Prime Minister of Somalia's statement
Mr President, Mr Secretary-General, fellow delegates,
ladies and gentleman:
Mr President, let
me take this opportunity to congratulate you on your election as President of
the Sixty Sixth Session of the United Nations General Assembly. I would also
like to congratulate our Secretary General of the United Nations on his
re-election for a second term. We Somalis would like to thank him for his
leadership as he put Somalia on the top of the agenda despite having too many
competing priorities. We hope that Somalia will become peaceful and stable
during his tenure.
It is my honour to
address you for the first time as the Prime Minister of Somalia. I come before
you mindful of the enormous challenges of this important moment in our history
and determined to act boldly in the cause of peace, justice and stability, not
only on the Horn of Africa but on the African continent at large and in the
world as a whole.
The United Nations
was founded on the conviction that the nations of the world could come together
in the spirit of cooperation to tackle their common problems for the sake of the
whole of humanity. I wish to speak of the challenges facing Somalia whose
effects have found ample expression in the current dire situation in the
country, and some of which threaten each country represented here.
Let me take this
opportunity to thank the Prime Minister of Turkey for his genuine leadership and
for highlighting the plight and the suffering of those people aggected by the
The seemingly
unending humanitarian crisis in Somalia has many and varied causes. Decades of
conflict, the demise of the central state, poor and kleptocratic leadership and
struggles between clans for limited resources, exacerbated by cycles of
devastating droughts, have created chronic food shortages, an underdeveloped
economy and has driven the population to despair. In recent years, the global
terrorist organisation, Al Qaeda, has sought to exploit these divisions and
weaknesses to plot and execute attacks on the rest of the world. Our people know
only too well the destruction that a few people, blinded by an ideology of
extremism and terror, can wreak on a country. It is this small minority,
primarily the Al Qaeda affiliated group al Shabaab, that is responsible for the
current famine that is spreading throughout the country through their polices of
systematically looting grain stores; forcible recruitment of and extortion from
farmers and their families; and preventing access to the most affected regions
in the south to aid agencies.
However, the
threat they pose is not limited to our borders. Foreign fighters have sought to
export their noxious extremism to the rest of the Horn, recruiting and
sponsoring acts of terror in neighbouring countries such as Uganda, where last
year they murdered 76 innocent people. The insecurity they have created in the
south of Somalia has led to a large influx of refugees into Kenya and Ethiopia,
straining resources and spreading instability across the region.
They are also
actively planning to strike further afield. Just this week, one of the leaders
of the al Shabaab said the group is committed to continuing its battle against
the government of Somalia and also seeks to destroy both the United States and
the United Nations. It is also a well known fact that the al Shabaab have been
focussing their recruitment and radicalisation efforts on Somali Diasporas in
Australia, Europe, Canada and in the USA.
Clearly, the
battle against Al Qaeda is one in which we all have a stake and in which we all,
therefore, have responsibilities. In Somalia, we have been doing what we can,
within our limited resources, to fulfill our obligations in this regard. Barely
a month after US forces killed Osama bin Laden, one of his most wanted
deputies, Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, was shot dead by Somali security forces on
the outskirts of Mogadishu. Shortly thereafter, with the aid of African Union
forces, the Somali National Army succeeded in forcing the extremists to withdraw
the bulk of their forces from the capital. As a result, we are now able to begin
to provide needed humanitarian assistance to the city’s ever increasing
population of internally displaced persons who are fleeing the areas still held
by the extremists where the famine has hit hardest.
Though the
extremists’ retreat from Mogadishu is a welcome development, it may herald a new
and more dangerous phase of the conflict as they increasingly turn to asymmetric
tactics such as suicide bombings and the use of improvised explosive devices
targeting the civilian populace. As we continue build up our capacities, our
security agencies are alert to this threat and have already successfully
disrupted a number of planned attacks, including several targeting the hungry at
feeding centers.
Mr. President,
Terrorism preys on
decaying states, exploiting the poverty and the ungoverned spaces to radicalize,
recruit and plan. This is why the extremists have consistently fought against
the Somali Peace Process and sought to destroy the institutions it has
generated. Somalia’s leaders are redoubling efforts to achieve national
reconciliation and entrench democratic governance. Three weeks ago, with the
help of our international partners, we hosted a National Consultative Conference
in Mogadishu -the first - during which the transitional institutions and
representatives of regional administrations came together to adopt a Roadmap to
the re-establishment of permanent, legitimate and representative government for
the country.
