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Prof A. I. Samatar and his fallacy on the new life in Mogadishu

May 18, 2012
By Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng. Yarisow) engabdirahman@gmail.com, ayarisow@opm.gov.so In response to Professor Abdi Ismail Samatar’s article entitled “UN threatens the Somali democratic movement” which he raised a number of questions including what is a Roadmap? And who is Spoiler? (Read Prof. Samatar Article from Aljazeera Opinion’s page) https://somalitalk.com/2012/05/18/prof-samatar/ While... 
Halkudheg: ,

UN threatens the Somali democratic movement

May 18, 2012
Abdi Ismail Samatar Abdi Ismail Samatar is professor of geography at the University of Minnesota and a fellow at the University of Pretoria. Moves by the United Nations to cow the Somali democratic movement are unjust and won’t succeed, says the author Published by Aljazeera Opinion’s page, May 9, 2012 Minneapolis, MN – On May 1, 2012, the UN Special Representative (SR), The African... 

Prof. Cabdi Ismaaciil Samatar “Shiikh Shariif Xaq uma lahayn in Ra’isul Wasaaraha Turkiga ku soo Dhaweeyo Garoonka Muqdisho”

Aug 25, 2011
Prof Cabdi Ismaaciil Samatar oo ah siyaasi inta badan wax laga weydiiyo arrimaha Soomaliya ayaa mar uu u waramayey idaacadda Islaamiga ah ee Alfurqaan ayaa waxaa la weydiiyey dhowr su’aalood oo ku aadan xaaladdii ugu dambeeysey ee dalka Soomaaliya, isagoo mar ka waramayay Safarkii Ra’isul Wasaaraha Turkiga Racap Urdogan uu ku yimid Magaalada Muqisho si uu u soo eego xaalada dadka ay abaarta ku... 

Somali militants use many tactics to woo Americans

Aug 25, 2009
By AMY FORLITI (AP) MINNEAPOLIS — One young man attended secret meetings in Minneapolis. Another got a phone call, urging him to leave Minnesota and go to Somalia to fight. Terrorist training videos featuring English speakers pepper YouTube, calling others to the cause. Details are emerging about how terrorists in Somalia have lured young American men — including as many as 20 from Minnesota —... 

Somali-American professors angered over repeated searches

Aug 25, 2009
Minneapolis — Two Somali-American scholars at the University of Minnesota say they’re outraged by what they consider invasive questioning and searches while traveling abroad this summer. Abdi Samatar chairs the U’s geography department. He’s married to Cawo Abdi, a sociology professor. Since June, the husband and wife say they’ve been pulled aside a total of six times at airports... 
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