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Harun Maruf’s Recent Programme on Amira, First Investigative Journalism in Somali Media.

Sep 18, 2010
By Abdishakur Ali Mire Investigative journalism plays a significant role in contemporary media contents with most cases having great influence on their intended target audiences and consequently leads to radical changes in the public. Investigative journalism usually investigates deeply a single topic of interest, often involving drug dealers, corrupt politicians, oppressors; celebrity scandals and... 
Halkudheg: ,

Draft Constitution will deepen Somalia’s crisis | By Uluso

Sep 16, 2010
September 15, 2010: While the persistent political squabbles among the leaders of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (TFG) are the hallmark of dysfunctional and corrupt regime,  the ongoing dispute over the Draft  Constitution deserves  attention, scrutiny and comment. The externally-driven Constitution-Making Process will deepen the Somali crisis, will perpetuate the chaos and massacre... 

Ratification of the New Constitution and Ending the Transitional Mandate Will be Determined by the Entire Transitional Federal Institutions

Sep 4, 2010
(Mogadishu, Somalia September 1, 2010) Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, President of Somalia, spoke today in the capital city of Mogadishu on the Draft Constitution that has been presented by the Independent Federal Constitutional Commission. In his statement to the media, the president noted that “drafting a constitution for a new Somalia is a solemn national undertaking which must be transparent and beyond... 

Somalia: Are Somali Americans snared victims of Al Sabab or Terrorist?

Aug 24, 2010
By Dr.Yusuf  O.  Al-Azhari Frm. Ambassador There has been recently, highly promulgated row on finding few Somali Americans who were prosecuted as being sympathetic to Al Shabab terrorist group. The US Justice Department and the FBI, announced that four separate indictments were unsealed in the District of Minnesota, the Southern District of Alabama and the Southern District of California charging... 

The Galgala conflict and its misleading association with Islamic Extremism

Aug 14, 2010
By Ali H. Abdulla I visited Galgala in 2005 while doing some volunteer work at the University of East Africa in Bosasso. It is a small village that is off the beaten track with no roads, hospitals or proper schools. The people of Galgla are very industrious and are mainly farmers who use irrigation canals to cultivate all kinds of fruit and vegetable. The area is very fertile and is endowed with water... 


Jul 28, 2010
STATUS OF SEIZED VESSELS AND CREWS IN SOMALIA, THE GULF OF ADEN AND THE INDIAN OCEAN (ecoterra – 29. July 2010) STATUS-SUMMARY: Today, 29. July2010, 08h00 UTC, still at least 22 foreign vessels plus one barge are kept in Somali hands against the will of their owners, while at least 397 seafarers – including an elderly British yachting couple – plus the lorry drivers from Somaliland... 

SOMALIA: UN & International Community Share Collective Responsibility | By Dr.Yusuf O.Al-Azhari

Jul 27, 2010
When the former special envoy of the UN Secretary General Ahmed Wad Abdalla was encompassed exclusively by concocting political group of a well known Somali Clan, in mid 2008, with the intention to derail the Somali Reconciliation from its real venue of a concrete all inclusive pattern, into a one Clan domination objective with canning political agenda, intended to marginalize one of the major Clans... 

Statement of Somalia Organizations on the Deployment of More Foreign Troops in Somalia

Jul 17, 2010
Another military intervention in Somalia is in the works. That is exactly the outcome of the 15th Extra-Ordinary IGAD Summit Meeting held in Addis Ababa on July 5th/, 2010. IGAD decided inter alia “to send 2000 more troops immediately to Somalia and raise another 20.000 to be deployed through out the country with possible intervention by neighbouring States.” Some serious concerns need to be highlighted... 

United ONLY in their opposition to Al-Shabaab | Abdinasir Egal

Jul 17, 2010
The recent bombings in Kampala can be characterized as being Al-Shabaab’s waterloo. Al-Shabaab has made strategic blunder by internationalizing the Somali conflict. As of late, some in the foreign policy circles were encouraging the Obama administration to adopt what they termed “constructive disengagement”. It has become all too clear for the United States policy makers that the Transitional... 

Washington D.C Metropolitan Area Somali Community strongly condemns the terrorist act in Kampala, Uganda

Jul 16, 2010
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Hassan Warsame (703) 623-5273 Jamal Sh. Said (703) 870-5853 Washington D.C, U.S.A somalidiaspora@gmail.com Washington D.C, USA, Thursday, July 15, 2010: The Somali Community of the Washington DC Metropolitan area strongly condemns the terrorist act against the Ugandan people and other victims of this horrific crime; We wish to extend our most sincere condolences to... 

Cabinet Reshuffle confirms TFG’s ineffectiveness | Mohamud M Uluso

Jul 11, 2010
July 11, 2010 The political opportunism pursued by the controversial Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament (TFP), Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan has set in motion a chain reaction that has dispelled all claims of legitimacy, sustainability and functionality of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), also known as the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFI). Further efforts to support TFG... 

Open Letter to Pregressio | Hariri

Jun 30, 2010
A healthy democracy depends on more than casting regular ballots, but it rather depends on faith in the processes by which decisions are made. Sadly, this fundamental trust has been broken in the so-called election that you observed in Northwest Somalia or “Somaliland” in June 26, 2010. According the international law and regulations, Somalia is one state and no self proclaimed states can be considered... 

