Home » Archive Maalinta July 9th, 2010

The upshot of political subjugation

Jul 9, 2010
By Abukar Arman (Somalia’s special envoy to the US.) If I could think of any tactfully discreet and diplomatically clear way to describe the outcome of the 15th Extraordinary Session of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government on Somalia without compromising the essence of my message, I would have simply chosen that approach. Therefore, going crude is the appropriate way: As a patched... 

Wakiilka Cusub ee Qarammada Midoobay oo Taageeray Go’aankii IGAD ee Soomaaliya

Jul 9, 2010
Wakiilka cusub ee Qarammada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya, Augustine Mahiga, oo maanta (July 9, 2010) Warsaxaafadeed ka soo saaray Nairobi ayaa taageeray go’aankii urur Goboleedka IGAD ay Addis Ababa ku gaareen 5tii July 2010. IGAD oo shir ku yeeshay Addis Ababa ayaa July 5, 2010 waxay ku baaqeen in Qarammada Midoobay ay Soomaaliya u dirto ciidamo gaaraya 20,000. Warsaxafadeedka Mahiga waxa... 
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