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Maxamed cabdi- shiike

March 18, 2001
> Warbixintii Maxamed cabdi- shiike
> Jawaab celintii Abu Maxamed-Amiin
> Jawaabtii bahda
> Jawaabtii Maxamed cabdi- shiike
Qoraagu "Xassan macaawiye" wuxuu ula jeedaa "Abu Maxamed-Amiin"

Assalamu calaykum Waraxmatullahi wabarakatuhu:

Bacda salaan fariintan waxaan u doorbiday inaan ku Qanciyo walakeey Xassan macaawiye oo ka Gadooday Qoraal aan siiyay somalitalk ,qoraalkaas oo Kahadlayay Nolosha Qaxootiga Somalida ee Xerada IFO, waxaan mahad balaaran Iska leh illahi na'abuurtay ,waxaan markale u mahadnaqaya madaxa Somalitalk MR Maxamed Cali,oo isu Xilsaaray Horteey inuu Qanciyo walakeey macaawiye iyo Waliba Walakeey Macaawiye oo doorbiday inuu iga soo xariiro arrinka Qaxootiga.

Walaal macaawiye farintaadii waa isoo gaartay hadalkaagiina waxan uqaadanayaa Saxid iyo Boorin iyo Waliba Gacal Cun, bacda intas walaal waxaad xustay in Xerada Qaxootiga ee IFO ,Xagadheer iyo Dhadhaab aad Tiri waxa aad kasoo sheegtay majiraan,haddaba Anigoo ku qancinaya waxaa iisuurta gashay inaan Firaaqo u raadsho jawaabtada,haddaba walaal qoraalkii markii aad aqrisatay ayaad waxaad sooqaadatay oo kali ah in Magaca Dhadhaab uusan Jirin, ee uu jiro Magaca Dhagaxleey ,Haddaba si taasi aan kuugu siiqeexo Walaal Dhadhaab wa degmo ,hasayeshee magaca Dhagaxleey UNHCR-ta marka laga hadlayo arrimaha Dhagaxleey waxaa layiraahda Dhadhaab (in General) Xeradana waxay kutaal Dhadhaab ,Intaas dabcan waxaan dareemayaa inad ka qanacday Magaca.

Waxaa taas dheer arrintii ku saabsanayd ee sida loola dhaqmo dadka somaliyeed ee degankaas waxaal waxaan haynaa caddaymo Muujinaya falalkii aan kusooqoray Qoraalkaas iyo Wax kale oo aan Goobjoog ka'ahayn, waxaad kale oo xustay in dadku ay Taleefoonada u raadsan jireen garissa ay beentahay ,walaal kahor intii shirkadaha Xawaaladaha ay halkaas tagin Dadku sidee ayay ola Xariiri jireen Eheladooda?

Jawaabta oo gaaban walal dadku waxay aadi jireen Garissa, Intii ka danbeeysayna waxay Isticmaali jireen Taleefonada ay shirkadaha Gacansiga keeneen Deegaankaas, walaal bal'eeg sida sharafta badan ee aan isku dayayo inan kuuso qanciyo, mark aan taas xagga dhigo, maxaad oga hadli wayday Kufsigii loogaystay gabdhaha, Hooyooyinkeen, Ayeeyooyinken ee ay shuftadu habayn walba Rukunka ka dhigan jireen mise taasi kuma qusayso, Midda kale in Shaqaalaha UNHCR-ta meelkasta oo ay kajogeen Xeryaha kenya haddii ay yihiin Somali iyo haddii Kalaba walaal dadka waxay ula dhaqmi jiree Dhawr qaab oo aan kusoo xusay Qoralka ,taas ayaana ugu waynayd waxii aad ka gadooday , marka haddi aad shaqaale ahayd gacaliye qoralku Adiga kuma saamaynayn kaligaa cid lamagacaabayna majirin ee wuxuu ahaa Xusid taariikheed ee Qaxootiga , halkan waxa ku lifaaqan hadalkii Xoghayah Qaramada Midoobay ee UN-ta Koffi Anan , Kofi Anan waxa uu kahadlayay sida shaqalaha ay ola dhaqmaan Qaxootiga haddii ay tahy Baqshiishid dan aad kaleedahay xafiiska iyo haddii kaleba .

