Golaha isutaga masaajida ee waqooyiga Ameerika waa jamciyad khayri ah ama organization non profit ah.
Waxaana la aas aasay dhamaadkii sanadkii 2000kii,wuxuusa si rasmi ah u dhaqangalay sanadkii 2001dii
1-Dhismayaasha Masaajida iyo Maraakista Islaamiga ah.
2-Midaynta Awooda Masaajida iyo Maraakista jaaliyada .
3-Xalinta qilaafaadka jaaliyada mid good iyo mid gaar ahba. sida Xalinta dhibaatooyinka qoysaska.
4-Ka jawaabida masaa isha diiniga ah{Fadwah}.
5-Iclaaminta{Sheegida soogalida iyo bixida bisha ramadaan si loo ilaaliyo midnimada umada.
6-Diyaarinta ducaad{Culimo} si ay jaaliyada uga haqabtiraan baahida diimeed.
7-Wacyi galinta dhalinta da’da yar ee qurbaha,si looga ilaaliyo dhaqan xumada iwm.
8-Gaarsiinta Dacwada{Islamka}Dadyooga kale ee aanan muslimka ahayn.
- Goluhu ilaahay fadligii ka gadaal wuxuu ku guulaystay mudadaas u jiray inuu gobolo badan oo ay soomaalidu dagtay ka dhisaan masaajid iyo maraakis islaami ah.
- Golaha isutaga masaajida,markii ugu horaysay ee la’aas aasayay wuxuu ka koobnaa{6Masajid maantana wuxuu marayaa ilaa(17)Masaajid.oo badan kood ay yihiin mulki ay leedahay jaaliyada soomaaliyed.waxayna ku timid ilaahay fadligii kagadaal midnimada iyo wadajirka golaha.
- Goluhu wuxuu mideeyay ilaahay fadligii kagadaal,awoodii kala tagsanayd ee masaajida gobalada,sida midaynta mu’tamaraadka,dhaqaalo aruurinta{fundraising}IWM.
- Goluhu mudadaas wuxuu ku guulaystay xalinta khilaadyo faro badan oo soogaray oo isugu jiro,kuwo family iyo kuwo ganacsi{Shirkado}.
- Goluhu wuxuu ku guulaystay ilaahay fadligii kagadaal inuu midiiyo soogalida bisha ramadaan in iskumar la soomo lana afuro iyadoo laraacayo sunadii nabiga iyo qaabkuu u soomi jiray.
- Goluhu mudadaas uu jiray wuxuu ku guulaystay inuu xaliyo dhibaatooyin in badan haystay shaqaalo badan oo jaaliyada ka mid ah dhibaatooyinkaas oo ay kala kulmi jireen warshadaha hilibka iyo warshado kaleba,waxaana dhibaatooyinkaas ugu waa waynaa xaga cibaadaadka.
1-Masajidka abu-bakar asadiq Minneapolis,MN
2-Masjidka Al-Ixzan St.paul,Mn
3-Masjid Ibnu-taymiyah Columbus,OH
4-Masjid Arahma Owatanna,MN
5-Masjid Ataqwah Kansas,MO
6-Masjid bilal pelican rabe,MN
7-Masjid Asunah Atlanta,GA
8-Masjid al-ansar Sandiego,CA
9-Masjid Arahmah Phenix,AZ
10-Masjid Al-faruq Nashville,TN
11-Masjid Al-huda Salt lake city,Ut
12-Masjid Abu-bakar Asadiq Seattle WA
13-Omaha Islamic Center Omaha,NE
14-Masjid Billaal Portland,ME
15-Masjid Atawfiq Boston,MA
16-Faribault Islamic Center Faribault,MN
17-Lewiston Islamic Center Lewiston ME
Iyo maraakis yar yar oo ku yaalo tooliynka qaarkood oo hoostago masaajida waawayn ee gobalada.
