Kenya oo Ganafka ku dhufatay Dacwaddii Soomaaliya iyo qoraal kasoo baxay
xeer ilaaliyaha Soomaaliya
Kenya waxay cuskatay Is-afgaradkii MOU, waxayna tiri sidan "In the
submission, Kenya argues that the case falls outside the jurisdiction of the
Court and is inadmissible since it is “contrary to Somalia’s international
obligations under the Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) signed on 7 April
2009, under the good offices of the Norwegian Government.”
Ka akhri warbaahinta Kenya halkan.
Waxaa taagan arrimihii shacabka Soomaaliyeed uga digeen Dawladda FS.
Qoraalkii xeer ilaaliyaha Soomaaliya hoos ka akhri...

Soma Oil & Gas lobbies UK for help in Somalia despite Serious Fraud Office