walaal Qoralkan Lifaaqa ah waxaa looga hadlay Arrimaha Qaxotiga ee kenya ku sugan ,haddii aad Adigu aadan jeclaysan in aanan ka hadalin wax manta dadkeenu ku sugan yahay ,haddee macaawiyoow In aan Adiga kaa xishoono iyo aan dadkeen ushegno dhabta waxaan dooranay in aan dadka u shegno Runta, Eeg somalitalk ayaa Qoralka IFO ku hordaabacday sida loola dhaqmay Qaxootiga Xeryahaas sanadihii 1992-93.

walaal hadalkagii Nasteexo ayaan uqaatay ee Adigana waxaan kuu rajaynayaa inaad Bislaato haddii rabbi idmo, Xeradan kaliya logama hadlin somalitalk ee dhammaan qaxootiga somalida ee soo maray xeryihii kenya kuyiil oo idil ayaa looga soo hadlay Noloshooda.

walaal intaas ayaan rajaynayaa inaad ku qanci doonto, waxan diyaar kuula ahay inaan Decuments -ka laga hayo Xeryaha qaxootiga aan maanta kuu awoodo inaad hesho haddii aad sii baarto arrinkaas, Hay'adaha udooda Xuquuqda aadanaha ayaa kahadlay arrimahan oo idil,.

walaal fadlan somalitalk laguma soo daabaco qoraal aan laga fiirsan oo aan loo dhabo galin ee ha'u qaadan in ay iska soo daabacdo qoraalo aan sal iyo raad toona lahayn,qoralku haddii uu watto cadaymo waa ladaabacayaa somalidana waxay Tiraahdaa Haddii Xaajada Sidii Daba Ari lo faydin ma fiyoobaato, waxan kusoo gabagabaynaya Runta Waa lama Huraa,.

Tixraacyadii qayb kamida waa kuwan hoos ku qoran.

Title: [SW News](Various Sources) UN(NAIROBI OFFICE) REFUGEE SHAKEDOWN Posted by/on:[AMJ][Wednsday, February 21, 2001]

SLUG: 2-272809 U-N Refugee Shakedown (L-O) DATE: NOTE NUMBER:


INTRO: U-N Secretary-General Kofi Annan says he is determined to - get to the bottom - of allegations that corrupt U-N workers sold resettlement rights to African refugees. Correspondent Breck Ardery reports from the United Nations at least four refugee workers in Kenya are under investigation for soliciting bribes.

TEXT: Refugees say they were required to pay as much as five-thousand dollars in order to be re-settled in western nations.

Mr. Annan told reporters:

/// ANNAN ACT ///

I think it is abominable that refugees who are already suffering, who have been displaced, and whose lives have been uprooted should be exploited in this manner. Those responsible should be dealt with harshly.

/// END ACT ///

Mr. Annan said officials with the U-N High Commissioner for Refugees began an immediate investigation as soon as there was a hint - of wrongdoing. Now, the matter is in the hands of the U-N office of special investigations.

An estimated 200-thousand refugees, most of them from Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan, currently live in Kenya. For those who can not return to their home countries, U-N refugee workers are supposed to try to attempt resettlement in other nations, based on the merits of individual cases. (SIGNED)


UN Investigating Kenyan Refugee Scandal
VOA News
20 Feb 2001 1924 UTC

U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has pledged to, in his words, "get to the bottom" of allegations that U.N. employees at an office in Kenya demanded bribes from refugees hoping to resettle in the West.

Mr. Annan called it abominable that refugees who are already suffering should be exploited in this manner. He pledged to bring those responsible to justice and make sure this does not happen again. The United Nations confirmed Tuesday that at least four employees in the Nairobi office are being investigated for corruption. A U.N. spokesman says a number of refugees have come forward alleging that the U.N. workers demanded up to $5,000 to give them a sought-after resettlement spot - mainly in the United States, Canada or Western Europe

Three of the employees accused of taking bribes are Kenyans. The fourth is a European.

The UNHCR office in Nairobi has handled the resettlement of more than 9,000 refugees displaced by Africa's wars in recent years. It is not known how many are alleged to have paid for the services.

The U.N. spokesman said the allegations date back to December, 1999. He says the scope of the problem is so large that the probe is now being handled by the U.N. office of Internal Oversight.

