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Inner CityPress-(FILE) – Prof. Ibbi became the biggest lobbyist for the MOU – Weird huh!

Oct 18, 2021
From the [beginning, many] Somalis were furious about the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), saying “Somali territorial waters would have been lost had this MOU succeed”. While many Somali lawmakers (MPs) were criticizing the government about the controversial MOU with Kenya, and hand full of TFG ministers were shying away from defending it, Deputy Prime Minister ( he is also Minister of Fisheries... 

Maxkamadda Hague oo Go’aankii Badda ku dhawaaqeysa 12ka October 2021, saacadda 3pm

Sep 24, 2021
Warsaxaafadeed maanta oo Jimce ah, September 24, 2021, kasoo baxay Maxkamadda Hague ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in go’aankii badda xadaynteeda ay ku dhawaaqi doonto 12ka October 2021, saacadda 3-da galabnimo waqtiga Hauge, Netherlands. Waxaana go’aankaas maxkamadda ka hor akhinaya madaxa maxkamadda ICJ. Warsaxaafadeedku wuxuu intaas raaciyey, maadaama uu jiro caabuqa COVID-19, waxaa gudaha maxkamadda... 

DAAWO: Maalintii 2aad ee Dhegeysiga Dacwadda Badda Soomaaliya ee ka socota Hague

Mar 16, 2021
TOOS UGA DAAWO (LIVE) – Dacadda Badda Soomaaliya ee lagu soo bandhigayo maxkadda Haige halkan ka daaawo …. The International Court of Justice (ICJ), principal judicial organ of the UN, holds public hearings (by video link) in the case concerning Maritime Delimitation in the Indian Ocean (Somalia v. Kenya) at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the seat of the Court, as from 15 March 2021. Sessions... 

Kenya ma waxay shacabkeeda u diyaarineysaa in ay ku guul daraysatay damaceedii Badda Soomaaliya

Feb 20, 2019
Wasiirkii hore ee arrimaha dibadda Kenya, Moses Wetangula, oo ahaa kii bilaabay in muran la geliyo qayb kamid ah badda Soomaaliya, oo February 18, 2019 waraysi siiyey TVga KTN ayaa muujiyey in Kenya looga guulaysanayo dacwadda badda ee jawaabteeda looga fadhiyo maxkamadda adduunka. Isagoo ka hadlayey sidii Soomaaliya dacwadda u gudbisey, waxa uu muujiyey in Soomaaliya ay mar dambe caqlisatay oo lagula... 

The Illegal Detention and Refoulement of Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse to Ethiopia

Sep 2, 2017
ONLF Press Release August 30, 2017 The regional security of the Galkacyo, Galmudug regional state in central Somalia detained on August 23, 2017 Mr Abdikarin Sheikh Muse, an Executive committee member of ONLF, who was residing in Mogadishu for the last three years. Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse whole family were wantonly killed by the TPLF led regime of Ethiopia. He went to Galkacyo to bring back his young... 

Muqdisho oo Markii Koowaad Noqotay Magaalada Akhristayaasha ugu badani ka soo Booqdaan AqoonKaal.com

Jan 1, 2017
iyo Hargeysa notay magaalada labaad…. Hargeysa waxay kaalinta koowaad haysatey 2013 ilaa 2015, waxaase hadda xiin ku dhaaftay Muqdisho. Haddaba markii aan dib u jalleecay sannadkii la soo dhaafay ee 2016, islamarkaasna xisaabiyey magaalooyinka ay akhristayaasha ugu tirada badani ka soo booqdaan website-ka AqoonKaal.com, eegayna 1968 oo magaalo (130 dal) oo 2016 laga soo booqday AqoonKaal, waxaa iiga... 

Mr. Hersi’s Kidney Transplant Cost

Dec 24, 2015
Abdullahi Abdisalan Hersi is 21 years old, Kenyan. He lives in Nairobi Kenya. On November 09th, 2015, After a brief illness he has been diagnosed kidneys failure with lab test results indicated creatinine 1267 mmol/L, showing poor corticomedullary differentiations. He was admitted with end-stage real disease. Following up more examinations to further determine his kidneys function, on November 24th,... 