Faahfaafin dheeraad ah la xiriir:
Sheekh C/llaahi (Abul-fadli)
Email: kulmiye99@hotmail.com
Bismillah Rahmani Rahim
“In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful”
“And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited, and remember the favor of Allah on you when were enemies, then He united your hearts so by his favor you became brothers.” Quran III” 103
The North American Council of Somali Imams is a national religious non-profit organization legally registered in the United States with 5o1C(3) status. The council is an umbrella organization that unifies more than 15 mosques and centers across the United States of America. The core objectives of the council include:
- To provide guidance to North American Muslims according to the Qur’an and Sunnah based on the understanding of the pious predecessors of the Ummah.
- To serve as a liaison between the member centers and mosques to enable effective sharing of expertise and services.
- To resolve conflicts in the mosques/centers and issue final binding decisions.
In the light of the above objectives, the council provides the following services:
- Annual Islamic Conferences: Organize and execute annual Islamic conferences. The Muslim community in North America is in dire need for enlightenment and intellectual growth which contribute preserving its Islamic identity and heritage. In an effort to meet that need, the North American Council of Somali Imams organizes annual Islamic Conferences that attract thousands of Muslims across the United States. These conferences function as the main get together of the Muslim and Somali Communities of North America. The most popular and highly attended conference is held in Minneapolis, Minnesota which attracts more than five thousand attendees every year.
- Fundraising Activities: the Council arranges and assists with fundraising activities for the centers. Due to the late arrival of the Somali Muslim community to America, most of the communities have been in the early stage of establishing mosques and centers, and facilitating and assisting with these fundraising activities is the main services provided by the council. Up to date, more than half of the current members of the council own the buildings they are house in with combined assets of millions of dollars. Every year, the council decides what mosques/centers will be given the permission to hold fundraisings throughout the member centers with prioritization based on need and urgency. The council also appoints professional and well respected fundraisers to assist with the fundraising activities from among the member mosques/Centers.
- Da’wah Guidelines: Assist member centers with setting Da’wah goals and guidelines for its activities guiding the Muslim community in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah is the foremost principal and the underlying goal of the council. Therefore, the council sets the general guidelines for the methods of effective Da’wah in North America.
- Educational Curriculum: setting educational curriculum for the Islamic Education in the week-end schools and providing general standards and benchmarks for all its levels. The council takes pride in filling the gap of leadership and publishes unified curriculum for Qur’an memorization and Islamic studies. The education sub-committee of the council meets at least once a year and provides improvement measures for the existing curriculum.
- General Fatwa Hotline: Setting up general fatwa hotline for general inquiries about all aspects of the Islamic religion especially with inquiries that require further research and deep understanding of the Islamic jurisprudence.
- Arbitrations & Conflict Resolutions: Providing arbitration services and conflict resolutions for the Muslim Somali community in the United States. The Muslim families, businesses, and individual groups have access to trusted scholars with solid base of Islamic knowledge and thorough understanding of the community to resolve any conflicts and disagreements. The member centers have always sought the opinion of the council in difficult matters and at sometimes transferred the whole contentious issues altogether to the council.
- Islamic Holidays Announcements: Announcing general Islamic holidays such as Eid-ul-adha, Eid-ul-fitr and the sighting of the moon for both the beginning and the ending of the Holy month of Ramadan. All the member mosques/centers communicate with council for a unified timing of these Islamic holidays.
- Family Counseling: the council provides family counseling with extensive workshops and trainings for the center staff members to effectively serve the Muslim families when conflicts arise. This is an effort to reduce the recent trends of family problems stemming from changing roles and expectations of the two family members mainly spouses.
- Establishing New Centers: Creating new Islamic centers and mosques where significant numbers of the Somali community resides. Although, it is over fifteen years since the first wave of the Somali community arrived the North American continent, yet there are regions in the United States where large numbers of the community reside without enough mosques/centers.
- Representing Member Centers in the National Arena: The council of North American Council of Somali Imams attends all national level meetings and conventions regarding the Muslim and Somali communities in America.
We ask Allah Swt to guide us to the right path. Amin. Amin. Amin!
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