though no one said what are the key issues analysts said that Lower Jubba administration must also be discussed

The victory and the interest of Kenya in Somalia comes while the world is striving to restore peace in Somalia through military and persuasive means.


Sayidali Yasin Sheik


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