Spectrum signs Seismic Data Agreement to Kick-Start Oil Exploration Offshore Somalia

Oct 17, 2015
September 7, 2015 OSLO, September 7th 2015 – Spectrum ASA entered into a Multi-Client master co-operation agreement with the federal government of Somalia during a signing ceremony on September 5th at the SYL Hotel, Mogadishu. The agreement allows Spectrum to acquire approximately 28,000 km of long offset 2D seismic data offshore south Somalia. The new acquisition has been specifically designed to... 

Somalia corruption probe: minister asked Lord Howard for funding

Aug 10, 2015
A Somali minister wrote to Michael Howard last year requesting “financial support” from the UK oil company which is chaired by the former Conservative party leader and whose payments to Somali officials are now at the centre of a fraud squad investigation. The letter, a copy of which has been seen by the Financial Times, raises fresh questions about the British peer’s oversight of Soma Oil &... 

U.N. monitors accuse British oil firm of ‘payoffs’ to Somali officials

Aug 6, 2015
(Reuters) – U.N. sanctions experts have accused British company Soma Oil and Gas of making large payments to Somalia’s oil ministry that created a “serious conflict of interest,” some of which appeared to have been used to pay off senior officials. In a report to a U.N. Security Council committee, the experts said Soma paid nearly $600,000 (£384,940) as part of efforts to protect and expand... 

Waa maxay Aabbenimadu? Qore: Farah Aw-Osman

Jun 22, 2015
Happy father’s Day to all dads out there: Waa maxay aabenimadu? Maanta ayaa ubadkaygu ii keeneen gift cards iyo warqado ay ku muujinayaan jacaylka ay ii qabaan iyagoo iigu hambalyaynaya maalinta aabenimada. Hadaba, waxaan anigoo keligay ah isweydiiyay waxay ay tahay aabenimadu, doorka ay tahay in aabuhu uu ka cayaaro aqalkiisa iyo nolosha ubadkiisa. Sidoo kale waxaan dib u yare jaleecay koriimadaydii,... 

Somali Government warns illegal companies operating in Somalia

Mar 7, 2015
PRESS RELEASE 7/1/2015 The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Federal Government of Somalia has been closely monitoring the illegal activities of ARC, a Chinese company. ARC has been involved in the illegal digging and mining for minerals in the Simodi mountain ranges in the Awdal region of Somalia. These activities are a violation of Somalia’s territorial integrity and national sovereignty.... 

Council Member Warsame urges federal action on money transfer issue that adversely impacts many Somali American residents in Minneapolis

Feb 7, 2015
Office of Sixth Ward City Council Member Abdi Warsame News Release Contact: Abdi Salah, 612-673-3315 Feb. 6, 2015 (MINNEAPOLIS) Minneapolis City Council Member Abdi Warsame is calling on federal agencies to quickly find solutions to a critical, developing issue that affects the local Somali community’s ability to send funds to their families in Somalia. Each year, Somali Americans in Minneapolis... 

Kenya, Ethiopia in talks to create buffer zone in Somalia

Dec 4, 2014
Xinhua, China: NAIROBI, Dec. 3 — Kenya and Ethiopia are in discussions to create a buffer zone inside Somalia along their respective borders to deter Al-Shabaab attacks, a senior government official said on Wednesday. Deputy President William Ruto decried that the existing 800km porous border which Kenya shares with Somalia has made it difficult to curb cross-border terror attacks mounted by... 

President’s keynote speech

Nov 19, 2014
HLPF Copenhagen 19 November 2014 If you search for books on Somalia, you’ll come across a slew of titles featuring phrases like ‘the world’s most dangerous place’, ‘outlaw state’, and ‘failed’ and ‘fragile’. For decades, Somalia was synonymous with pirates, terrorists, and complete lawlessness. But this Somalia exists no longer. It is a Somalia of yesterday, and is most definitely... 

