Home » Archive Maalinta December 28th, 2010

Afar toddobaad ayaan ku soo bandhigi doonaa dhammaan heshiisyadii lala galay DFKMG kuwa la ogyahay iyo kuwa qarsoonba….

Dec 28, 2010
Farmaajo oo Sheegay in Cumar C/rashiis warqad u qoray Saracen Internation ku saabsan Heshiiska lala galay shirkadda Maxamed C/laahi Farmaajo oo hortegey Baarlamaanka, sharraxaadna ka bixiyey heshiiskii Shirkadda Saracen ee DFKMG la gashay… 15-kii May 2010 ayaa ra’iisulwasaarahii hore waxaa uu warqad u qoray shirkadda Sarecen International, taas oo ku sumadaysnayd:  OP/ IT/006490510, Khamiis... 
Halkudheg: ,

JAPAN – ONE OF THE TOP PIRATES IN SOMALIA – From Fish-Poacher To Domain-poacher

Dec 28, 2010
From the SMCM (Somali Marine and Coastal Monitor): (and with a view on news with an impact on Somalia) JAPAN – ONE OF THE TOP PIRATES IN SOMALIA Japanese corporate kleptomania in bed with anarchic state By Venatrix Fulmen (WTN) Not only does Japan steal precious tuna from Somalia, now they robbed the country’s top-level domain. That piracy is all about business is known since the days... 

In Somalia, Saracen Funder Secret, Link With AMISOM Denied, UN Not Briefed

Dec 28, 2010
By Matthew Russell Lee UNITED NATIONS, December 27 — Amid growing doubts about private military contractor Saracen working for the Somali Transitional Federal Government and Puntland, the lawyer for the program, former US Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Pierre Prosper, spoke to a half dozen UN correspondents on December 23, ostensibly on background. In remarks subsequently... 
Halkudheg: ,
Mashruuca Isku-filnaasho Gaarsiinta Qoysaska Agoonta - Akhri / Ka qayb qaado...