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New Technology Undermines Somaliland Election|Al-Mutairi

Aug 5, 2009
New Technology Undermines Somaliland Election The people and Government of Somaliland spend time, energy and money to the biometric voter registration to have free and fair election. The process continued for two years across Somaliland from Sool to Awdal regions. The world witnessed millions of Somalilanders in long queues for hours under blazing sun to redefine their identity as Somalilanders, after... 

A Victory for the Somali People|Dool

Aug 4, 2009
A Victory for the Somali People! On 1 August 2009, the Transitional Parliament has thrown out the ‘maritime misunderstanding’ between the TUG and the Kibaki Government in Kenya. Out of 347 Members of Parliament who were sitting at the time 334 have rejected the ‘misunderstanding.’ This is an astounding victory for the Somali people. It is also a victory for President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed... 

Why Somalia is in need of an effective Government | Dool

Aug 2, 2009
by: Abdullahi Dool Amid the killings and the plethora of bad news trickling out of Somalia daily, once again for the second year running, Somalia has landed on top of Transparency International corruption index. The question on everybody’s mind should be: How did impoverished and stateless nation end up on top of this shameful index? There is a reason for this. We know the bulk of wealth donated... 

PwCs Contract empowers – The Smartest Guys in the Room – Uluso

Aug 2, 2009
PwC’s Contract empowers “The Smartest Guys in the Room”[1] in Somalia Mr. Mohamud M Uluso mohamuduluso@gmail.com Two weeks ago, in the midst of tragic deaths, destruction, and massive displacement of people caused by the fighting of two forces marketed as “terrorists-local and International” and “apostates with crusaders”, Somali websites reported without details the signing of contract... 

One Bullet One Young Girl One Dollar | Dalmar

Jul 31, 2009
One Bullet, One Young Girl: One Dollar – www.HelpAyaan.org The year is 1988. At the height of the brutal assault by forces of the former Somali dictator Gen. Mohammad Siad Barre against the people of Somaliland, MiG fighters bomb civilian targets and thousands of bodies of dead and wounded litter the streets of major cities. Panicked survivors flee in droves. And, for a two-year old little girl,... 

Why Somaliland refused Mr. Donald Payne’s invitation

Jul 29, 2009
For quite some time it has been common knowledge among Somalis that the secessionist politicians in Hargeisa harbour deep routed animosity for all Somalis in the Horn of Africa except, perhaps, their own clan. Mr.Mohamed Ibrahim Egal, the former separatist leader fueled the fire of the civil war in southern Somalia with money and weapons in the believe that the longer the civil war continued there,... 
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