Sawiro iyo qoraal ka turjumayo nolosha Qoxotiga somaliyeed ee Jaziirada Malta
Waa naiisb daro xaalada soomaliya iyo raja xumada ka muuqato, waxaa nasiib daro ah in dhalinyarada fursada kaliya ay helaan oo ay ooga baxaan wadanaka ay maraka qaarkood mutaan nolol ka xum tii ay ku noolaayeen markii ay joogeen gudaha somaliya.
E-mailkan waxaan idiin soo raaciyay sawiro iyo qoraal ay kaga waramayaan dhalin yarada tahriibayaasha wax yaabaha ay ku soo maraan saharaha iyo nolosha ay la kulmaan markii ay yimaadan jaziirada Malta. Waxaan idinku diirinaya in aad shaacisaan si ay u ogaadaan bulshada soomaliyeed iyo cidii danaynayso.
Shukran ,
Photo slideshow: the life of immigrants and asylum seekers in the long and dangerous journey and what they face when they finally arrive in Malta
Thank you all for you courage and hard work in keeping the international community and Somali populations both inside and outside the country well informed –it is really priceless.
It is extremely sad to hear what is going on in Somalia currently , it is sad when the few who escaped the violence and immigrated in search for better lives end up in a worse situation. Below is a link to a slideshow that truly depicts the ugly reality of the journey and the lives of the Migrants and asylum seekers in the island of Malta. Please feel freepost it on your sites and share it with your colleagues and friends in the media.Your comment,suggestions and querries are highly welcommed.
waxii akhbaar dheeraad ah la soo xiriir
Ahmed Dahir Noor
Somalia Information Officer
Medecins Sans Frontieres
East & Central Africa Regional Information Office
Tel: +254 20 444 4474/444 0536
Mobile: 0733665424
waxaan rumeysanahay sida somalida loola dhaqmo Malta waa sida saxda ah loola dhaqmilahaa dadkan waa dadkii soo burburiyey somalia,marka soomalia xabsiyo malaha illah ayaa xukun ku ridey waxaa loo soo safriyey malta si mesha aay ugu gutaan dambiga ay gesteen.