Wednesday, 21 February, 2001, 02:53 GMT
Annan warns Kenya 'refugee abusers'

Kenya is a temporary home to nearly 200,000 refugees

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan says any staff found guilty of extorting money from African refugees should face harsh penalties. The UN is investigating the activities of at least four of its staff based in Kenya, alleged to have demanded bribes from refugees in return for re-settling them in Europe or North America.

Mr Annan said he was determined to get to the bottom of the allegations, and deal with those responsible.

The investigation has proved so difficult and dangerous that the UN has had to transfer three of its employees out of the country because they had received death threats.

It is suspected that organised criminals in Kenya may be involved, and the UN has asked the countries receiving the refugees - Britain, United States, Canada and Australia - to help with the investigation.


A spokesman in Nairobi said the death threats were being taken very seriously, and several members of staff who are not under investigation have taken leave or been redeployed.

It is abominable that refugees who are already suffering, who are displaced, whose lives have been uprooted, should be exploited in this manner and those responsible should be dealt with harshly
Kofi Annan
Two of the staff members have received death threats within the last two months.

Newspaper reports said bribes of up to $5,000 had been demanded from refugees who wished to be sent to favoured destinations.

At least four members of staff are under investigation. Three Kenyans have been assigned to new duties, while an Italian has not has his contract renewed.

Mr Annan said no leniency would be shown to anyone found guilty.

"I think it is abominable that refugees who are already suffering, who are displaced, whose lives have been uprooted, should be exploited in this manner and those responsible should be dealt with harshly."

How many?

Kenya plays host to nearly 200,000 refugees - the majority of these come from Somalia.

Many also come from Sudan, Ethiopia and the Great Lakes region.

Every year the UN resettles between 8,000 and 11,000 of them, once it has become clear that they will not be able to return home at any point in the foreseeable future. The service is free.

A UN spokesman said the big question was how many cases since 1999 had been affected by corruption.

U.N. Investigates Cash - For - Asylum Refugee Scam

Filed at 0:07 a.m. ET

NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters) - The United Nations is investigating allegations that some of its employees were members of an organized crime network in Africa that took bribes to resettle refugees in the West.

Paul Stromberg, a spokesman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), confirmed reports that at least four people from the Nairobi office were being investigated.

One of the four is understood to be a European.

Stromberg said a number of refugees had come forward alleging that they were asked to pay between $2,000 and $5,000 to be resettled in North America, Europe and Australia.

``It may involve more than four people. How many people will be investigated, how many people may have charges brought against them we will only know when the ... U.N. watchdog agency gives its final report,'' Stromberg told Reuters.

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, speaking with reporters in New York on Tuesday, said Kenyan and U.N. authorities had opened a probe immediately after discovering evidence of a scam.

``We are determined to go to the bottom of this and deal with those who are responsible,'' he said. ``Of course we will have to take measures to make sure that this does not reoccur and tighten our controls.''

Annan said it was ``abominable that refugees who are already suffering, who are displaced, whose lives have been uprooted, should be exploited in this manner.''

Stromberg acknowledged that the allegations were deeply embarrassing for UNHCR, which is responsible for screening the suitability of refugees who request asylum in Western countries.

``We take it very seriously,'' he said. ``It's clearly a corruption of the mandate if the allegations are true.''


Many refugees say they believed paying a fee to UNHCR officials increased their chances of being given asylum.

``The refugees who have money do not have the problems that everyone else has,'' Celestin Kangambo, who fled Congo after his parents were killed by rebels, said outside the UNHCR office in Nairobi.

``As refugees we talk to each other, and there are refugees who have accomplished the process by money,'' said Destaw Berhanu, a refugee from Ethiopia.

Three UNHCR staff under investigation have not been suspended but have been moved off tasks related to the movement of refugees. The European suspect has not had his contract renewed.

Allegations from refugees appeared to have linked the scam to organized crime groups and four international UNHCR staff have had to be moved from Kenya after receiving death threats because of their knowledge of the situation, Stromberg said.

``Human trafficking is something which involves in many countries very highly organized and very violent criminal groups,'' he said. ``They made very serious threats against our staff.''