UK-Somali links raise concern as UN alleges corruption and arms deals

Nov 19, 2014
… the monitoring group had called for a freeze on all new oil and gas deals until appropriate constitutional, legislative, fiscal and regulatory provisions had been agreed by the federal government and its regional authorities. “We need to know whether that’s a position that the UK government supports in practice, not just on paper,” she said.  Read More →

Cut all ties with Somalia, says Kenyan House committee

Nov 11, 2014
THE Kenyan government may be forced to sever ties with Somalia if recommendations by the National Assembly’s Defence and Foreign Relations committee are adopted by the House. The committee, chaired by Tetu MP Ndung’u Gethenji, has claimed that the decision by the Somali government to take Kenya to the International Court of Justice over a maritime boundary dispute was hostile and therefore... 

Somalia: Conundrum of an Activist

Nov 4, 2014
As issues of the day may dictate, the norm for activists is to engage on substantive issues such as calling for peace, justice, and freedom. To achieve success in advocating for these enduring values, activists must struggle to remain focused and sustain their momentum despite the trials and tribulations as well as the consequential challenges of powerful establishments. Activism is a noble cause that,... 

Weekly Press Conference on the Progress of the Government – Nov 1, 2014

Nov 1, 2014
Mogadishu, 01 November 2014 – The Minister of Information, Mustafa Duhulow, today addressed the media, providing an update on the progress of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) over the last week. The Minister discussed various issues: the delivery of food aid to Barawa; details of the explosives and military equipment intercepted at Mogadishu seaport; the South West State conference; the progress... 

AMISOM mourns passing of Somali Police Commissioner Brig. General Mohamed Hassan Ismail

Oct 31, 2014
PRESS RELEASE (For Immediate Release) October 30, 2014: The Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Maman S. Sidikou has learnt with sadness the passing of the Somali Police Commissioner Brigadier General Mohamed Hassan Ismail. The Somali Police Force is one of the institutions that AMISOM works with and supports strongly, in close partnership... 

UN Secretary-General and World Bank Group President arrive in Mogadishu, pledge support for regional peace, security and development

Oct 29, 2014
Mogadishu, 29 October 2014 – United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, and World Bank Group President, Jim Yong Kim, arrived in Mogadishu to pledge support for Somalia’s transition and for efforts to strengthen security and development across the wider Horn of Africa region. The joint high level visit comes at an important time for Somalia which continues to make significant security gains... 

Joint Security Update by the Federal Government of Somalia and the African Union Mission in Somalia on Operation Indian Ocean

Oct 27, 2014
Mogadishu, 27 October 2014: President of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), HE Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, and the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia and Head of AMISOM, Ambassador Maman S. Sidikou, along with senior military officers from the Somali National Army (SNA) and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) today briefed the media... 

Court Adjourned and Shabelle Owner and Newscaster Released on bail

Oct 21, 2014
Mogadishu, 21 October 2014 The Hearing of the case of Shabelle and SkyFM journalists started at the regional Court on Tuesday morning around 10:00am and lasted for an hour. Judge Hashi Elmi Nor opened the hearing as scheduled and read a letter from the office of the Attorney General charging Abdimaalik Yusuf Mohamoud, owner of Shabelle Media Network and Ahmed Abdi Hassan, Shabelle newscaster on Articles... 

Minister of Information: “Confidence building with communities is key to the progress of brining peace and stability in Somalia.”

Oct 21, 2014
Mogadishu, 21 October 2014 – H.E. Mustafa Duhulow, Minister of Information today hosted an important meeting between AMISOM and Somali Police forces and Civil Society groups in Mogadishu. The aim of the meeting was to better coordinate between AMISOM and the Federal Government institutions as well as on how best to engage with public in order to bring peace and stability. AMISOM Police Force Commander... 

United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM)

Oct 20, 2014
For Immediate Release PRESS STATEMENT 48/2014 UN Special Representative for Somalia condemns attack on AMISOM troops in Hiiraan region Mogadishu, 20 October 2014 – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, condemned an attack on African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) forces in Hiiraan region and called for calm as rival clans caused insecurity in... 
Mashruuca Isku-filnaasho Gaarsiinta Qoysaska Agoonta - Akhri / Ka qayb qaado...