Boqollaal Soomaalida deggan Minneapolis ayaa Jimcadii 30-ka December 2011 waxay mudaharaad ballaaran ka dhigeen magaalada Minneapolis, kaas oo la xiriira xawaaladaha Soomaaliyeed ee Minnesota oo la xiray Jimacadii. Xiritaanka xawaaladaha oo sababay in ay istaagaan dhammaan lacagahii ay dadku ehelkooda uga xawili jireen magaalooyinka mataanaha Minneapolis/St. Paul ee gobolka Minnesota, arrintaas oo saamayn aad u weyn kuleh mujtamaca Soomaaliyeed ee ehelkooda xawaaladaha u marsiin jirey lacagaha.
Salaaddii Jimcada markii la tukadey ayaa Soomaalidu isku ballansadeen in ay isugu soo baxaan fagaaraha isgoyska Franklin iyo Chicago ee magaalada Minneapolis si cababashdooda ugu muujinaan bangiyada Maraykanka oo diidey in ay xawaaladaha ka aqbalaan lacagta ay dadku ehelkooda u dirayaan. Jimacadii ayaa bangigii ugu dambeeyey oo ah Sunrise Community Banks oo joojiyey in uu aqbalo lacagaha ay xawaaladaha Minnesota marsiin jireen bangigaas. Sidaas ayaana jimacadii waxaa lacagahii ay qaban jireen ka istaagey 15 xawaaladood.
Qaar kamid ah dadweynahii mudaharaadka ka soo qayb galay ayaa watey tabeelayaal iyo sawiro muujinaya carruur ay hayso macaluul aad u daran, taas oo ay ku muujinayaan in carruurtaas laga hor istaagay biilkii ehelkoodu u diri jireen.
“Macaluul ayaa i haysa, bangiga ayaa iga hor istaagey lacagtii la ii soo xawili lahaa”… “Bangiga ayaa iga hortaagan in aan qoyskayga quudiyo…” ayaa ka mid ah tabeelayashaashii ay dadweynuhu cabashadooda ku muujinayeen.
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Minn. Somalis Rally Over Money-Transfer Closing
Hundreds of Minnesota Somalis are rallying to draw attention to the closing of businesses they use to send money back to Somalia.
Many held signs Friday with pictures of starving children and blaming banks for blocking money from going to the famine-stricken East African country.
Sunrise Community Banks handles most of the transactions. The bank says it would stop processing those transactions Friday because it risked violating government rules intended to fight the financing of terror groups
According to the U.S. Treasury, Somalis have other solutions. But community leaders and money-transfer business owners say those solutions are not practical.
Many Somalis at the Minneapolis rally say they are confused and don’t know what to do. Their family members in Somalia and nearby refugee camps rely on monthly remittances for survival. (Isha: KSTP)
Minn. Somalis Rally Over Money-Transfer Closing
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Hundreds of Somalis demonstrated in Minneapolis on Friday, expressing frustration and sadness over a bank’s decision to stop handling money transfers that they say relatives in Africa need to survive.
Many held signs with pictures of hungry children and messages such as “I am starving — banks blocked transmitting money to me” and “Banks block me from feeding my family.” Some also waved small American flags as they lined a city sidewalk, chanting in Somali.
The rally was held one day after 15 Minnesota money-transfer businesses, known as hawalas, stopped accepting wire transfers because the bank that handles the majority of the transactions planned to close the hawalas’ accounts Friday. Minnesota-based Sunrise Community Banks has said it fears violating complex regulations designed to combat terror financing.
“I don’t know what to do,” said Abdirahim Hersi, 27, of Minneapolis, who sends $500 every month to his mother, daughter and siblings in the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya, near the Somali border. He normally sends the money at the start of each month, so money he sent in early December is running out. “I’m confused. I talked to my mother and she’s also confused. … I’m really sad.”
Hersi and many other Somalis said they thought they could still send money back home Friday. They went to the money service businesses with cash in hand and were caught off-guard when they couldn’t.
Minnesota-based Sunrise Community Banks said Friday it would consider an extension of the service if it was given some sort of way to minimize its risk. No solution was reached at a meeting Friday with Somali community leaders, money-service business owners and government officials.
U.S. Attorney B. Todd Jones said a waiver isn’t possible.
“The Department of Justice doesn’t give anyone a free pass right up front for possible future criminal activity,” Jones said. “Federal prosecutors don’t give waivers.”
Jones said he is disappointed with the situation, but the decision to close the hawala accounts was the bank’s. He said Sunrise Community Banks has a good compliance program, and it would be rare for his office to prosecute a bank.
Sunrise’s decision came weeks after two Minnesota women were convicted in October of conspiracy to provide support to al-Shabab, a group at the center of violence in Somalia and one that the U.S. says is tied to al-Qaida. Evidence at the Minnesota trial showed the women used the hawalas to send money to the terror group.
Somalia has not had a functioning government since 1991 and has no banking system. Because there are no financial institutions, Somalis use hawalas, which require little paperwork and reach even the smallest towns, to send money home. Many big banks stopped handling the transfers in recent years, saying the federal requirements to crack down on terror financing are too complex and not worth the risk. (isha: WCCO)
Minneapolis Somalis Plan Protest as Money Transfers End
Somalis plan a demonstration Friday on the day a bank plans to stop allowing money transfers from Minnesota’s Somali community to relatives in the famine-stricken country.
The demonstration is planned for around 2 p.m. at Franklin and Chicago in south Minneapolis. Sunrise Community Banks handles the majority of money transfers from Minnesota to Somalia. The bank agreed to continue allowing funds to flow into the African country until Dec. 30 but has said it will not extend the practice.
Sunrise says it fears it could be at risk of violating government rules intended to clamp down on the financing of terror groups. Somalis in Minnesota say their loved ones might not survive without the monthly remittances they send back home through the money transfer businesses, known as hawalas.
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