Stromberg said investigators could recommend the prosecution of anyone they believed was guilty of involvement in the scam. Investigations, which began in Nairobi in December 1999, are expected to be complete within the next few months.

More than 9,000 refugees were granted permission through UNHCR's office in Nairobi to resettle in other countries last year.

Source: The Associated Press
Date: Tuesday 20 February 2001
Title: U.N. probes Kenya refugee program

Text: NAIROBI, KENYA - The Associated Press via NewsEdge Corporation : At least four United Nations employees are under investigation for allegedly extorting bribes of up to $5,000 from refugees seeking resettlement in Western countries, a U.N. spokesman said Monday.

Paul Stromberg, a regional spokesman for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, said three Kenyan employees have been assigned new duties pending the outcome of the probe.

An Italian employee did not have his contract renewed after reports that refugees seeking resettlement in the United States, Canada, Australia and Europe had been asked to pay bribes, he said.

Three U.N. employees – an American and two Europeans who reportedly knew about the scheme – were withdrawn from the Nairobi office last year after they received death threats, Stromberg said.

"They were threatened with death if they cooperated with the investigation,'' he said. "We had real reason to take the threats seriously, so we moved the staff out of the country.''

A fourth person was relocated at least temporarily because of death threats, Stromberg said.

The UNHCR started an investigation in December 1999 into allegations that members of its staff were taking bribes to help refugees in Kenya resettle in rich countries.

The initial investigation was inconclusive, so the world body's central audit body, the Office of Internal Oversight Services, was asked to step in last year, Stromberg said.

Pending the outcome of that investigation, there was little information the UNHCR could release, he said.

There are nearly 200,000 refugees in Kenya, of whom about three-quarters are from Somalia. Most of the others come from Sudan, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Congo and Burundi.

International refugees, who are defined as having crossed an international border to flee persecution, usually face only three options: return home, be integrated into the host country or be resettled elsewhere.

U.N. refugee agency officials are responsible for screening applicants to determine the best candidates for resettlement and then submitting those applications to Western governments, who agree to take a certain number of refugees as permanent immigrants every year.

"If these cases are proven, then it is a terrible abuse of this trust that national governments have placed in UNHCR,'' Stromberg said. "These are the people we are mandated to protect, so this is a real violation of that trust as well.''

U.S. Embassy spokesman Tom Hart said the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service and embassy personnel were cooperating with the investigation, which he described as a matter for the United Nations.

"There is no indication that any U.S. embassy personnel were involved in this case,'' Hart added.

UN shaken by refugees' extortion allegations
The Guardian - United Kingdom; Feb 21, 2001

The United Nations is investigating allegations that some of its employees were members of an organised crime network in Africa which took bribes to resettle refugees in the west.

Paul Stromberg, a spokesman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), confirmed reports that at least four people who had worked out of the Nairobi office were being investigated. One of the four is understood to be a European.

Mr Stromberg said a number of refugees had alleged that they were asked to pay between Dollars 2,000 and Dollars 5,000 ( pounds 1,400- pounds 3,500) to be resettled in north America, Europe and Australia.

'[The investigation] may involve more than four people. How many people will be investigated, how many people may have charges brought against them we will only know when the UN watchdog agency gives its final report.'

The investigation is understood to be looking beyond resettlement cases to reports that guards charged refugees for entry into UNHCR compounds, and that UN workers demanded payment for appointments and for basic services, he said.

UN staff who allegedly extorted money from refugees should be 'harshly' punished if proved guilty, the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, said yesterday.

'I think it is abominable that refugees who are already suffering, who are displaced, whose lives have been uprooted, should be exploited in this manner,' he said.

Many refugees say they believed paying a fee to UNHCR officials increased their chances of being given asylum.

'The refugees who have money do not have the problems that everyone else has,' Celestin Kangambo, who fled Congo after his parents were killed by rebels, said outside the UNHCR office in Nairobi.

'As refugees we talk to each other, and there are refugees who have accomplished the process by money,' Destaw Berhanu, a refugee from Ethiopia, said.

Mr Annan said: 'It was important that we discovered this quite early and got to work very quickly.'

The office in Nairobi had carried out an 'inconclusive' investigation, he said, adding that the UN's Office of Internal Oversight, based in New York, had taken over the inquiry.

