w w w . S o m a l i T a l k . c o m

Booqashadii Gudoomiyaha Ururka Somaliland Forum ee K/Africa.

South Africa, waxaa maalinkii talaadadii ee 24 june,booqasho hawleed gaaban oo 2maalmood ah kuyimid wadanka Koonfur Africa, Mudane Jamaal Husseyn oo ah madaxa sare ee Bangiga City Bank qeybtiisa Afrika ee wadanka Ivory-Coast. Mudane Jamaal oo islamarkaana ah gudoomiyaha ururka Daladda Qurbojooga Somaliland Forum oo kubahoobey sidii ey wadankooda wax uguqabanlahaayeen uganahorumarinlahaayeen dhinacyadda bulsheed, dhaqaaleed, siyaasadeed, iyagoo islamarkaasina xaga hore kagajira dadaalka laguraadinayo Ictiraaf caalami ah.

Mar'aan kubooqdey Mudane Jamaal Hutelka Hilton International ee Magaaloweynta Johannesburg uu markaasi deganaa, ayaa iicadeeyey in socdaalkiisan oo ahaa mid hawleed uu markasi u heley fursad in uu lakulmo xubno katirsan ururka taladda k/Africa gacanta kuhaya ee ANCda, iyo companiyo kale oo uu uga waramey Somaliland iyo horumaradda dhinacyadda badanleh.

Mudane Jamaal wuxuu lakulmey Mbulelo G. oo ah ANC Chief Whip of the Gauteng Legislature kulankaasi oo kadhacey Johannesburg ayaa waxa kamid ah arimaha ey kawadahadleen Somaliland iyo qadiyadeeda gooni isutaaga, kor uqaadida wadashaqeynta iyo xidhiidhka fiican ee Somaliland iyo South Africa, aqoonsiga Somaliland. Wuxuu kaloo lakulmey shirkadda Brenthurst Foundation oo ah shirkad horumarin kusameysa wadamadda Africa iyadoo ugafaa'iideysa kheyraadka rabaaniga ah, shirkadan oo fadhigeedu yahey south Africa ayaa wadashaqeyn layeelandoonta ururka Somaliland forum iyo jamhuuriyadda Somaliland sida uu iicadeeyey mudane Jamaal. Wuxuu kale uu lakulmey Mudane Shirkadda weyn ee Anglo America oo ah shirkad macdaneed degan K/Africa.

Maalinkii Talaaladda wuxuu Mudane Jamaal wareysi dheer siiyey warbahinta siiba TVga SABC AFRICA oo uu ugawaramey guud ahaan Somaliland iyo horumaradda kaladuwan ee kajira iyo arimaha ey kagaduwanyihiin Somaliya oo ey kahaloosanyihiin dagaalo ba'ani "Somaliland waxey leedahey ama kajira kaladanbeyn, dadka reer Somaliland madax, guurti, madaxdhaqameedyo, isku si iyo isku meel ayey wax u wadaan oo wey iskuduubanyihiin, halka dhinaca soomaaliya ey kajirto tafaraaruq"mudane Jamaal oo u waramaya SABC AFRICA. Isla wareysiga wuxuu ugaxogwaramey Somaliland forum iyo kaalinta ey kagajirto horumarinta Somaliland.

Waxa kale oo 26 june xogwarankale siiyey barnaamijka pinpoint ee kabaxa SABC AFRICA halkaas oo uu kawaramey markale Somaliland iyo silsilada taariikheed iyo xadaaradihii uguhoreeyey ee geeska Africa iyo in ey Somaliland kabilowdeen, waxa kale uu daaha ugaqaadey sida Somaliland ujecleyd in ey isugukeento 5tii soomaliya 60meeyadii iyo riyadaasi sida ey faraha ugagagubatey Somaliland, Somaliland iyo xaalkeeda manta iyo arimaha ey jeceshahey in south Africa ey waxkalaqabato.

