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Safiirkii Soomaaliya u ufadhiyey Zambia oo Geeriyoodey

Omar Mohammad Umar oo ahaa Safiirkii Soomaaliya u fadhiyey dalka Zambia ayaa Axadii waxaa meydkiisa laga helay guriga uu deganaa , gaar ahaan waxaa meydkiisa laga helay xamaamka, sidaas waxaa qortay jariidadda Postzambia cadadkeedii Khamiista August 26, 2010.

Jariidaddu waxay sheegtay in marxuumka geeridiisa uu xaqiijiyey Graphael Musamba oo ah madaxa boliska Zambia oo waraysi bixiyey Arbacadii (Aug 25).

“Waxaan xaqiijinaynaa in safiirkii Soomaaliya u fadhiyey Zambia oo magaciisu yahay Omar Mohammad Umar oo 53 jir ah in meydkiisa laga helay xamaamka (musqusha) dhexdeeda August 22, qiyaastii 14:30 saac ee guriga ay deggan tahay safaaradu oo ku yaal jidka Kabulonga. Waxaa loo malaynayaa in uu keligiis halkaas ku noolaa, akhbaarta boolisku hayo waa in xaaskiisa iyo carruurtiisu ay jiraan dalka Canada,” ayuu yiri Musamba.

Waxa uu intaas ku daray in shaqaaluhu markii uu ka welweley sababta uu safiirku guriga uga soo bixi la’yahay ayey waceen nin qaraabadiisa ah oo magaciisa la yiraahdo Shire Hassan oo deggan xaafad kale.

“Markaas ayaa saddexdii iyaga oo wada socda waxay soo waregeliyeen saldhigga booliska, markaas ayaa boolisku u raacay xaafadda halkaas oo ay ka heleen meydka marxuumka oo yaal xamaamka oo fajigu hoos u jeedo oo dhiig sanka ka imanayo,” ayuu yiri.

Waxana uu intaas ku daray in meydkiisa la geeyey cusbitaalka Jaamacadda oo lala sugayo carruurtiisa iyo xaaskiisa oo imanaya. Waxana uu intaas raaciyey in shaqaalahu ay sheegeen in uu xanuunsanaa oo maalin kasta uu guriga ugu iman jirey Taxi geyn jirey cisbitaalka.

Xigasho. postzambia.com

Warkaas oo Af Ingiriisi ah hoos ka akhri:

SOMALI envoy found dead at residence

  • Source: http://www.postzambia.com/post-read_article.php?articleId=13118

SOMALI’S Ambassador to Zambia Omar Mohammad Umar was on Sunday found dead in the toilet at his Kabulonga residence in unclear circumstances.

Commissioner of police Graphael Musamba confirmed the development in an interview on Wednesday.

“We want to confirm that the Somali ambassador to Zambia whose names are Omar Mohammad Umar aged 53 was found dead in the toilet on August 22, around 14:30 hours at the Somali residence along Kabulonga road.
The man is believed to have been staying alone, the information the police have is that the wife and the children are in Canada,” Musamba said.

He said the workers at the residence got concerned that the ambassador was not coming out of the house and they decided to call one of the relatives named Shire Hassan from Emmasdale.

“The trio later reported the matter at Woodlands Police Station and together with the police they went to the scene where they found the deceased in the toilet with the face, facing down and blood coming from the nose…he was found putting on a towel and a pant only,” he said.

Musamba said the body of the deceased was lying in the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) mortuary awaiting the arrival of the relatives for postmortem to be carried out.

“We are just waiting for the arrival of the children and the wife, that’s when the postmortem will be done, to determine the cause of death,” he said.

“But according to the information the police got from the workers, the workers have known this man to be sick, they were saying a known taxi used to pick up the ambassador taking him to the hospital everyday.”

Musamba said the police had however commenced investigations to determine the cause of death.

Faafin: SomaliTalk.com // Halkudheg:

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