FSNAU has just released the Quarterly Food Security & Nutrition Brief: Focus on Deyr Season Early Warning. This brief provides sector updates on Climate, Civil Insecurity, Agriculture, Livestock, Markets and Nutrition, as well as highlights the following new developments:
· Localized and flash flooding along the Shabelle River in last week of Oct., with some displacement and destruction of assets
· More than 100,000 people displaced since July ‘09, due to insecurity and loss of livelihoods
· Good off-season maize and cash crops (Juba) and early Deyr rains have accelerated Deyr season planting and establishment
· Rangeland conditions improving throughout most of Somalia due to good Deyr rains
· Confirmed cases of cholera and elevated cases of acute watery diarrhea in most parts of south Somalia
· Food access of urban poor has begun to improve since June ’09 in most areas, with the exception of the central regions
This publication can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.fsnau.org/fileadmin/uploads/1607.pdf
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@fsnau.org
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