Qorshahan oo ku saabsan taakuleeynta caruurta aagoonta, naafada iyo indhoolayasha, dumarka iyo waayeelka, anagoo tagney magalaada wajeer, waxaan lakulanay dadkan oo aad u dhibataysan waxay nala noqotay inaan dar ilahay ugu gurmano.
Dadkan oo ay hayso cafimaad daro iyo daryeel la’an iyo baahi aad u daran oo xataa anay heysan waxay cunaan.
Halkan ka daawo sawiro dheeraad ah
waxaad u jeedaan waa Masaajid ladhaho hidaya masajidkan waxaa dhisay dadka ku nool wajeer .wuxuu kasamaysan yahay geedka ladhaho madheedhka.
wuxuu dhisan yahay mudo sanad ah, wuxuu ubahaan yahay masjidkani dhismo maxayeelay malaha nal malaha biyo wuxuu ubahan yahay kaalmo dar ilaahay ah inaad ku cawisaan Masaajidkan iyada oo idiin noqonaysa sadaqatul jariya.
sawirka labaad sadexdan gabdhood aad u jeedaan waa walaalo wana aagoon hooyadoodna waa qof wayeela oo aan waxba haysan malinkii waxay hadhsadan dhirta hoosteeda habeenkiina buulkan aad u jeedan ayay u hoydan
sawirka sadexaad hooyadan oo wayeela wa 66 sano wana indhoole waxaa caawiya wiilkan sawirka kulajira oo ay korsatey oo aan hooyo iyo aabe toona lahaayn
waxay ku seexata karatoon buulka ay seexato waad u jeedaan mahaysato waxay cunto iyadoo ay weliba sidaa ay tahay soonto oo biyo cad ku afurto kuna suxuurato. hooyadaan waxaa naloo sheegey ineey soonto wadac liixdha beeri ah.
Halkan ka daawo sawiro dheeraad ah
sawirka afraad wa hooyo mageceeda ladhaho xaliimo waxaa sawirka kamaqan hooyadeed oo wayeela oo gudaha kujirta oo jiran iyo gabdheeda.
hooyo xaliimo ninkeedu wuxu geeriyooday mudo laga joogo toban iyo dhawrsano ah,waadna u jeedaan xaladeeda inaney waxba haysan.
halakan waxanu idiinku soo gudbinaynaa reer kale oo aan sawirkoodi halakan ku jirin waa aabe iyo hooyo aabaha magiciisi waa cadow waxuu ka shaqeeya xaabada lashito (Qoryaha lashito) oo uu duurka u doona oo ku maqnaado dhawrberi markuu magaalada keeno waxaa laga siistaa lacag aad u yar oo aan xataa cuno u deeqin xaskiisa oo ladhaho sahara cabdi waxay kashaqaysaa Jaarka /Dariska ayey dhar u dhaqdaa oo nolon maalmeedkeeda ka karadisa.a Aabe cadow wuxuu jeclanlahaa indar ilahay loogu deeqo gadhi dameer uu ugu xamaasho caruurta.
Halkan ka daawo sawiro dheeraad ah
sawirada kale oo aad u jeedan waa iskuul aan soo boqanay oo u bahan taakuuleyn daryeel
waxaan idinka codsanayanaa walalayaal inaad takuulaysaan walalahan dhibataysan ee ku nool magaalada Wajeer idinkoo dar ilahay iyo akhiradiina u baxasanaya.
walalayaal dadkan caawiya waxad ka helaysaan ilaahay hortiisa insha alaahu. waxan idinka balan qaadaynaa walaalalayaal inaan sadaqada aad labaxadaan inaan sidaytahay u gudbino.
idiina soo gudbino cadaymaha siday ubaxaday insha alaahu waxaad nagala soo xiriirtaan imaylkan hoos ku yala idiinkoo xataa Ingiriis kusoo qori kara.
S. Abdi Tel. 004632213260
Halkan ka daawo sawiro dheeraad ah
English Version
This project is to help the needy. Disable, blind and the orphan children. Women and the old people.
One is to help 15 disable children who live with their parents. They have no medicine, food and no proper shelter.
This children need love, respect, education and future just like other children in this world.
Our main focus will be on building a multi purpose home for disable children.
This residence will become the home of 15 – 20 children.
Physic -therapy is needed to strengthen there limbs, muscles as some are very weak.
Speech therapy ( most children are speechless)
They need as much stimulation and individual attention as possible
Tables for massage and jogging machines.
Rolling pins, NF- Walker and wheel chairs.
A bus to transportation of children to help when visiting the doctor.
This is contributed by the village elders and they have reached an extent of this tree mosque. Its made up of Mareer trees and some other logs (tiir). It is now one year sicnce it was built. People are still praying in this masjid. The man standing infront is the Imam. Both pictures are the same mosque. One is taken front picture and the other back side. It could have been better for the muslims worldwide to assist this masjid hidaya for there betterment. Every person who gives for the sake of allah will benefit Hereafter inshaAllah.
The two children ( a boy and a girl) their mother died when she was bittern by a snake. The father is a loader (xamaali) who cann´t get his daily bread because scarcity of vhicles in town. No loading. The children normally follow their father so that they can get some money from him.
This three girls in the picture. Farhiya, Maryan and Sahra. They live under small trees during the day and at night they sleep in the small built kitchen pictured behind them. Their mother is old and can not provide their daily meal. They have no surviving relatives at all. This three young girls are orphan and their father was burnt at Wagala massacre.
Father. Adow Ali.
Mother. Zahra Abdi
Daughters. Hamsa, Rahma and Nuria.
Halkan ka daawo sawiro dheeraad ah
The father looks firewood for livelihood for the family to feed while the mother is maid for washing clothes to any requested person in order to get daily bread for her children. Mr Adow will spend in the bush 3 – 4 days to gather firewood to sell in the market. Each four pieces of the firewood is sold on 5 ksh. He does not have a donkey cart but he sometimes hired a donkey cart for three months. Mr Adow needs help for buying a donkey cart to provide his daily needs of his family.
This mother is 66 years old. She has no where to sleep ( shelter) The boy with her in the picture is helping her get around because of blindness. She has no iftar or suhur. Thats the way she lives. Sometimes she drinks only water and sleep. She uses boxes instead of mattress.
Mother Halima who is standing infront of the somali house (heeri) Stays with her mother ( not in the picture) who is inside the house because of sickness and old age. They have nothing as you can see.
Children lack well/ceel to get water. They have to go like 2 kms to fetch water. From the well pictured people don´t get water or sometimes don`t function frequently.
Please make this children dream come true. Give your charity with open heart.
Your help can make a poor family survive and your reward is with allah.
Tafadhali jaribu ku saidia watoto wetu. Ramadan kariim.
We are doing this project to help the needy and for them to get a better life.
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