Home » Qoraallada Halkudhegga "Garabey"

Somalia: Roadmap A Hole in Water | By: Ali Garabey

Oct 15, 2011
By: Ali Omar Ghedi (Ali Garabey) – The Consultative Conference that was organized by the U.N., and held in Mogadishu on 4-6 September, the bulk of Somali people couldn’t absorb as they couldn’t take seriously the Kampala Accord. The idea of the CM wasn’t own by the Somali government or its people’ but it’s imported from external world and labeled to theTFG. The reality is that the Consultative... 
Halkudheg: ,

The Famine in Somalia Vs Outpouring Visitors | By: Ali Garabey

Oct 8, 2011
Who’s to blame for the hunger and the famine in Somalia? Almost every day, leaders and aid organizations, coming from the entire world, are arriving in Mogadishu to study and assess at first hand the refugee situation severely hit by draughts, the malnourished children dying different types of diseases In order to get the solution for this horrific and unbearable disaster which is consuming this... 
Halkudheg: , ,
Mashruuca Isku-filnaasho Gaarsiinta Qoysaska Agoonta - Akhri / Ka qayb qaado...