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Uprooted people of the world
May 11, 2000
A 12-year struggle between rival clans has not only put the word "warlord" into common use, it has also splintered Somalia, which is now virtually three nations within one country. The heavy flooding in recent years has forced 425,000 Somalis to seek refuge in neighboring countries and internally displaced 350,000 persons.
Warkaas oo duuban csmonitor May 11, 2000.
Air Somali & Air Jabuuti oo Laga Mamnuucay Hargeysa
May 11, 2000
Wararka ka imanaya Hargeysa waxa ay sheegayaan in shirkadaha diyaaradaha ee lakala yiraahdao Air Somali iyo Air jabuuti laga mamnuucay in ay ku degaan hargesa. Warkaas waxaa maalintii shalay BBC laanta Afka Soomaaliga u sheegay Axmed Siciid Cige oo kasoo waramayey Hargeysa.
Warkaas oo duuban ka dhegeyso halkan May 11, 2000.
UN SOMALIA Website wins "The Web of the Week" Award
9 May 2000 - The UN SOMALIA website has picked up the honor of "The Web of the Week" from SomaliTalk.com, a website operated by members of the Somali diaspora.
The UN SOMALIA website, which can be reached at www.unsomalia.org, has been on the web for approximately one month now, but is fortunate enough to get this distinction even before the website is officially launched on May 16.
This is an honor for all of us who have been working hard at setting up our new site," said Sonya Laurence Green, the Website Manager and Information Officer at UNDP Somalia, which runs the site on behalf of the eight UN agencies and its partners working in Somalia...
Read more at: www.unsomalia.org.
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Shirkii Jabuuti oo lahakiyey ilaa Sabtida
May 10, 2000
Wararka ka imana Jabuuti waxa ay sheegayaan in shirkii guud ee Jabuuti lahakiyey ilaa sabtida dambe. Sidaas waxaa sheegay Axmed cali cashkar oo ah suxufi jooga Jabuuti oo waraysi siiyey BBC laanta Afka Soomaaliga.
Halkan ka Dhegeyso warkii shirka May 10, 2000
Wararka kale ee laxiriirka shirka Jabuuti:
Natiijooyin Wanaagsan oo kasoo baxaya shirka Jabuuti SomaliTalk Mon May 8, 2000
IRIN Interview with UN Representative David Stephen - Part II Africa News Online May 9, 2000
SOMALIA REVISITED the Times Tue May 9, 2000
Italy Airlifts Aid To Somali Region Africa News Online May 5, 2000
Kenya Government is behind the Somali and Boran Killings in the Isiolo District SomaliTalk May 5, 2000
Rains hamper Ethiopian aid effort BBC May 5, 2000
Djibouti conference would last for a week Africa News Online May 3, 2000
Wararkii hore ee Af-Soomaaliga
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