Home » Archive Maalinta August 5th, 2009

New Technology Undermines Somaliland Election|Al-Mutairi

Aug 5, 2009
New Technology Undermines Somaliland Election The people and Government of Somaliland spend time, energy and money to the biometric voter registration to have free and fair election. The process continued for two years across Somaliland from Sool to Awdal regions. The world witnessed millions of Somalilanders in long queues for hours under blazing sun to redefine their identity as Somalilanders, after... 

Aqoontaydii Sayfta Banaanka|Muxyadiin

Aug 5, 2009
AQOONTAYDII SEEFTA IYO OORAAHDUU KA RUNSHEEGAY (allaha unaxariisto Warsame Cabdi Shirwac) WARSAME CABDI SHIRWAC “SEEFTA BANAANKA” Uma qaadan qalinka wax aan ka aheyn bal in aan qofnimadii Warsame Cabdi Shirwac, “rabbi jannadii haka waraabiyee” inta aan ka bartay idiinku bidhaamiyo halkan, anigoo kasoo bilaabaya dharaartii iigu horeysay arag iyo maqalba, ee ay indhaheygu ku dhaceen asagoo shir... 
Halkudheg: , ,

Haddaad Na Doorataan SLN|Suldan

Aug 5, 2009
Haddaad Na Doorataan! Qaybtii 1-aad Waa qoraal nooc cusub ah oo ku saabsan horukicinta maanka iyo qaabaynta nooca dowladeed ee dalkeennu u baahan yahay. Nidaam dowladeed oo kasta dadna fekerkeeda iyo horukicinteeda ayey keenaan, qaarna fulinteeda iyo hirgelinteeda ayay ka qayb qaataan. Qoraalkan oo ku soo beegmay xilli doorasho ka socoto Somaliland ayaan doonayaa in aan ku mudmudo maanka dhallinyarada... 

Taliyihii Ciidanka Booliiska PL oo xabad u dhintay

Aug 5, 2009
Garoowe: Taliyihii Ciidamada Booliiska Puntland Col. Muuse Axmed Saalax oo ku magac dheeraa “Muuse Juquraafi” ayaa Magaalada Garoowe caawa ku dhintay. Dhimashada Sarkaalkan ayaa waxaa kasoo baxaya warar is khilaafasan kadib markuu u dhintay xabad ku dhacay isagoo gurigiisa jooga. Col. Muuse dhimashadiisa ilaa hada war rasmi ah kama soo bixin maamulka Puntland, marka laga reebo in ay xaqiijiyeen... 

Clinton seeks to bolster Somalia’s weak government

Aug 5, 2009
By Sue Pleming NAIROBI (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets Somalia’s president on Thursday, showing U.S. support for a fragile government which is battling against militants including al Shabaab insurgents. Australian police said this week they had uncovered a plot to attack an army base in Sydney by men with alleged links to al Shabaab which Washington accuses of... 

Shippers fret over expected Somali piracy upsurge

Aug 5, 2009
* Monsoon to end soon, shippers braced for attacks * Military guards on ships unlikely given tight resources By Jonathan Saul LONDON, Aug 5 (Reuters) – Pirates are likely to step up attacks on ships off Somalia’s coast in coming months as the end of the monsoon season brings better weather, naval and shipping officials say. Deploying military personnel on vulnerable vessels may be the best... 

More charged with terrorism offences in Australia

Aug 5, 2009
* Australia may ban Somalia-based Islamist group * Charged man shouts out innocence in court * Arrests coincide with concern about radicalised Westerners * Government orders security review of military bases (Adds four more men charged, court quotes, background) By James Grubel CANBERRA, Aug 5 (Reuters) – Australian police charged four more men on Wednesday with planning to attack an army base... 

Wasiirka Warfaafinta PL oo ladilay

Aug 5, 2009
Wasiirka Warfaafinta maamul gobaleedka Putlanda oo goor dhow kooxo hubeysani ku dileen gudaha magaalada Galgacyo ee xaruta gobalka Mudug. Wasiirkii Warfaafinta ee maamul gobaleedka Putlanda Warsame Cabdi Cali (Seefta Banaanka) oo goor dhaweyd ay koox dabley ku toogteen waqooyiga magaalada Galkacyo. Wasiirka ayaa duhurnimadii maanta si gaadma ah loogu tootay Waqooyiga magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta... 
Mashruuca Isku-filnaasho Gaarsiinta Qoysaska Agoonta - Akhri / Ka qayb qaado...