Home » Archive Maalinta April 17th, 2012
Qarax Is Miidaamin ah oo ka Dhacay Gudaha Magaalada Baydhabo ee Gobolka Bay
Baydhabo: Nin Dhallinyara ah oo isku soo Xiray Walxaha qarxa ayaa isku qarxiyay Fariisin Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka iyo kuwa DFKMG ay ku lahaayeen gudaha Magaalada Baydhaboo ee Xarunta Gobolka Bay. Warar Is Khilaafsan ayaa ka soo baxaya Qaraxaas iyo sidii uu u dhacay iyadoo wararka qaar ay sheegeen in Ninkaasi uu soo Aaday goob ay ku sugnaayeen Ciidamo kuwa Dawladda ah .
Ninkan ayaa la sheegey in lagu...
The Systematic, Well-Planned Destruction of Somalia and Planned Looting of its Natural Resources
For unsuspecting eye especially for those of us who do not follow closely the affairs of Somalia, the Secretary of State’s, Hillary Clinton, recent comments about Somalia on September, 23, 2011 titled “Hillary Clinton’s Remarks at UN High-Level Meeting on Somalia” sounds innocuous. On the contrary, behind the facade of nicety is an ominous premeditated and carefully crafted calculus of annihilation...