Home » Archive Maalinta October 1st, 2010

Maxkamadda ku taal India oo ku dhawaaqday Xukunka Masjidka Babri (Ayodhya)

Oct 1, 2010
Waxaa Goobta Masjidka loo qaybiyey saddex qaybood, hal qayb keliya ayaa Muslimiinta la siiyey… Waa sida ay Maxkamaddu xukuntay… Xukun ku saabsan Masjidka Babri Masjid ee ku yiilay Magaalada Ayodhya ee gobolka Uttara Pradesh ee Waqooyiga wadankan INDIA ayaa Khamiistii (Sept 30, 2010) lagaga dhawaaqay Maxkamadda Allahabad High court.. Taas oo xukuntay in loo qaybiyo saddex meelood (Meel... 

Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM): The next Somali Prime Minister

Oct 1, 2010
NUSM  PRESS  RELEASE Somalis have become so disillusioned with the failures of successive prime Ministers since the first Somali government was formed in Embagathi in Kenya after more than a decade of anarchy. Few Somalis therefore hold much hope that things might improve with the next Prime Minster. They only have to remember previous prime ministers who lacked integrity, competence or experience.... 

Somalia: Contemporary Politics – verses – Yester Years.

Oct 1, 2010
By Dr.Yusuf O. Al-Azhari Every Society in this Universe of ours, frequently plaudits, how people of the past generations had better moral integrity, juxtaposing the social conduct of those of yester year’s with the present time. Often our predecessors are portrayed to have been more matured more responsible and with more self-effacement in their demeanor within their guild. It apprises us of how... 

Taageerada Mareykanka Waa Afka Baarkii | Amiin Yuusuf

Oct 1, 2010
Waagii uu jiray dagaalkii qaboobaa ee u dhexeeyay xulafadii ay kala hogaaminayeen Midowgii Soofiyeeti iyo Mareykanka ayaa waxa ay labadaasi isbahaysi dadaal dheer u galeen in ay soo jiitaan dowladaha kale si ay taageere ugu helaan mawqifkooda siyaasadeed, waxaana ka dhexeeyay tartan aad u weyn oo xitaa lagu bixin jiray Malaayiin Doolar, waxaana ka faa’iideystay wadamo fara badan oo ay ku jirtay Soomaaliya. Xiligii... 
Mashruuca Isku-filnaasho Gaarsiinta Qoysaska Agoonta - Akhri / Ka qayb qaado...