Home » Archive Maalinta December 20th, 2010
Waraysi: Prof. Xuseen Axmed Warsame oo ka warbixiyey shir ka socda Jabuuti…
Go’aamo aan weli la shaacin oo ay isla gaareen aqoonyahanno uu shir uga socdey Jabuuti…
Prof. Xuseen Axmed Warsame
Prof. Xuseen Warsame oo aan waraysi kula yeelanay magaalada Jabuuti ayaan wax ka weydiinay shir beryahan ka socdey Jabuuti iyo waxa uu ku saabsan yahay.
Prof. Xuseen oo sheegay in uu halkan kaga qaybgelayo kulan aqoon yahanka Soomaaliyeed oo jabuuti ay marti gelisey, taladana...
Khadiijo Cali Maxamuud Ismaaciil oo ku geeriyootey Yemen
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
Allah ha u naxariistee Khadiijo Cali Maxamuud Ismaaciil ayaa Sabtidii ku geeriyootey magaalada Ticis ee dalka Yemen. Waxaana tacsi loo dirayaa dhammaan ehelka oo dhan.
Waxaa si gaar ah tacsi loogu dirayaa Sacdiyo Maxamed Yuusuf iyo Maxamuud C/Laahi oo ku kala sugan Yemen iyo Toronto. Waxaa kale oo tacsi loo dirayaa eheladii iyo qaraabada oo ku kala...
Mogadishu in Manhattan, After Cops Called on DPR, TFG Says Controls 55%
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, December 17 — Days after a fight in the Somali Mission to the UN in New York, reported exclusively by Inner City Press, the new Somali Minister of Information, Post and Telecommunications Abdulkareem Jama came to the UN to describe the new government he is a part of.
He said that many of the 18 new ministers are from the Somali diaspora. Of former Deputy...