Home » Archive Maalinta June 10th, 2010
Bikini or headscarf — which offers more freedom?
On the way to the store, I stole glances at her in my rearview mirror. She stared out the window in silence, appearing as aloof and unconcerned as a Muslim dignitary visiting our small Southern town — I, merely her chauffeur…
“The other day, when I dropped her off at school, instead of driving away from the curb in a rush as I usually do, I watched her walk into a crowd of kids, bent...
Toxic waste dumping in Somalia and its impact on human rights
Human Rights Council holds Panel Discussion on Adverse Effects of Moving Toxic Waste on Enjoyment of Human Rights.
Read the Case Study presented by Bashir Mohamed Hussein at Geneva 8 June 2010… MORE….
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Canada: Ku Xadgudbihii Xuquuqul Insaanka oo Lagu Martiqaaday G20
Dabayaaqada bishatan, hoggaamiyayaasha Ethiopia iyo Malawi ayaa Topronto imanaya ayagoo lagu martiqaaday shirka dawladaha G20. In kasta oo la sugayey in Madaxweynaha Malawi, xilkiisa Madaxweyna-nimada OAU kaga soo qaybgalo shirka, waxaa yaab leh martiqaadka loo fidiyey Raiisul Wasaaraha Ethiopia Mells Zenawi.
Mudane Zenawi wuxuu niyad jab ku ridey Beesha Caalamka. Tan iyo markii uu xilkii qabtay, waxba...
Secretary-General names new UN envoy for Somalia
At UN, Somalia Post Handed from Ould Abdallah to Mahiga
On June 9, before the confirmation, Inner City Press asked Ban’s Associate Spokesperson Farhan Haq if the UN had consulted with the Transitional Federal Government about Mahiga. Haq said yes — but we’ll have more on this.
Several sources say that Mahiga is “so pro American, he’ll make it all about counter –...
Cumar Cabdirashiid “Dowladdu u dhutin meyso xubnaha iska casilay xilka Wasiirnimada”
iyo UN oo Soomaaliya u soo magacowday Ergay cusub…
iyo Mawqifka Madaxtooyada Ee Ku Aaddan Is-casilaadda Wasiirada
iyo Xafiiska Walad Cabdalla oo abaabulay kulan lagu dabagalayo shirkii Istanbul ee Soomaaliya
Cumar Cabdirashiid “Dowladdu u dhutin meyso xubnaha iska casilay xilka Wasiirnimada”
Waxaa isa soo tarayey maalmahan khilaafka u dhexeeya xubnaha Dowladda Federaalka kadib markii Dowladdii...