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Things a Responsible Somali Government Would Do | Dool

Jan 25, 2010
There is a dire need to take care of the Somali nation and its myriad issues, crises and interests. The Transitional Government can still do the job it has been established for and even accomplish for the nation. To do so, it will need to regain the initiative. The solution lies in how we utilize our human capital. The question is: What should a responsible Somali Government do? It would:  Establish... 

Can Ethiopia lead the Horn of Africa to Peace and Prosperity?

Jan 25, 2010
By Prof Said Sh. Samatar Jan 19, 2010 My remarks center around a simple question, which goes as follows: CAN ETHIOPIA LEAD THE COUNTRIES OF THE HORN TO PEACE AND PROSPERITY?  I must answer the question in the affirmative.  If I don’t, I fear I’d perish of despair.  I believe that Ethiopia holds the key to the future of this desperate region.  Or to put it differently, Ethiopia, in my... 

Somalia and the cost of state failure | Nuradin Dirie

Jan 7, 2010
It is a great pleasure for me to be here today in the University of Copenhagen – the largest learning institution in Denmark. Up until recently, my exclusive knowledge and what I know about Denmark was limited to my former boss, Christian Balslev-Olesen, who is sitting with us here today.  But since then, I have learned quite few things about Denmark.   Speech by Nuradin Dirie at the Centre... 

Conciliatory greeting to all of our East African brotherhood Nations

Jan 6, 2010
Traditionally, Muslims around the globe celebrate the first day of Muharram, which is the first month of the Islamic calendar. For Muslims, New Year’s Day is used to remind Muslims of the Hiraj or migration of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. In contrast, at the end of every Year (most commonly known as New Year’s Eve or the final day of the Gregorian calendar), Western Countries... 

A Letter to Somali MPs | Abdiqani Farah

Dec 20, 2009
A Letter to Somali MPs       This is a letter to our Members of Parliament. Greetings and peace! Today I am writing this letter to you based on two things. The first one is about the unmet promises that you made when you took oath in 2004 and early 2009. In these promises, you told us that you could set our war-torn country in a new direction, the True North. But you failed to meet this commitment,... 

Killings of Jewels of Somali Nation | Saeed Furaa

Dec 15, 2009
Knowledge production in any country costs a helluva lot. It’s an admitted fact by all men of civilized nations. University of Pretoria held a graduation ceremony recently for masters’ students (LLM). While sitting in the graduation hall at the university of Pretoria, a vague sense befell me given the recent heartbreaking news which occurred in Shamow Hotel in Mogadishu, in a similar gathering where... 

Our clan oriented media | Abu Galo Eri

Dec 13, 2009
Our clan oriented media. Since the Shamo bomb attack in Mogadishu, I have been very closely watching the Somali as well as the Danish “media’s” overages of the matter. The vast majority of the Somali media are consciously and/or unconsciously repeating and transmitting the same message; that is Al-Shabab is behind it, a Somali-Danish resident carried out the attack and exacerbating even more... 

Somalia Needs Honest Government | American Chronicle

Nov 15, 2009
Somalia Needs Honest Government International Desk November 08, 2009 http://www.americanchronicle.com/ The Somali people are once again learning the crucial lessons of nationhood the hardest way. One such cardinal lesson is never to leave matters of your society to others alone or lightly but to engage. The only way people can protect what belongs to them, enhance collective wellbeing and further their... 

Rising from the ashes of war | Prof. M. J. Farah

Nov 10, 2009
Rising from the ashes of war Rising from the ashes of Somalia’s devastating civil war is an image so powerful, it could help provide a solution to the never ending devastation: educated Somali women. Women with the power and knowledge to pass their education to their offspring have the chance to construct a healthy and successful society from the chaotic rubble of war. Civil war, centering around... 

Somalia Needs honest Government | Abdullahi Dool

Nov 7, 2009
The Somali people are once again learning the crucial lessons of nationhood the hardest way. One such cardinal lesson is never to leave matters of your society to others alone or lightly but to engage. The only way people can protect what belongs to them, enhance collective wellbeing and further their common interests is to engage in the affairs of their nation. It was our promise to support the... 

Somalia under UN Transitional Administration | by Uluso

Nov 2, 2009
Somalia under UN Transitional Administration Mr. Mohamud M Uluso mohamuduluso@gmail.com With this month’s (October) transition from non- extendable five (5) years’ term of Transitional Federal Government (TFG) to two (2) years’ term of Transitional Federal Unity Government (TFUG), Somalia lost the right for self-Government and fell under the authority of United Nations Transitional Administration... 

Saed Salah: a badly needed hero | Mohamoud Yusuf

Oct 26, 2009
Saed Salah: a badly needed hero Mohamoud Yusuf Monday, 26th October, 2009 “the human being must be enlighten in order to be a humane (Johan Comeniu”, didactica magna) The above quotation teaches us that human being is... 

Why President Sharif Failed to Cue Diaspora

Oct 17, 2009
The Somali Diaspora in North America have had a long awaited thrill and deepening phenomenon about how President Sharif goes through the transition period and midwife the hope and aspirations filled with the minds of Somalis across the globe. But upon visited us in Washington D.C. and in Minnesota, he failed to sell himself, and as a result, sat the pregnant mother (the country) to the theater... 

