Halka Arrimaha kale ee siyaasadeed loo dhaafay Dadka Soomaaliyeed….
Qoraal ka soo baxay kulankii Ururka IGAD ee ku shiray magaalada Addis Ababa ayaa waxaa looga hadlay arrimaha Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan waxaa qormadaas lagu xusay “in xilliga Dawladda FKMG oo dhammaanayo 20 August 2011 sidaas daraadeed ay ururku isku waafaqsan yihiin in si degdeg ah loogu baahan in waqtiga loo kordhiyo Baarlamaanka Federaalka Kumeelgaarka ee hadda jira, halka arrimaha kale ee harsan ee siyaasadeed ay xallin doonaan dadka Soomaaliyeed.”
Waxaa kale oo qoraalka lagu xusay in “DFKMG loogu baaqay in ay Somaliland iyo Puntland kal ashaqayso sidii looga hor tegi lahaa in xubnaha argagaxisadu si aysan dhexgelin meelaha nabdoon oo qalaanqal uga ridin,” waa sida qormadu warka u dhigtay’e.
IGAD waxay soo dhaweeyeen doorashadii Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed ee loo doortay Ra’iisul wasaaraha DFKMG. Waxa kale oo qoraalku ka hadlay in la dhaqan geliyo heshiiskii 15 Maarso 2010 Addis Ababa ku dhexmaray DFKMG iyo Ahlu Sunnah wal jamaaca.
Qoraalka IGAD qaybta Soomaaliya ku saabsan hoos ka akhri:
On the Current Developments in Somalia, The Assembly,
1. Welcomes the appointment of H.E Mohammed Abdullahi Mohammed as the Prime Minister of the TFG of Somalia and the formation of the new cabinet and assures its commitment and support.
2. Notes that the transitional period ends on 20 August 2011 and the Assembly reached a consensus on the urgent need to extend the term of the current Transitional Federal Parliament while the remaining political dispensation be handled by the people of Somalia.
3. Underlines the need for the new cabinet to take expeditious action and show progress in the accomplishment of the remaining tasks of the transitional period including the drafting and approval of the Constitution as well as expanding the authority of the state, promoting the reconciliation process and improving the livelihood of the population by providing essential services.
4. Calls upon IGAD, AU and UN to provide the necessary support and assistance to the TFI’s as they embark upon the process to end the transition period.
5. Reiterates its call to the leadership of the TFG and Ahlu-Sunna Wal Jamaa (ASWJ) to continue the full implementation the agreement entered into on 15 March 2010 in Addis Ababa and in particular strengthen their cooperation in the security sector to enhance their resolve against the terrorists and extremist forces. Further calls upon the TFG to strengthen its ties and collaboration with Somaliland and Puntland authorities in order to prevent the terrorist elements from infiltrating in the relatively peaceful regions and cause more havoc and destruction.
6. Recalls the UNSC Resolution number 1964 (2010) of 22 nd December 2010 on Somalia; and regrets that this resolution has only partially addressed the 4 request submitted to Council by the AUC on the increase in AMISOM’s authorised strength from 8000 to 20,000, authorisation of an enhanced support package for the Mission from UN assessed contribution, imposition of a naval blockade and a no-fly zone over Somalia and effective implementation of sanction on the spoilers.
7. Calls upon the AU PSC to hold a Special Summit before the end of March 2011 on resource mobilization for Somalia and to address issues not catered for by the UNSC following the request of the AU PSC at its 245 th meeting of October 15, 2010.
8. Expresses its serious concern on the further escalation of attacks by the extremist and terrorist groups on the TFG and AMISOM forces that cause death and injury to civilian population especially in Mogadishu; and reiterates its earlier calls to the international community to provide adequate financial as well as military support to the TFG and AMISOM forces to enable them provide protection to the civilian population, the TFG institutions and government installations.
9. Emphasises the need to strengthen the national police and in this regard commend IGAD Member Countries and the International Community for providing financial and logistical support for the ongoing security forces training. The Assembly acknowledges the limitations of the security forces trainings held in different countries and urge that all future security trainings be conducted inside Somalia.
10.Condemns most vehemently the barbaric acts and human rights abuse by Al-Shabab on the civilian population (including extra-judicial executions, torture, stoning, decapitation, amputation and floggings) and holds the leaders of the terrorist group responsible for all the criminal acts committed by their militia.
11.Notes with grave concern that the current drought in Somalia has further exacerbated an already precarious humanitarian situation which is facing increasing challenges because of the action by Al-Shabab that continues to deny the needy segments of the population the badly required humanitarian assistance; reiterates the readiness IGAD Member States to contribute their share, mobilize the International Community and provide safe corridors for humanitarian aid.
Qof damiir Somalinimo ku jiro ma aha wax uu fiirsan karo xaaladda Somalia sida ay u taal.
Waxaa nasiib darro ah khilaaf iyo is maqal la’aan iyo shaki iyo cuqdi dhexdeenna ah oo dhamaan waayay kaddib in arrinteenni iyo tii dalkeennuba toos gacanteenna uga baxeen.
Waa wax u baahan in taarriikhda lagu qoro meesha aan ka gaarnay dullaysi iyo xaqiraad.Si ay cibro uga qaataan jiilalka naga dambeeya ee dalkeenna.
Ama qabqable ahow oo qabiil qorigi ku rarnoow ama gafuurka iyo dhegaha so duubo kolley Somali diliyo dacdarro ka daashay dillinimo iyo xaqiraadna waa loogu sii daraye ama dagaalka kusii wada ama dib isugu noqda oo dacda ka dul qaada daljirana ka dhiga.
Saaxib, IGAD waa loo igmay inaay kataliso aayaha Somalia. Ma hilmaantay in barlamaanka iyo dowlada hada jirto ay ayaga kadanbeeyeen ayagoo danahooda kuwato. Su’aal: Haddii lakala diro, xageed midkale ka keeneysaa? Yaase diyaar u ah shir dhowr sano socdo oo Somalia loo qabto markale?
Wixii ladhacay bad iyo beri, waa waxaan anaga ugu deeqney aduunka mar haddii aan dowlad samaynkarin oo aan ismaqli karin.
Yaa u igmaday Igad inay go,aamiso xilliga, tirada, nooca golayaasheenna iyo guddoonka? sow gumeys toos ma aha sow siyaanadii iyo qaranimadii inay wareegatay ma ahan, bal eeg safiir siyaasadda ee U.Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya kaa aad uga hooseeya protokol ahaan kuwa heer qaran ayaan hoos tagnaa sidoo kale xabshidaa loo guudadsadey iyo nin wareersan oo buurahaa Afganistaan ku dhuumaaleysanya.
Kuwan wey gaareen wayna ku guuleysteen kol haddii ay isbileen xaaladihii ay rabeen:
1. In aynaan tashan oo aan ayaga ku tiirsanaan oo ay noo taliyaan( hayinimo)
2. Inay nala kala saftaan si aan isu nacno nacaladda laysku rido laysdilo (cadaawad dhexdeenna)
3. Inay dhacaan hantideenna bad, berri iyo hawadaba.( badda kaliya 1000 markab ayaa maanta bililiqo ba’ an ku wada).
Arrimahaan iyo kuwa kaloo fara badan qaarkoodna xeeshii gabowday ah iyo tan gumesiga cusub uu wato sida IGAD iwm ama bin laadin ayaa nalagu dulleysan.
Yaa noo guntan doona ciilka iyo dulmiga naga saari, sideen kuwaa aan uga hoos baxnaa?