This conference,
the culmination of Somali-led reconciliation initiatives dating back to the Arta
Declaration of May 2000, represents the best hope for Somalia to establish a
firm political foundation from which to rebuild. The Roadmap is a significant
achievement for the Somali Peace Process. Its adoption marks the first of many
steps on the path to the eventual conclusion of the transition process in a
responsible and productive manner. It has also shed light on the remaining
transitional tasks, including the drafting and promulgation of a new
constitution. The Transitional Federal Institutions have committed to meeting
the specific timelines and benchmarks for their implementation as outlined in
the Roadmap and this will allow the Somali people to monitor our performance in
this regard.
The support of
the international community is also crucial to ensuring its success. Indeed the
Conference itself would not have taken place but for the continued engagement of
the international community.
Let me also take
this opportunity to express my gratitude, on behalf of the entire nation, to the
African Union, and especially Uganda and Burundi, for the support they have
given and the sacrifices they have made so far in this worthy cause. The fact
that the Conference was safely held in Mogadishu is testimony to the
achievements in security that their forces have made possible in the city. I
must also thank all the countries represented here for the bilateral and
multilateral support given to both the transitional institutions and the AU
Mission in Somalia, without which none of what has been achieved, would have
been possible.
Going forward, as
we embark on the final leg of the transition process, we will continue to need
your help and support. The Roadmap has illuminated the path and though dangers
may lie in the shadows, we will not divert from it. We ask that you continue to
accompany us on this journey and continue to provide needed resources as we
advance towards full sovereignty
Despite the
remarkable progress we have made so far, the gains we have made remain fragile
and consolidating them will require resilience and unity from all. It is
critical that the Somali Army and AMISOM are urgently reinforced so they can
prevent a security vacuum in the areas of Mogadishu recently vacated by the
fleeing extremists, and make the city safe for both residents and aid workers.
The immediate deployment of the extra 3000 AMISOM troops already authorized by
the UN Security Council would be a crucial first step. Along with this, I have
asked the Security Council to reconsider the request from the African Union to
expand the force strength to 20,000 troops and provide them with the necessary
resources and support, including an air and marine component, so that the zone
of safety can be expanded to include the rest of the country.
In addition to
this, we must also begin to demonstrate to the people the fruits of peace and
democracy and to reverse the harmful effects of radicalisation. Somalia needs
the help of the outside world to rebuild its economy and provide jobs for the
millions of our young people who have been deprived of opportunities by the
anarchy of the past two decades. We must show them that there is a better
alternative to the gun.
The effort must begin at home. Let me
be the first to acknowledge that, in the past, we Somalis made mistakes, which
eroded the trust the international community has in our institutions. Somalia
can and must do better. In this time of national crisis, we
the Somali people must set aside our differences and come together to confront
the perils. Reconciliation must become our mantra as we work to further the
peace process and create an environment conducive for the delivery of aid. We in
the political class must also accept our responsibility for the errors of the
past and resolve to do better. The Somali people have had enough of war and
hunger; enough of political wrangling and corruption. They demand, and indeed
deserve, a government that puts the national interest before personal ambition;
one that fosters unity, not division.
The Transitional
Federal Government is making efforts to reverse this and to instil a sense of
patriotism and responsibility. We are making good progress in injecting
professionalism and transparency into revenue collection and economic management
systems, as well as to strengthen internal mechanisms governing dispersal of
government money and create a more open and accountable fiscal and monetary
system. The Central Bank of Somalia is up and running and the economic reforms
have resulted in the doubling of revenue from the Mogadishu Seaport and
quadrupled those from the Aden Ade International Airport. The funds are being
reinvested in provision of services to the people as our current capability
allows. For example, 15 per cent of the revenue collected from the Seaport has
been set aside for the rehabilitation of the city. As a result, for the first
time in twenty years Mogadishu is being cleared of rubble; roads are being
repaired and streets lit; markets, hospitals and schools are reopening. A
register containing the names and biometric data of all members of the security
forces has been compiled and our soldiers are receiving their allowances
As required by the
Roadmap, we have also embarked on the process of identifying nominees to the
Interim Independent Anti-Corruption Commission and we are formulating a National
Fiscal Budget for the coming fiscal year.
As with the gains
in the security sector, in order to entrench and safeguard these reforms, and to
deliver on the expectations of the Somali people, we in the Transitional Federal
Government must improve on our performance and create necessary conditions for
the growth of the Somali economy. However, the scale of the challenge is such
that we will continue to rely on the help of our international partners. It is
understandable that in the prevailing global economic environment, many in the
wealthier countries will be tempted to look to their own problems to the
detriment of providing aid and investment to their poorer cousins in the
developing world. I would caution against this. The visionaries who founded this
body understood that it was impossible to secure economic benefits for a section
of the global population for as long as these remain a distant dream for the
rest and sought to establish an interlinked global political and economic
infrastructure which ensured that citizens in every country could participate
in, and partake of the fruits of, global prosperity. I therefore urge the
international community to continue its generous support for the emerging
economic institutions as we strive to rebuild the destroyed infrastructure and
to jump start economic activity in the areas our forces are securing.