A leader who never was! | Ali Sharif

Sep 21, 2009
A leader who never was! A childless lady who has passed the age of child bearing discovered that by way of miracle, she gave birth to a baby boy and instead of thanking to Allah for given her a son, she run off of the house and shouted ‘I have got a baby boy, I have got a baby boy’. None the less, when she returned to the house, the miracle baby was nowhere to be found. By the same logic, it... 

Tigrean In Sheep’s Clothes | Mohamed Heebaan

Sep 19, 2009
Tigrean In Sheep’s Clothes…………….! Abdul Ahmed III is an odd name for a Somali, or for that matter for a Muslim. But he could be neither. In either case, the name is the least problematic about this writer. The writer posted on some Somali websites an article titled “Understanding the collapse of Somalia: opportunities and challenges of restoring a nation state.” The impression... 

Regionalism and Alternative Forms of Governance | Abdul Ahmed III

Sep 14, 2009
Regionalism and Alternative Forms of Governance: A Critique on Centralized, Top Down Approach to the Problem of Somalia It is often counter intuitive and very difficult for many scholars, policy makers, journalist and even politicians to explain or make sense of the collapse of the former Somalia. Many others fail to explain the prolonged socio-political conflict in the most homogenous nations in... 

A nation destroyed by its own youth | Abdifatah Bashir

Sep 7, 2009
A nation destroyed by its own youth The troubled nation of Somalia is in a disturbing state of affairs but it is a nation destroyed by its own people, what a shame for those who claim to be the leaders. It has suffered 20 years of destruction, loss of human lives and mass murdering in the name of Qabiil (clan), Qabqable (warlord) and also in the name of religion (This is a new phenomenon). If one wants... 

In Somaliland, Democracy Relies on Healthy Dialogue | Al-Mutairi

Sep 7, 2009
In Somaliland, Democracy Relies on Healthy Dialogue When I visited Somaliland in 2003 and traveled from Sanaag to Awdal regions via beautiful and mountainous Sheikh City, I could always see one thing: whatever the town or city, every time I would see locals gathered at some teashops discussing and resolving the great issues of the country in very good-natured and healthy way, I consider such gatherings... 

Ethiopia Backs Somaliland President Dahir Riyale Kahin | Dalmar

Aug 29, 2009
The recent visit of the Ethiopian delegation to Hargeisa, Somaliland capital, may be disguised as a routine diplomatic tour to strengthen the relationship between Somaliland and Ethiopia, but the rosy pictures painted by Hargeisa could be misleading. In fact the visit could be a prelude to a devastating political storm gathering momentum in Somaliland. We are now learning that the Ethiopian delegation... 

Somaliland: Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater | Abdullahi Dool

Aug 28, 2009
The English wisdom (Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater) teaches us what is important in life; what to treasure and what to throw away. Our people in Somaliland are travelling through trying times which are testing the character of our people. I have no doubt which way they will go. There is no doubt they will pull through. However, our collective advice is to tread carefully and not allow... 
Halkudheg: ,

We renew our pledges of allegiance to Faroole and to Puntland|Warsan

Aug 20, 2009
“We, Puntlanders, must cooperate or we are lost. Three million people who join in intelligent self-help can never be long ignored or mistreatd” adapted from Du Bois, a black American civil rights leader of the NAACP*, late 1800s. In Puntland’s 11th anniversary, we take the opportunity to renew our pledges of allegiance to our leader, Dr Faroole, and his administration. These are the wishes... 

Why I fear for Somalia|Nuradin

Aug 11, 2009
The wave of radicalisation targeting young Somali children everywhere is threatening hopes for the country’s future stability Over 20 years, I have watched Somalia disintegrate politically, crumble economically and fragment socially. But my hope for Somalia’s future was always entrusted in its younger generation. Our struggle was to invest in our youth inside Somalia to develop a culture... 

Somaliland: an ugly face of a clannish enclave | Mohamoud Yusuf

Aug 10, 2009
“Somaliland”; an ugly face of a clannish enclave It was two decades ago when the last and infamous iron curtail between eastern and western blocks, the Parlin wall vanished. Since then, the political scene of the world has been steadily changing. Once heavily observed boundaries between great and abhorrent nations became tourist attractions and the world shrinks into one global village in 21st,... 

Ould-Abdalla railroaded Obama Administration into failed strategy for Somalia|Uluso

Aug 8, 2009
Ould-Abdalla railroaded Obama Administration into failed strategy for Somalia The UN Envoy for war-torn Somalia (SRSG), Ahmedou Ould-Abdalla has brazenly railroaded Obama Administration into failed strategy for Somalia and is forcing to add Somalia to the “Axis of evil” countries-Iran, Iraq and North Korea. He is engaged in aggressive political campaign based on war on terror because it attracts... 

The Jailings and Spurious Charges Against Journalists in Somaliland|Saeed

Aug 8, 2009
“Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.” Henry A Grunwald Recently on a cold morning walking in university of Pretoria’s campus to attend a public interest lecture about human rights violation with reference... 
Mashruuca Isku-filnaasho Gaarsiinta Qoysaska Agoonta - Akhri / Ka qayb qaado...