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Why President Sharif Failed to Cue Diaspora

Oct 17, 2009
The Somali Diaspora in North America have had a long awaited thrill and deepening phenomenon about how President Sharif goes through the transition period and midwife the hope and aspirations filled with the minds of Somalis across the globe. But upon visited us in Washington D.C. and in Minnesota, he failed to sell himself, and as a result, sat the pregnant mother (the country) to the theater... 

Somali President: Recruiters likely still in U.S.

Oct 3, 2009
by Laura Yuen, Minnesota Public Radio October 3, 2009 St. Paul, Minn. — The president of Somalia said today he believes that recruiters who lured Minnesota men to fight with a terrorist group remain in the United States. President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed has been meeting non-stop this weekend with Somali-American community leaders in Minnesota as well as elected officials, including Gov. Tim Pawlenty. Ahmed... 

Somalia’s president says terrorism growing there

Oct 3, 2009
Somalia’s president says terrorism growing there ST. PAUL, Minn. — The president of Somalia said Saturday his government is challenged by terrorism — which he called a “foreign idea” — and asked the Somali diaspora support him as he struggles to create peace in his war-torn country. President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed spoke briefly at a breakfast for Books for Africa, a nonprofit... 
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