To the business
community, I say Somalia is truly Africa’s sleeping giant and a relatively small
investment here will go a long way. With the longest coastline on the continent,
bountiful and unexploited natural wealth and an entrepreneurial tradition that
dates back to the Roman times, a peaceful Somalia would be a force for
moderation and an engine of growth and prosperity for the region and for the
continent. Further, the integration of Somalia into the global economy will have
a considerable and beneficial impact on the phenomenon of piracy from our
shores, which imposes huge costs on global trade. As has been noted by many
observers, the lasting solution to this menace is not to be found in policing
the high seas. The regeneration of a vibrant economy on the land, providing jobs
and opportunity for all, is the sole antidote.
Mr. President,
The humanitarian
situation in Somalia remains dire. The UN has declared famine in a sixth region
which means that up to half the population is now facing the prospect of
starvation. Many of these continue to come to the capital seeking refuge and
over half a million have already arrived.
To deal with this
situation and to oversee the delivery of humanitarian assistance, a high level
cabinet committee has been created and, as per its recommendations, the
government has established several camps to house and feed them. A Disaster
Management Agency, comprising members of the civil society has also been
established and we are working with UN agencies such as the Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and
the World Food Program to synchronize our efforts to deal with the famine.
On behalf of the
entire Somali nation, I wish to express my gratitude for the pledges of
assistance that have been received from governments and humanitarian agencies
around the world. The greatest need, however, continues to be felt within areas
still under the effective control of the extremists, where access by
international humanitarian agencies is severely restricted. The insurgents are
also hampering the freedom of movement of millions who are trying to reach help
either in Mogadishu or in neighboring countries.
Without urgent
interventions to change this situation, it is estimated that up to
three-quarters of a million people may perish in the next few months. Though
normal to above-normal rainfall is expected to return in the next three months,
this is unlikely to result in a significant easing of the crisis in the short
term since the harvest would not be expected till February. In any case, the
production from the short rain season only accounts for a third of total annual
cereal production. The displacement of farmers by the current famine will only
further reduce the expected yield. In fact, the UN has indicated that it expects
the famine to spread to the rest of the south by the end of the year.
It is therefore
critical that we accelerate efforts to reach those in al Shabaab controlled
areas, while at the same time ensuring that international humanitarian workers
are afforded a measure of security against attacks and kidnappings by the
insurgents. As I noted earlier, the international community must urgently
reinforce our efforts to extend the zone of safety for aid workers beyond
Mogadishu and into these areas. In the meantime my government will continue to
work closely with humanitarian agencies to collect and share information on
needs and we stand ready to cooperate with all actors to ensure aid gets to the
most critically affected populations wherever they may be.
As stated before,
the challenges I have outlined have been aggravated by the increasing cycles of
devastating drought that we experience as a result of the changes in global
climate patterns. We in the Horn of Africa have been affected more than most. As
I speak, the region is experiencing its worst drought in a generation and the
scale of the suffering in my country is testament to price we are having to
There needs to be
a concerted effort not just to address the causes of climate change but also to
mitigate the adverse effects, especially in countries such as Somalia that have
contributed little to the problem but are bearing the brunt of its consequences.
In this regard, let me reiterate the appeal issued during the recent Summit on
the Horn of Africa Crisis held in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, for developed
nations to facilitate the transfer of technology and building up of the capacity
of developing nations to adapt to these challenges. Somalia will require
assistance to improve water resource management and reduce our reliance on
rain-fed agriculture even as we strive to implement the targets agreed to at the
Nairobi Summit of ten percent forest cover and irrigated land by the year 2017.
Furthermore, we
fully support the right of Palestine to become a full member of the Community of
Nations. We believe the two-state solution for the Palestinian – Israeli
problem, where Palestinians should be allowed to live in peace and dignity in
their own homeland. We have all seen the changes happening in the Arab World and
the international community must support the peaceful and democratic aspirations
of the people. We must all support the National Transitional Council of Libya in
order to bring peace and stability in that country.
In conclusion,
today the future of Somalia hangs in the balance and with it the prospect of
peace, stability and prosperity on the Horn of Africa and security for nations
across the world. Resolute global action in support our efforts is now required
if we are to consolidate and build on the gains already made, and extend them to
the rest of the country for the sake of future generations.
Thank You.
Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng.
Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister of Somalia
& Spokesperson of the Government
Tel: +252615479911 or +252699998854
Read Also:
Ministerial Mini-Summit on the Humanitarian Response in the Horn of Africa

Watch here
Faafin: | September 24, 2011