Asked the US leadership as a precondition for stabilizing and rebuilding Somalia | Uluso

Jun 23, 2010
One more time, the International Community (IC) led by the United States is confronted with the urgent necessity to develop a “comprehensive strategy” for Somalia after the counter-terrorism-centered strategy, primarily delegated to Ethiopia (IGAD), has utterly failed. This necessity existed when Obama Administration came into office. Indeed, Prof Ken Menkhaus wrote in February 2009, “While... 

Norwegian wolves or their Somali-“counterpart” Warabe appearing in the skin of an Ido and pretending to be a friend.

Jun 15, 2010
What many people seem to not understand (or for specific reasons refuse to understand) is: More than half of the Somali dominion is based on the Somali seas and thus vital to the survival of the Somali people. Somalia has since 1972 as Territorial Waters (TW) and – overlaying the same area – since1989 as Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) an area of 825,052 square km of Somali Waters... 

Bikini or headscarf — which offers more freedom?

Jun 10, 2010
On the way to the store, I stole glances at her in my rearview mirror. She stared out the window in silence, appearing as aloof and unconcerned as a Muslim dignitary visiting our small Southern town — I, merely her chauffeur… “The other day, when I dropped her off at school, instead of driving away from the curb in a rush as I usually do, I watched her walk into a crowd of kids, bent... 

Somalia: Salvation of National Integrity.

Jun 9, 2010
Dr.Yusuf O. Al-Azhari Frm Ambassador —– Despite the many worthwhile written Articles by highly qualified and good Somali citizens, little were empathized or even completely read before the name of the writer is discerned. This is due to excessively exaggerated Sectarianism and Clan obsession that has heightened distrust and suspicion owing to unity declutching mongers with egocentric baleful... 

Return of impugned Speaker spells more betrayals and troubles for Somalia

Jun 5, 2010
Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, has usurped the Speaker’s position of the Transitional Federal Parliament (TFP) through a deplorable process that lacked concern for rule of law and good governance. This comes in the light of publicized allegations of political scandals and embezzlement of public funds against him as former Speaker of Parliament and... 

Somalia: Is General Samantar partially responsible the State failure?

May 23, 2010
By: Omar Mohamud Farah (Dhollawaa) | Who is Mohamed Ali Samantar? Mohamed Ali Samantar was a member of the politburo of the Somali Government from 1969 to 1991. General Samantar was the first vice-president from 1969 up to 1989. He was the longest serving Defense Minister of Somalia from 1970 up to 1987, then the Prime Minister of Somalia from 1987 to 1990 (1st of February 1987 to 3rd of September... 
Halkudheg: ,

Ethiopian massacre in Buhodle must be condemned and brought justice who is responsible

May 21, 2010
  Today 21st of May 2010, Ethiopian forces who arrived in Buuhodle city of Cayn region in Northwest of Somalia has carried out inhumane and act of barbaric against defenseless civilian of the city. According to the eye witness in the city more than 14 people were killed and 50 others wounded and many of them may not survive for their injuries.   ·         Buuhodle is located adjacent to ... 

Somalia: Choice of Good Governance or Lack of Leadership?

May 5, 2010
Dr.Yusuf o. Al-Azhari Frm. Ambassador …… Recently I read an article on the crises in Somalia written By Dr. Michael A. Weinstein, Professor of Political Science, Purdue University Chicago, with the caption “Where are the Leaders”. In my assessment, despite others may have perceived otherwise, the professor was attempting rightly to provoke the dormant hearts and mind of the patriotic... 

Somalia: Camouflaging under Islamic Shadow with Sinister aims

Apr 10, 2010
Dr.Yusuf O. Azhari Frm. Ambassador It is paradoxical to find now a days misuse of Islam as political procurement and to be high lighted by many desire accomplish groups ravenous for power. Consequently one may question, is Somalia an Islamic Republic by virtue of being a 100% Muslim Nation? If the response is yes, then why all the fuss about this inimitable allegiance to an alien Islamic interpretation... 

Somalia: The Alleged Inauspicious High Tech Scandal

Mar 19, 2010
Second to Iqi Oil for Food By Dr.Yusuf O. Al-Azhari Ominous Scandal of high technical corruption Allegation in the International agencies around the world seems to have been allegedly the practice for the last fifty years of the last century. Despite it started in unsuspicious miniature way in the beginning as time progressed, it developed with the advancement of world modernized system of pilfering... 

Piracy: The Worst Form of Introduction

Mar 19, 2010
By M. J. Farah On Friday, October 23, 2009, President Obama and the governor of Massachusetts Deval Patrick appeared jointly at an event in Boston, MA. The event was meant to raise funds for Governor Patrick’s reelection bid in 2010. I was excited to attend. During lunch, I sat with some high-profile attorneys and other important people. As people were socializing and exchanging business cards, they... 

Somalia: President Sheikh Ahmed: The Man in the Mirror

Mar 12, 2010
By M. J. Farah March 12, 2010 Sheikh SHARIF Sheikh Ahmed, a former Commander in Chief of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), became the 7th President of Somalia on Saturday, January 31, 2009. During his presidential campaign, he promised to bring much-needed reconciliation to Somalia’s warring tribal factions. The Somali people held a degree of trust for him because he came from the religious community,... 


Feb 9, 2010
“The trouble with Somalia- the violence-wracked Horn of Africa nation, basically revolves around the raging leadership row. It is both pathetic and unfortunate that for the last 19 years, leaders in Somalia, in a vicious cycle of events, have continually been imposed on the citizenry by the superpowers, a situation that has not only been counter-productive to the detriment of the people, but... 
Mashruuca Isku-filnaasho Gaarsiinta Qoysaska Agoonta - Akhri / Ka qayb qaado...