Home » Archive Maalinta April 30th, 2012
Maxay Xukuumadda FKMG kala socotaa Cabbirka badda Kenya
Sida ku cad khariidaddan iyo kuwo kale xuduud-badeedka u dhexeeya Somalia iyo Kenya waa xarriiq u socota Koonfur-Bari ee uma socoto dhanka Bari .. khariiradadda Eeg Halkan
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Draft Constitution: An instrument for balkanization and brutalization of Somalia
The people of Somalia face the looming dreadful reality of becoming a vanished nation/country because of the Draft Constitution soon to be rubber stamped through fraudulent political and legal process. As usual, the International Community and the media will join force to publicize the new constitution as a success story for Somalia. In contrast, the Draft Constitution is an instrument for balkanization...