w w w . S o m a l i T a l k . c o m

6 June, 2013

Somali Federal Government clarifies its position on territorial waters

In its weekly meeting the council of ministers issued the following statement on the issue of Somali territorial waters:

1. The government reiterates its support for the Transitional Federal Government parliament’s decision of 1 August 2009 calling “null and void” the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the TFG Minister of International Cooperation and Kenyan Minister of Foreign Affairs signed in Nairobi on 7 April 2009.

2. On 12 March 2010, the UN stated that the 2009 MOU was to be considered “non-actionable” because it had been rejected by the Somali parliament.

3. The government’s position is Somali Law No. 37 on the Territorial Sea and Ports, signed on 10 September 1972, which defines Somali territorial sea as 200 nautical miles and continental shelf. On 24th July 1989 Somali ratified the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

4. The Federal Government of Somalia does not consider it appropriate to open new discussions on maritime demarcation or limitations on the continental shelf with any parties.

5. The government is committed to strong bilateral relations with Kenya and looks forward to working with the government of President Kenyatta on a number of issues, including the safe repatriation of Somali refugees in Kenya and improving border security for the benefit of both countries.


Ahmed Adan

Prime Minister’s Media Office
Mogadishu, Somalia

Phone: +252 (0) 616 44 00 28

Shirkii golaha wasiirada ee June 6, 2013

Faafin: |  June 6, 2013


Qoraalladii Wareeggii hore ee Difaaca Badda Soomaaliya


Kulaabo bogga ©

La soo xiriir:


Xukuumada Federaaliga ah ee Soomaaliya waxay aqoonsan tahay sharciga qaran ee badaha Law No. 37. ee qeexaya dhererka xadka badda “territorial water” ee gaaraya 200 mayl-badeed iyo continental shelf . Waxay dawlada Soomaaliya ogolaatay xeerka badaha aduunka ee ay wax ka saxiixday 24kii Luuliyo 1989 ayadoo aan ka tanaasulin sharciga qaran.




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