w w w . S o m a l i T a l k . c o m

Somalian Ambassador urges Eritrea to stop Interference

Sept 17 (2006): The Ambassador of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, Abdikarin Farah ,told MoFA Newsletter that the State of Eritrea ,which has no strategic relations with Somalia has to play constructive role  to bring all Somalia parties to a round table negotiation, instead of  funning the conflict.

Ambassador Abdikarim said Eritrea would be affected from the  instability it is creating in the Horn of Africa, adding that,  the  motive   of   Asmara   to  forge alliance with the Union of Islamic Courts ( UIC) is  a major concern to members of the regional grouping,  Inter Governmental Authority on  Development (IGAD) and the international community at large . 

IGAD  and  the government of Ethiopia in particular are playing key roles for lasting peace in Somalia.  The people of Somalia are grateful to Ethiopia for resolving the recent strain among the  leadership of the TFG. 

Ambassador Abdikarin condemned the report by some international media which portrayed the current situation in Somalia as a conflict between Christians and Muslims. He said “Ethiopia is a country where Muslims and Christians coexist in harmony irrespective of their religion.”

SOURCE: Websiteka Xukuumadda Itoobiya:

Somali Capital Now Calm After Month in Which 1,000 Were Killed

April 28, 2007

After intense combat that killed more than 1,000 people, insurgents melted back into the broken city, and hundreds of families began to return home.

The transitional Somali government claimed victory, saying that its troops had vanquished the insurgency and that peace and prosperity were just around the corner. “The fighting in Mogadishu is over,” said Abdikarim Farah, Somalia’s ambassador to Ethiopia, at a news conference in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

“Mogadishu was once called the Pearl of the Indian Ocean,” he said. “God willing, it will come to deserve that name again.”

On Friday, though, the city hardly looked like a pearl. Bodies covered with flies littered the streets, and many buildings were still smoking. Looters picked through the Coca-Cola factory, where a year’s supply of sugar was stolen.

In the past month the people of Mogadishu have endured some of the heaviest combat ever fought in the city, which like the rest of Somalia has gone 16 years without a functioning government.



:::Booqo Bogga Sawirada (

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