The conflict between insurgent groups and government forces in Mogadishu has displaced over 133,000 people, since 1 June 2009.1 (15 Jul)
99,000 people are reported to have left Mogadishu, these people went to:
37,000 to Afgooye settlements (25,000 to Ceelasha settlements, 7,200 to
Lafoole settlememts) (Shabelle Hoose)
18,000 to Shabelle Dhexe (6,000 to Jowhar)
8,000 to Galgaduud (4,000 to Ceel Dheer)
6,700 to Juba Hoose (4,500 to Dobley)
5,200 to Wanla Weyn (Shabelle Hoose)
5,000 to Marka (Shabelle Hoose)
5,200 to Bay (2,900 to Baydhaba)
2,300 to Gedo (1,200 to Baardheere)
2,100 to Hiraan (1,400 to Jalalqsi)
34,000 have been displaced within Mogadishu; they moved to the following districts:
12,200 to Dayniile (incl. KM10-13 and Garas Baaley)
8,000 to Wadajir,
4,800 to Kaaraan (incl. Jabuti Gode and Galgalato)
3,500 to Dharkenley (incl. Kax Shiqaal)
2,200 to Waaberi
Overall, people were reported to have been displaced from the following districts in Mogadishu:
31,000 from Kaaraan
23,000 from Yaaqshiid
12,000 from Shibis
7,400 from Cabdulcasiis
6,800 from Dharkenley
5,800 from Boondheere
5,000 from Wardhiigley
3,100 from Hawl Wadaag
It should be noted that the figures above likely include some IDPs who have been displaced more than once. Major IDP settlements in Kaaraan and Kax Shiqaal (Dharkenley) district have been the scene of intense fighting and it is likely that IDPs recently displaced TO these locations have now been displaced FROM these locations. This implies that the figures for Kaaraan, Dharkenley districts may be too high. (23 Jun)
The above figures indicate that there has been an increase in displacements from Shibis, Boondheere and Cabdulcasiis districts since 3 July 2009 (10 Jul)
Cynthia Kisaro
Public Information Intern
UNHCR BO-Somalia
Lion Place,Westlands
Tel:+254 20 4222204
Mobile:+254 721 100382
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