To the current Somali leaders President ‘Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud’, Prime Minister ‘Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon’ and Speaker of the Parliament ‘Mohamed Osman Jawaari’, we are proposing to you a technique of reconciliatory political dialogue to rescue our nation today. We are reminding to you that political reconciliation is the ultimate goal of the peace establishment in our country. Peace will occur when open dialogue and honest collaboration build up between the three of you based on compromise, forgiveness, and sincerity.
To compromise on your political differences and lead our nation together onto the right path, use these reconciliation steps when political dispute occur between three of you: form a round table, bring other key politicians with you, uphold the interest of our citizens rather than personal prejudices, and enable yourselves to grow beyond the past to re-establish a normalized teamwork and trust relationship. Always keep in mind, political reconciliation is a very difficult and slow process.
To fully recover and rebuild our country will take years. However, in this year of 2012 to make peace successful in our country, it is imperative each and every one of you to be open-minded and respect to one another. We know civil war devastated both our citizens and country for decades and reconciliation cannot take place overnight or in months, perhaps not even in a year. However, the peace initiative and reconciliation process can be started by the three of you now and history will tell your positive teamwork leadership legacy.
To make the peace process successful in this year of 2012, establish problem solving workshops as well as political dialogue processes to build forgiveness and mercy. If three of you compromise your political differences and initiate a clear reconciliation roadmap, the Tiir Party’s commitment to the re-establishment of justice and peace in our country can be added to your efforts. We recommend to the three of you that you lead our nation into truth and political reconciliation. We will help you to make it real.
To let real reconciliation occur in our country it is imperative to build peace at the grassroots level, bringing together our ordinary citizens, educators, scholars, artists, and all caring people to contribute to a process of trust-building over the long term. Remember, the process of conflict reconciliation always includes compromise, collaboration, diplomacy and creative peace building, which is what your citizens are expecting from three of you.
Last of all, compromise, collaboration, and forgiveness between the three of you is essential in order to initiate political reconciliation in our country in this year of 2012. Allah expects us to bestow forgiveness even to the person who has mistreated us. Allah demands it of us even if that person does not ask for it or even want it. In your situation, in order to resolve the political dispute between three of you, forgiveness is an unconditional response of the heart to rescue our nation and lead it into a better future.
Fadhil Sh.Mohamud
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