Minneapolis Man Killed in Somalia
Published : Saturday, 05 Sep 2009, 5:18 PM CDT
MINNEAPOLIS, MN – A fifth Somali-American man from Minneapolis has been killed in Somalia, according to his family members. Mohamoud Hassan was a former engineering student at the University of Minnesota and a recent graduate of Roosevelt High School.
In the last couple years, about 20 Minnesotan men have left for Somalia to fight with extremist group Al-Shabaab, which U.S. officials believe is linked to Al-Qaida. Hassan reportedly left for his homeland last November.
Community activist, Abdirizak Bihi told reporters Saturday afternoon that Hassan’s grandmother learned of his death after getting a phone call from a relative of another Somalian fighter from the Twin Cities. The fighter said he buried Hassan in a cemetery in Mogadishu. The details surrounding Hassan’s death are not clear.
Three other Somali-American men have pleaded guilty to terror-related charges and are waiting to be sentenced in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis.
The other men killed include; Shirwa Ahmed, 26; Burhan Hassan, 18; Jamal Bana, 20 and Zakaria Maruf, 20.
Source: FoxNews
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