Mudane Jamaal oo booqasho 2 maalmood oo kali ah kujoogey booqasho hawlo u gaar ah ee South Africa ayaa wuxuu u qabtey qaranka Somaliland & Ururka uu Madaxda kayahey ee Somaliland Forum, hawl aad u badan, wuxuu wareysiyo isdabajooga siiyey wargeysadda kasoobaxa k/Africa, siiba televsisionka iyo radio ah uguafka dheer qaaradda Africa ee radio 702 ee fadhigisuyahey south Africa, iyo radioga codka capetown (voice of capetown), barnaamijyadan oo dad aad utirobadan lasooxidheedheen oo ey wax kaweydiiyeen Somaliland iyo sida ey ugaduwantahey Somalia inteeda kale, Jamaal booqashadiisu oo kusoobeegantey 48 guuradii kasoowareegtey markii Somaliland xornimadeedii kaheshey mustacmarkii ingiriiska ayaa aheyd mid dad tirobadan oo rer south africa ahi ey fursad u helaan in ey wax ka ogaadaan Somaliland, halkaasi oo mudane Jamaal kucasumey dadkaasi in ey soobooqdaan Somaliland. Somaliland Forum waxey Somaliland kasameeyeen 19 mashruucilaa markii la aasaasey 1995kii oo isugujira mashaariic caafimaad, waxbarasheed, horumartinta agoomaha somaliland, dhisitaan hospitaalo, sida uu iixaqiijiyey gudoomiye Jamaal, waxey kutalojiraan sanadkana (insha allah) in ey mashaariic badan fuliyaan iyagoo ictiraaf raadinta somaliland uu kakowyahey waxqabadkooda sanadkan.

English Version:

Somaliland is the deepest need and not the need for food aid, for peace, for conferences to be held in its name. Somaliland needs more practical heads like those of the chairperson for Somaliland forum. Jamal Ali Hussein recently on business trip in South Africa saw a need to further engage the world about issues relating to Somaliland in social, political and economic sense and in no order of importance. We have entered an era when we shouldn't be making peace the order of the day but also other issues which without we can't speak of a peaceful anything and Jamal seemingly has in him to bring the debate on and about Somaliland to new heights. Mr. Jamal had interview with SABC AFRICA (twice) on Somaliland and met with the ANC Chief Whip of the Gauteng Legislature, he also met with the Deputy Director of the Brenthurst Foundation, Mr. Steve Stead, the economic think-tank of Anglo-American, he had interview with 702, the greatest radio in Africa, & Voice of Cape town's programme, he also met with the community of Somaliland in Southern Africa. All these official meetings was within 2 short days.

He spoke of Somaliland in South Africa despite the chief reasons for being in the country which was noble and I think to the betterment of the Somaliland people. It's with such vociferous minds that we can demand recognition not only from the world but from ourselves too… and stop waiting for some country to do that. His views has certainly changed how I personally think of the challenges which we face as a nation in self realization and a nation in transition from a bad history to being a prime example of peace and stability in the horn of Africa. His presence has reminded myself and many Somalilanders in Diaspora that we are indeed a nation in transition and we have so much to do while in overseas and while at home. That is so because we share the common humanity and history and it with such small battles that we are once again in position of strength and hope.

Ben Okri once said: Better a complex mind on simple issues than a simple mind over complex issues. We are complex in our thinking and any simple issue including recognition we shall receive victory in them.

Somaliland Forum had implemented 19 projects in Somaliland since its creation 1995, these projects includes health, education, assisting orphans, this year the forum will focus more on the recognition seeking.

According the website of the, The Somaliland Forum is a non-partisan independent think-tank that brings together Somalilanders, mainly in the Diaspora. We believe in a sovereign, democratic and independent Somaliland. Working together with Somaliland Communities and Somaliland friends around the globe, the main goal of the Forum is to contribute and to work towards the advancement of the Republic of Somaliland.

We encourage Somalilanders to become members of our organization. Membership is open to any Somalilander as long as he/she abides by the bylaws of the organization.

Somaliland Forum Executive Committee (EC) serves for a period of one year after elections by the members.

Chairman: Jamal Ali Hussein (Abidjan, Ivory Coast)

Vice-Chair: Amina Abdi Jama (Toronto, Canada)

Secretary: Lul Farah, active Somaliland Recognition activist who chairs Somaliland International Recogntion Action Group (SIRAG) (London, UK)

Treasurer: Eng. Ali Abdillahi Dahir (Hargeisa, Somaliland)

Member-at-Large: Eng. Abdisalan Muse Galaal (Sohar, Oman)

Compiled by Saeed Furaa,

South Africa,

 Faafin: | July 2, 2008


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