'We are determined to go to the bottom of this and deal with those are responsible. Of course we will have to take measures to make sure that it does not reoccur and tighten our controls,' Mr Annan said.

More than 9,000 refugees, mostly from Somalia and Sudan, were resettled through Kenya last year, mainly to the US, Australia, New Zealand and Scandinavia.

Three of the UNHCR's staff under investigation have not been suspended but have been moved off tasks related to the movement of refugees. The European has not had his contract renewed.

There also appear to be links to organised crime groups, and four international UNHCR staff have had to be moved from Kenya after receiving death threats because of their knowledge of the situation, Mr Stromberg said.

'Human trafficking is something which involves in many countries very highly organised and very violent criminal groups,' he said. 'They made very serious threats against our staff.'

Investigations, which began in Nairobi in December 1999, are expected to be complete within the next few months.

Mr Stromberg acknowledged that the allegations were deeply embarrassing for the UNHCR, which is responsible for screening the suitability of refugees who request asylum in western countries.

'We take it very seriously,' he said.

'It's clearly a corruption of the [UNHCR] mandate if the allegations are true.'

All Material Subject to Copyright

UN staff `forced refugees to pay $2,000 for papers'

The Independent - United Kingdom; Feb 20, 2001

THE UNITED Nations has launched a sweeping investigation into allegations that corrupt officials at its Nairobi office may have extorted millions of pounds from desperate African refugees wanting to resettle in the West.

Investigators are probing claims that Kenyan and European workers at the UN refugee agency, the UNHCR, demanded up to $2,000 per person for processing applications - a service which is supposed to be free.

In some cases, applications were allegedly falsified, leaving true refugees stuck in sweltering desert camps while those with money were flown to American and European cities to start a new life.

The UN refuses to estimate how much money changed hands in the payments- for- papers scam. But given that over 17,000 refugees were relocated from Kenya in the last two years alone, the sums involved are potentially huge - and even worth killing for.

Four UN staff, believed to possess incriminating information about the masterminds behind the scheme, were forced to flee Kenya last autumn after receiving death threats. One was a Briton. They have since been relocated to other UN positions in Europe and Africa.

An Ethiopian woman who translates refugee applications in Nairobi, who asked to be named as Afterkebede, explained how the scam worked: "Usually the refugees are approached by an agent after they have been waiting for a long time and are getting desperate. Then they start talking money."

The refugees pay $200 for an interview appointment and $1,500-$2,000 per person to have their applications pushed to the top of the pile. Negotiations take place in small Ethiopian restaurants in Eastleigh, a rundown Nairobi neighbourhood teeming with refugees.

"Some families paid up to $7,000 to have their case classified as an emergency resettlement. They got the money from relatives already in the West," said Afterkebede. The money was paid to a Kenyan "linked to the UNHCR", although it was understood that the "higher authority is a white man".

No UN staff have been suspended since the enquiry started, UNHCR spokesman Paul Stromberg said yesterday, but several employees have been transferred out of the resettlement section. One report stated that three Kenyans and an Italian were the focus of the probe.

Kenya is host to 205,000 refugees from nine different African countries, 90 per cent of whom come from Somalia and Sudan. Resettlement is meant to be the last option for those who cannot return home. But the process is widely abused.

The UNHCR has been in financial crisis for several years due to the refusal of the United States to pay its UN dues, and has been largely dependent on European countries.

> Warbixintii Maxamed cabdi- shiike
> Jawaab celintii Abu Maxamed-Amiin
> Jawaabtii bahda
> Jawaabtii Maxamed cabdi- shiike
Qoraagu "Xassan macaawiye" wuxuu ula jeedaa "Abu Maxamed-Amiin"
The allegations will be a particular embarrassment to Ruud Lubbers, the former Dutch prime minister who was recently appointed High Commissioner for Refugees.

Mr Stromberg said the findings of the investigation are not expected for several months, and that no action would be taken until then.

[ News]
Copyright © 1999 by All Rights Reserved. Revised: 21 Feb 2001 11:39 AM.
NB: Walaal Macawiye Waxaan Rajaynayaa Inaad Qanacday,Kuwa kalna diyaar baan kuulanahay ee soo dhawoow.


Maxamed cabdi- shiike

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